"You are the only one left."

Lin Xuan looked at Zhu Renqiang and said with a smile

"" Swish!"

Zhu Renqiang suddenly took out the iron barrel gun in his hand, held the gun barrel with both hands, and pointed the black muzzle directly at Lin Xuan's head.

He put his index finger on the trigger and said coldly:"Boy, don't think you are awesome just because you are good at boxing and kicking. Have you heard a saying? No matter how good your martial arts are, you can be knocked down with one shot!"

"Go to hell!"

Zhu Renqiang suddenly pulled the trigger.


The sound of gunfire suddenly rang out.

A bullet flew out of the chamber and quickly shot towards Lin Xuan.


Seeing this scene, the netizens in the live broadcast room immediately took a breath of cold air.

Li Xuemei's pupils shrank, and her hands pressed tightly on the table. Her eyes were wide open, and she didn't blink.

At the moment when Zhu Renqiang fired, Lin Xuan suddenly jumped to the side.

While dodging, Lin Xuan threw the branch in his hand fiercely at Zhu Renqiang's wrist.

The branch turned into a phantom, flew over like lightning, and hit Zhu Renqiang's arm.


Zhu Renqiang groaned in pain, and his hands fell to the ground involuntarily because of the severe pain.

The next second, Lin Xuan rushed forward and picked up the gun on the ground.

Then, Lin Xuan held the gun, pointed the black muzzle at Zhu Renqiang's forehead, put his index finger on the trigger, and raised a smile on his face.

"You lose."

Lin Xuan said.

Zhu Renqiang raised his head and saw the murderous black muzzle. His face, which was covered with flesh, suddenly turned pale, and fine beads of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

""Brother, don't be impulsive, let's talk it over nicely!"

Zhu Renqiang's voice trembled slightly, and he kept swallowing his saliva.

Lin Xuan smiled and said,"Do you have anything else to say?"

""Big brother, don't kill me. I have parents and children to take care of. Please spare my life, let me go this time!"

Zhu Renqiang knelt on the ground with a plop, kowtowed with his head, and his forehead was covered with black mud.

In the live broadcast room, netizens were stunned when they saw this scene.

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"


Instantly, the two words"Wow" were all over the screen again.

Netizens were extremely surprised.

"Oh my god, the anchor actually grabbed the gun! That's amazing!"

"Wow, the host's operation is incredible, so awesome! He brought his iron pipe gun over in the blink of an eye, awesome!"

"Anchor, I want to call you the strongest man on earth!"

"I knelt down in front of the host. His move of throwing the branch to grab the gun was simply amazing!"

"The host's skills are truly amazing. I am completely in awe of him!"

"【Luo Badao] gave 10 rockets as a reward and left a message: The anchor is awesome! I worship the anchor!"

"【Yizhihua] gave 15 rockets as a reward and left a message: The host is awesome, he is simply the enemy of crime!"

"【I am a fairy] rewarded 20 rockets and left a message: Brother Lin is still so powerful, I admire you!"

Netizens were amazed to see Lin Xuan snatch the gun in an instant and reverse the disadvantage, so they rewarded one after another, and countless rocket shadows appeared in the live broadcast room.

At the same time, the police station.

The police saw Lin Xuan snatch the murderer's gun so easily, and they immediately showed disbelief.

"Lin Xuan actually snatched the gun, so awesome!"

"This operation is a model of seizing a gun!"

"Hiss~~ Too powerful, he can actually snatch the gun from Zhu Renqiang, such a ruthless guy, so amazing!"

"Lin Xuan’s ability is the most powerful I have ever seen, stronger than many special forces soldiers!"

"If Lin Xuan participates in the special forces selection competition, I believe he will definitely become the best soldier!"

"With Lin Xuan's ability, if he were to join the army, he would definitely be a military king!"

The policemen were talking about it. They were completely impressed by Lin Xuan's ability and had a strong admiration for him.

Qingfeng Mountain. Dense forest.

Lin Xuan looked at Zhu Renqiang who was begging for mercy on the ground and smiled and shook his head.

"Sorry, begging for mercy is useless."

Lin Xuan shook his head, then gently pulled the trigger with his index finger.

"You can go to hell now."

After saying that, Lin Xuan pulled the trigger directly.


A crisp sound rang out.


Hearing the gunshot, Zhu Renqiang trembled all over and fainted immediately. He fell to the ground unconscious.

"You are such a coward. I fired a blank shot to scare you, but you fainted. Is that how brave you are?"

Lin Xuan took out a row of magazines from his back, shook his head helplessly, and laughed.

In the live broadcast room, netizens couldn't help laughing when they saw Lin Xuan's operation and heard his words.

"Hahaha, the host’s action is so naughty!"

"Love it, love it, is the host so naughty?"

"The anchor is really good. He fired a blank gun and scared the person to death. I laughed to death.~!"

"He is a murderer, but I didn't expect him to be so cowardly. What a coward! Hahaha"

"It would be best if this guy was scared to death. He is guilty of a heinous crime and deserves death. Well done, host!"

"【Luo Badao] gave 20 rockets and left a message: Well done, anchor! Scared him to tears"

"【Yizhihua] gave 25 rockets as a reward and left a message: The host is awesome, I like you!"

"【I am a fairy] rewarded 30 rockets and left a message: Brother Lin is so awesome!"

Netizens talked about it and kept sending barrages.

Some rich netizens gave rewards directly, and the live broadcast room was full of rockets.

At the same time, at the police station, the police saw Lin Xuan firing blanks and frightening Zhu Renqiang, and they couldn't help laughing.

"Lin Xuan's bomb disposal was so quick that he even fooled Zhu Renqiang's eyes."

"Lin Xuan's hand speed is really amazing. He removed the magazine in such a short time that I couldn't see it clearly even though I was staring at the live broadcast room."

"Lin Xuan is indeed very powerful. I really admire him."

The police kept saying this, and they admired Lin Xuan more and more.

At this time.

The director's office

"Great! Lin Xuan has subdued all three wanted criminals. He did a great job!"

The chief's face was full of joy and he was extremely excited.

He slapped the table hard to vent his joy.

The policewoman said with a smile:"Chief, I told you, Lin Xuan was successful."

"Not bad, not bad."

The director smiled and nodded with great satisfaction.

"Oh, Xiaoling, pass on my order immediately and send a team to pick up Lin Xuan and bring these three murderers to justice!"

The director waved his hand and gave an order.

"Yes, Director.

Xiaoling saluted and left the office.

""Wait a minute!" the director suddenly shouted

""What's wrong, Chief?" the policewoman asked.

The chief said,"I'll go pick up Lin Xuan myself! I really want to meet this young man."

The policewoman was slightly startled. The chief is going to go in person? This is the first time the chief has gone out in person in all these years.

"Prepare the helicopter, let's go!"

The director's majestic voice sounded, and then he strode out.

"Yes, Chief!"

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