"This anchor named Lin Xuan is really amazing, even better than many special forces captains in our military region!"

"Look at how calm he was when he faced the three murderers. And how fast, accurate and ruthless he was in taking the dangerous iron gun. Are any of the special forces captains of Longya able to do what he did?"

"Over the past three years, our Southern Military Region has jointly held special forces competitions with several other military regions. You have all lost everything. Have you ever seriously reflected on yourselves?"

"If you can do half of his ability, it's not enough!"

The dignified middle-aged man spoke in a steady voice, with the momentum of a superior. He looked at the several special forces in uniform in front of him, his eyes like lightning.

"Commander, we are ashamed. We are indeed not as good as him."

In front of us, several burly men in military uniforms all lowered their heads and said with shame.

"I know you are not as good as him.……"

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, then said,"How about this, you go and learn from this anchor named Lin Xuan for a week, learn his wilderness survival knowledge, learn his martial arts skills, if you can learn even a little bit, you shouldn't lose so badly in this year's military league!"

Several special forces captains looked at each other, then nodded,"Yes, Commander!"

"Go ahead, pack up and leave tomorrow. I'll have someone contact Lin Xuan, and you'll leave for Qingyang Village tomorrow morning."

The commander said.

Several special forces captains saluted and said in unison:"Yes, Commander!"

After the special forces captains left, the commander picked up a phone and dialed.

At the same time.

Public Security Bureau.

Jiang Jianguo's cell phone suddenly rang.

"Who's calling?"

Jiang Jianguo took out his cell phone and saw the number. He was immediately surprised.

"Is it the military commander, Mr. Wei? Why is he calling me?"

Jiang Jianguo trembled slightly, and then hurriedly pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Commander Wei, what can I do for you?"

Jiang Jianguo asked carefully, his tone extremely respectful.

The other party was the commander of the military region, a high-ranking official.

"Xiao Jiang, I need to trouble you with something."

Hearing this, Jiang Jianguo said quickly:"Commander Wei, you are welcome. It is my honor to help you."

"OK. Xiao Jiang, as far as I know, you have been in contact with the anchor named Lin Xuan, right? Can you help me contact him? I plan to send a team tomorrow to learn from Lin Xuan.……"

Jiang Jianguo was extremely shocked when he heard Commander Wei's words. He did not expect that Commander Wei would send someone to learn from Lin Xuan. This was too surprising. It was definitely something unprecedented in the military region.

"Commander, rest assured, I will definitely help you with this favor!"

Jiang Jianguo came back to his senses and agreed.

It was a great honor for the famous Commander Wei to ask for his help. No matter how difficult the task was, Jiang Jianguo would find a way to do it.

""Okay, thank you, Xiao Jiang."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Jianguo took a deep breath, still feeling a little flattered.

Commander Wei actually called to ask for help. This favor must be done! And it must be done perfectly, no matter what!

Thinking of this, Jiang Jianguo immediately strode out of the office.

"Xiaoling, prepare a helicopter for me!"

Jiang Jianguo shouted

""Director, why do you need a helicopter so late at night?"

Xiaoling asked in confusion.

"There is no time to explain. I have to find Lin Xuan, prepare the helicopter, and leave immediately!"

Jiang Jianguo said. Although it was already night, Jiang Jianguo was impatient and could not wait any longer.

Policewoman Xiaoling was surprised to see Jiang Jianguo so anxious.

The director was always calm, and it was the first time she saw him so anxious.

And all this was because of Lin Xuan, a Douyu anchor.

"Yes, Chief! I will prepare a helicopter for you right away."

Xiao Ling saluted and ran out quickly.

A moment later, a helicopter appeared on the grass outside the police station.

Jiang Jianguo and Xiao Ling walked onto the helicopter.


A huge roar sounded.

The helicopter took off and headed straight for Qingyang Village.

An hour later.

The helicopter arrived at Qingyang Village.

"Land at the entrance of the village.

Jiang Jianguo said

"Director, we can land directly in Lin Xuan's courtyard."

Xiao Ling said

"No! It's already one o'clock in the middle of the night. Lin Xuan has fallen asleep so late. We can't disturb him."

The director said in a deep voice

"That's right, the director is thoughtful."

Xiao Ling nodded.

Then, the helicopter landed at the entrance of the village.

It was already late at night.

The villagers were asleep, so they didn't see the helicopter landing.

Otherwise, this helicopter would definitely cause a huge sensation.

"We will wait here for one night, and we will visit Lin Xuan tomorrow morning after he wakes up."

The director said

""Yes, Director."

Xiaoling nodded, and admired the director's respect for talents. In order not to disturb Lin Xuan's rest, he actually planned to rest in the helicopter, which was a very hard thing.

Time passed like flowing water.

Unknowingly, the moon set and the sun rose.

A night passed.

The next morning.

A ray of sunlight shone in from the window.

Lin Xuan got up from the bed, stretched, then climbed out of the bed, opened the window, and smelled the fresh air.

"The air is so fresh"

"Well, it's time to cook breakfast."

Lin Xuan walked into the kitchen, cut some of the venison left over from last night, and poured it into the white rice to cook a delicious venison porridge.

After the venison porridge was cooked, the fragrant smell spread out, making people salivate.

Lin Xuan brought the venison porridge to the dining table outside.

The three pets smelled the fragrance and immediately ran out and gathered around the dining table.

Lin Xuan put the venison porridge into white porcelain bowls.

"Eat it.���"

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

The three pets started eating from their bowls.

Lin Xuan picked up the soup spoon. He was also about to enjoy the delicious venison porridge.

"Knock knock knock~"

At this moment, there was a crisp knock on the door outside.

"Hmm? Who's here so early in the morning?"

Lin Xuan was puzzled, then walked out and opened the wooden door of the yard.

Outside the door was a familiar face, Jiang Jianguo. In addition, there was a beautiful female police officer.

"Lin Xuan, we meet again.

Jiang Jianguo smiled brightly.

"Director Jiang."

Lin Xuan was a little confused. Why was he here so early in the morning? And he brought a female police officer with him.

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