An hour later, Lin Xuan and the special forces arrived at Qingfeng Mountain.

"To survive in the wilderness, you must first solve the three major problems of food, water and shelter."

"We will stay in the mountains for seven days, so we need to solve the problem of accommodation first."

"After all, there are wolves, tigers and leopards in the wild, which is very unsafe. If you don’t have a place to live, you can easily be killed by these wild animals."

"To solve the problem of"housing", the most convenient way is to build a thatched house. Building a thatched house is convenient and quick. It can shelter from wind and rain, and also shelter from the sun."

"However, building a thatched house is not very comfortable to live in. First, it is not safe and it is easy to be attacked by tigers and cheetahs. Secondly, there are many mosquitoes and it is easy to be bitten, so... I plan to make something else."

After hearing what Lin Xuan said, some netizens became curious and asked,"Anchor, what are you going to make?"

Lin Xuan smiled and said,"I plan to dig a small underground palace."

"Underground palaces are generally warm in winter and cool in summer. They are the most comfortable way to live in the wild. They have three advantages: first, wild animals cannot attack them; second, mosquitoes cannot get in; and third, they are safe and comfortable."

When netizens heard this, they were immediately surprised.

"Damn, underground palace?"

"Oh my god, we have to dig an underground palace, this is a bit difficult!"

Netizens left comments one after another, feeling a little unbelievable.

When the special forces heard what Lin Xuan said, they were all stunned.

They all thought that Lin Xuan would build a small hut, after all, building a hut is the easiest and quickest, but they didn't expect Lin Xuan to say that he wanted to dig an underground palace.

This is a bit unbelievable.

The special forces looked at Lin Xuan and thought to themselves, can this be dug out?

"Don't worry, there will be no problem."

At this time, Lin Xuan smiled calmly and said confidently

"Let's find a suitable place to dig the underground palace first."

Lin Xuan looked around, and suddenly, his eyes lit up.

""This place ahead is great!"

Lin Xuan walked over quickly.

Soon, Lin Xuan walked to a flat and tidy hillside.

Standing here, Lin Xuan said,"This location is great. The terrain is relatively high and flat, and there are no trees. First, it is not easy to accumulate water. Second, it is easy to dig without tree roots. It is most suitable to dig an underground palace here!"

Lin Xuan looked at the land and nodded with satisfaction.

The drone camera was raised.

It was filmed from the air.

Netizens only saw that the location chosen by Lin Xuan was located on a small hillside. The surrounding soil was loose, the terrain was slightly raised, and there was only a small grass growing. It looked really good.

"Okay, let's get ready to dig. Do you have an engineer shovel?"

Lin Xuan looked at several special forces soldiers.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, here you go."

Dong Rui immediately took out a sharp engineer shovel from his backpack and handed it to Lin Xuan respectfully.

""Before sunset tonight, I have to dig out the underground palace, otherwise, I will have no place to live tonight."

Lin Xuan took the engineer shovel and said something to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

Hearing this, several special forces were stunned. The underground palace was so difficult to dig, how could it be dug out before sunset?

The netizens were also stunned when they heard this.

"Damn, Before Sunset? Can the anchor do it?"

"I think it's a bit difficult to dig out a mausoleum big enough for six people to live in."

"The underground palace for six people must have more than 20 square meters to be dug out, right? This is not an easy task."

Netizens were discussing and raising questions in their minds. They all thought that it would be very difficult to dig out an underground palace in such a short time.

At this time, Lin Xuan said,"It should be no problem."

Lin Xuan smiled slightly, then used a shovel to mark out a rectangular area of about 25 square meters on the flat ground.

"Dig five meters deep into this rectangle, and then dig six single rooms on the side of the earth wall, and you can create an underground palace for us to live in."

"I'm going to start digging now. Everyone, watch me and see how I dig."

Lin Xuan took the engineer shovel, rolled up his sleeves, and prepared to start.

"Mr. Lin, do you need our help?"

At this time, Dong Rui took the initiative to ask

"No, you just watch from the side."

Lin Xuan said calmly.

The special forces were stunned when they heard it.

They thought Lin Xuan would dig with them, but who knew that Lin Xuan would do it alone? Just let them watch. For a moment, several special forces looked at each other, thinking that Lin Xuan was too strong, actually doing it alone, and had no intention of asking them to help.

"You just watch and learn from the side, you don't have to do anything."

Lin Xuan explained with a smile

"I understand, Mr. Lin."

Several special forces soldiers nodded when they heard this.

In the live broadcast room, netizens were shocked to see that Lin Xuan was going to do it alone without any help.

"WTF, the host is so awesome, digging by himself, is he trying to be an excavator?"

"I was shocked. The anchor dug a 25-square-meter, five-meter-deep underground palace by himself? Isn't this too fierce?"

