After entering the live broadcast room, the policewoman looked at it and immediately showed a look of extreme surprise on her face.

"Oh my god! He actually met three murderers!"

The policewoman remembered the faces of these three murderers very clearly, so she recognized them as murderers at the first sight.

"Who is this anchor? How could he find the murderer?

The policewoman was curious and immediately searched for information about Lin Xuan.

The next moment, countless pieces of information appeared on the screen.

The policewoman was shocked when she saw it.

"Oh my god, this anchor named Lin Xuan is so powerful? He punched a black bear and shot a python to death... Are these things really something a human can do?"

The policewoman watched Lin Xuan's videos one by one, and her eyes were filled with shock.

"No wonder he dared to go up the mountain alone to look for the murderer! He is so brave!"

"No, I have to tell the chief immediately!"

The policewoman stood up and walked quickly to the chief's office.


Pushing open the office door, the policewoman immediately said,"Chief! A Douyu anchor named Lin Xuan has found three murderers on Qingfeng Mountain! Go and have a look!"

"What did you say?"

The dignified police chief was stunned when he heard this, and then a look of doubt appeared on his face.

"Is it true?" the director asked doubtfully.

These three murderers were clever and cunning, and they were extremely vicious. The fact that they were able to escape from prison was enough to show that they were very smart.

When the director heard that a host had found the murderer, he couldn't help but show a look of doubt.

"Chief, it's true. If you don't believe me, go to his live broadcast room and have a look!" the policewoman said hurriedly.

"Live broadcast room? He is broadcasting live?"

The chief was stunned.

The policewoman nodded and said,"Yes, he is broadcasting live, you will know it at a glance."

The policewoman walked forward and directly entered the URL of Lin Xuan's live broadcast room and clicked into it.

After opening Lin Xuan's live broadcast room, the chief took a look and saw that there were indeed three murderers in the live broadcast room.

He immediately showed surprise on his face,"It's those three murderers!"

After being surprised, the chief immediately came to his senses.

"Great, finally found these three guys!"

"Quick! Send someone over there and catch these three murderers for me!"

The director slammed the table hard, his eyes flashing with surprise.

""Chief, is it too late to send someone over now? This place is deep in the mountains. It will take at least an hour for us to send someone in. If we send a helicopter, the mountains are high and the forests are dense, so it is impossible to land. By the time our people get there, these three murderers will have already run away."

The policewoman said worriedly.

The chief calmed down when he heard this. He thought about it carefully and realized that this made sense.

If we send someone over now, these cunning murderers will have already run away.


The director slammed the table, his eyes red, and stared at the live broadcast room

"The murderers are right in front of us, but we can't catch them. It's so frustrating!"

The director gritted his teeth and said angrily

"Director... this anchor is very powerful. Maybe he can subdue these three murderers."

The policewoman said in a low voice.

"This anchor is very powerful? What does that mean?"

The director was puzzled when he heard this. He usually didn't watch live broadcasts, so he didn't know about Lin Xuan.

The policewoman thought for a while and said,"Chief, let me tell you, this anchor named Lin Xuan is even more powerful than a special forces soldier. Before, he once knocked a black bear away with one punch, and even killed a cheetah with one punch! He also tried to stab a python to death with one gun. Do you think he is strong?"

The director was a little unbelievable when he heard this.

"Is this true or false?"

The director frowned slightly and asked

"It's true, Chief. If you don't believe me, I'll show you the video!"

The policewoman immediately pulled up the video on the Internet. There were many videos of Lin Xuan circulating on the Internet, and they were easy to find.

The policewoman first clicked on the video of Lin Xuan punching a big black bear away.

"Chief, look."

The policewoman pointed at the video and said.

The chief put on his glasses and watched the video carefully. He saw that in the video, Lin Xuan faced an extremely strong and ferocious black bear. He punched it directly and knocked the black bear away. The black bear flew five or six meters in the air before falling to the ground, sprawled out.

The chief had a strange look on his face and said,"Is this video true or false? Why does it look like a movie?"

The policewoman explained,"Chief, it's true. It was being broadcast live at the time. Think about it, how can a live video be faked?"

"Yes, live video cannot be faked."

The director thought about it and nodded.

""Chief, he once killed a cheetah with one punch. Let me show you the video."

Then, the policewoman immediately clicked on the second video.

The chief showed a strong curiosity on his face. Could it be that this anchor really killed a cheetah?

So, the chief came forward and watched carefully.

In this video, a ferocious cheetah was rushing over, sharp and full of murderous intent. Lin Xuan suddenly swung a punch. This punch was so powerful that it even cut through the air, making a sharp sound of breaking through the air. He punched out and hit the cheetah's abdomen, directly knocking the ferocious cheetah into a big tree, completely knocking it unconscious.

"This, this punch is too powerful!"

The director's eyes showed extreme surprise, and he said to himself:"This punch is more than ten times stronger than the boxing champion of the Armed Police League! Too powerful."

The director's shock could not be calmed for a long time. He really couldn't imagine that Lin Xuan could actually knock the wild cheetah unconscious with one punch. This ability is too powerful, it is really incredible

""Chief, there's more. Let me show you the video of him killing a python with one shot."

At this time, the policewoman said, and then clicked on the third video.

"Killing a python with one shot?"

The director's eyes showed a strong curiosity.

He pushed his glasses, then leaned forward and watched carefully.

In this video, Lin Xuan rode a sturdy black bear and rushed into a valley full of snakes. A huge and ferocious python crawled out and pounced on him. Lin Xuan was not afraid at all. He rushed forward and stabbed a huge and slender python to death with one shot. The scene was extremely thrilling.

"This, this is too amazing!"

After watching the video, the director's eyes widened, and he was extremely shocked. Even his voice trembled slightly.

He was completely shocked by Lin Xuan's ability, and a strong admiration rose in his heart.

Such a huge and ferocious python, and it was highly poisonous, but Lin Xuan easily stabbed it to death with one shot! During the whole process, his face did not change, and his hand holding the gun was as steady as a mountain. This mentality and this ability are enough to show that Lin Xuan is extremely powerful.

"This anchor named Lin Xuan is really amazing! The young are formidable! The young are formidable!"

The director couldn't help but praise him out loud, his tone full of praise

""Chief, this Lin Xuan is so powerful, I guess the three murderers are going to be in trouble."

The policewoman asked with a smile.

The chief stared at the live broadcast room, nodded slightly, and said,"I guess these three murderers are going to run into a tough opponent."

"I hope Lin Xuan can subdue these three murderers!"

The director's eyes were shining with hope, and he looked closely at Lin Xuan in the live broadcast room.

"Xiaoling, you convey my order and have all the police keep an eye on the live broadcast room and pay attention to the situation inside at any time. Once Lin Xuan can control the three gangsters, immediately send out a large force to capture the gangsters for me!"

The director gave the order in a deep voice.

""Yes, Chief!"

Xiao Ling nodded.

Then she walked out of the office and quickly issued the order.

A moment later, all the police officers in the police station turned on their computers and entered Lin Xuan's live broadcast room to watch the live broadcast.

In the police station, thousands of police officers stared at the live broadcast room. It was the first time for them to watch a live broadcast in such a neat manner, and their hearts were full of curiosity.

"Who is this Lin Xuan? He actually ran into the mountains alone to find three murderers."

"Our captain didn't dare to go up the mountain alone to find three murderers. This Lin Xuan is really amazing."

"These three murderers are highly skilled in martial arts and have vicious personalities. Lin Xuan is actually very dangerous alone."

"I have seen these three murderers in prison before. They are the prison bosses and are very powerful. This Lin Xuan is indeed facing great danger. I hope he will be okay."

"The most important thing is that the criminals have guns! This is even more dangerous."

There was a lot of discussion in the police station, and various voices kept ringing out.

The police watched Lin Xuan facing three criminals alone, and they couldn't help but worry, thinking that he might���Falling into an extremely dangerous and passive situation.

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