Netizens were all surprised.

At this time, Lin Xuan held the engineer shovel in both hands and officially started working.

He used the engineer shovel to quickly dig on the ground.

‘Swish! Swish! Swish!

The crisp sound of digging sounded, like a piece of music, very pleasant to the ear.

Lin Xuan inserted the engineer shovel into the soil and quickly dug up shovelfuls of soil. The soil was like sand, and Lin Xuan easily dug it out and dug it all to the back.

He held the engineer shovel with both hands, his arms were strong and powerful, showing a healthy wheat color, and beads of sweat overflowed from his skin and dripped onto the ground.

The sweat soaked Lin Xuan's���The thin clothes showed his perfect body in front of everyone, eight abdominal muscles, slightly raised chest muscles, all of which showed Lin Xuan's explosive body.

The female fans couldn't help drooling when they saw such a perfect body.

"Love it, the anchor's figure makes me intoxicated"

"I want to hug the anchor, she has such a great figure"

""Wow, I want to get married, marry the anchor!"

Female fans left messages one after another, wishing they could enter the screen and touch Lin Xuan's perfect body.

A few minutes later, Lin Xuan had dug three meters below the ground and dug out a large pile of soil next to him.

The speed of digging was so fast that netizens were shocked.

"Wow, this host is so awesome!"

"Oh my god, has the anchor dug so deep in just a blink of an eye?"

Netizens expressed surprise.

The special forces were also surprised.

They were standing by and watching Lu Linxuan digging.

They could clearly see how fast Linxuan was digging.

Moreover, Linxuan's physical strength was amazing.

He seemed to know no fatigue.

He kept digging in the soil with a shovel.

The soil flew out.

The speed was extremely fast and the efficiency was amazing.

Lin Xuan's work alone was basically equivalent to five people digging at the same time.

This kind of strong physical ability made the special forces ashamed.

They were sure that they could not do it.

At this time, Lin Xuan was continuing to dig non-stop.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

The sound of digging mud continued to ring.

It was smooth and fast.

It was like a beautiful piece of music.

Lin Xuan held the engineer shovel and dug the mud again and again with both hands firmly and powerfully. It was smooth and fast, as if he was performing an extremely skilled action. Just watching it was a visual enjoyment.

Netizens watched quietly. They saw that the 25 square meters of open space was soon dug by Lin Xuan to a depth of five meters underground.


A few hours later, Lin Xuan dug out the last handful of soil and threw it out of the hole. Then, he jumped out of the hole with a smile on his face and said,"The hole has been dug out."

The drone took off and filmed from above.

All that could be seen was a deep and wide underground cave on the slope.

The four mud walls in the cave were extremely flat.

The soil underneath had been cleared away.

Lin Xuan stood next to the cave. The large cave made Lin Xuan look very small, forming a sharp contrast. The dug underground palace was indeed huge.

"Holy shit, the host is so awesome!"

"The anchor is amazing, he dug out this big hole!"

"I admire the host and give you a big thumbs up!"

"I watched it and it only took the anchor two and a half hours to dig this big hole. Awesome!"

"If I were to dig it, I probably wouldn't be able to finish it even if I dug it all day."

"I kneel down to the anchor."

In the live broadcast room, barrages of comments flew up

"【Luo Badao] gave 10 rockets as a reward and left a message: The host is really amazing and the digging speed is so fast!"

"【I am a fairy] I gave 10 rockets as a reward and left a message: Host, I think I can call you a human excavator?"

"【[A Flower] rewarded 20 rockets and left a message:"I admire the anchor so much! Really strong physical strength."

Seeing that Lin Xuan dug such a big hole in just over two hours, netizens were full of admiration and gave a large wave of rewards.

The special forces were secretly surprised to see Lin Xuan dig such a big hole. In about two hours, Lin Xuan was able to dig such a big hole. This kind of physical strength is really amazing!

Even the most capable captain in their army can't do this.

Several special forces looked at each other, and then looked at Lin Xuan together, with great admiration in their eyes.

Lin Xuan's strength is really strong and powerful!

His super physical fitness is really not comparable to ordinary people.

And Lin Xuan's spirit of not fearing difficulties when digging holes is worth learning.

At this time.

Lin Xuan smiled, and then continued:"The hole has been dug now. Next, I started to dig rooms, six rooms, three rooms on each wall, each room is three meters long and three meters wide. This step is relatively easy."

"Everyone, look at me."

As he said that, Lin Xuan picked up the engineer shovel and jumped into the cave.

Lin Xuan first drew traces of three rooms on two walls, three meters wide and three meters long, with six rooms drawn on each side.


Then, Lin Xuan picked up the engineer shovel, aimed at the traces of the first room, and started digging quickly.

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