
While Lin Xuan was flying, he suddenly saw a bird appear in front of him.

It was a bird with blue-gray feathers, and it looked very colorful.

"It's a turtle dove."

Lin Xuan's eyes lit up, and then he immediately sped up, catching up with the turtle dove in the blink of an eye.

Lin Xuan and the turtle dove flew side by side, one man and one bird, flying side by side, drawing two beautiful arcs in the air.

Netizens were stunned by the sight.

"Oh my god, the host is flying with a bird!"

"This is amazing, the host actually caught up with a turtledove!"

""I wish to be a pair of wings in the sky, and a pair of branches on the ground (laughing)."

Netizens left comments one after another. This scene was really amazing. Lin Xuan was flying with a turtledove on the cliff.

At this time, the turtledove turned its head and saw a human next to it. It was extremely surprised, but it was not afraid. Instead, it looked at Lin Xuan with curiosity.


Hello , little bird.���He smiled and said hello to the turtledove.

The turtledove was startled, its black eyes moved, and it chirped with its little mouth. It looked very cute.

"This bird is so cute"

"This turtledove is very smart."

Netizens sent comments one after another, praising this turtledove.

Lin Xuan also smiled slightly, then suddenly increased his speed, surpassing the turtledove in an instant, and continued to rush forward rapidly.

"Huh? What's that in front of me?"

Suddenly, Lin Xuan's eyes lit up. He saw a black plant with a gleaming light growing on a protruding stone not far ahead.

"It turned out to be a Ganoderma lucidum! And it looks quite old."

Lin Xuan's face showed great joy.

This cliff was damp and dark, and it was indeed suitable for the growth of Ganoderma lucidum.

Netizens also saw the Ganoderma lucidum at this time, and they couldn't help but be stunned.

"Damn, that's Ganoderma lucidum?!"

"That’s right, it’s Ganoderma lucidum, and it’s quite big!"

"Oh my god, this Ganoderma lucidum actually grew on the cliff, and the host even ran into it!"

"The anchor is so lucky!"

Netizens posted comments one after another, marveling in their hearts.

At this time.

Lin Xuan controlled the flight suit and quickly flew towards the Ganoderma lucidum.

When he arrived in front of the Ganoderma lucidum, Lin Xuan stretched out his hand and picked it off at once. He took the Ganoderma lucidum into his arms and took a closer look. He saw that the root of this Ganoderma lucidum was slender and straight, the cap was round and huge, and it looked very strange.

"At this moment, the Ganoderma lucidum is quite old, and it is estimated to have a growth period of five or six years. It is a great tonic."

Lin Xuan nodded with great satisfaction. He didn't expect that he could pick a Ganoderma lucidum while flying in a wing suit.

"The anchor picked the Ganoderma lucidum, I was so envious"

"I just picked up a Ganoderma lucidum, wow, that's amazing!"

"I envy the anchor, he even got a Ganoderma lucidum, awesome!"

When netizens saw Lin Xuan got such a Ganoderma lucidum, they praised him and were extremely envious.


Lin Xuan held the Ganoderma lucidum and continued to glide down rapidly at a very fast speed.

After a few minutes, Lin Xuan finally landed at the bottom of the cliff.

There were lush trees below, and countless towering trees rose from the ground, growing luxuriant branches and leaves.


At this time, Lin Xuan was a hundred meters away from the ground. He immediately pulled open the parachute behind him.

The parachute bloomed like a petal.

As soon as the parachute opened, Lin Xuan's high-speed gliding speed came to an abrupt end, and he floated in the air.

Then, Lin Xuan manipulated the parachute, slowly descended, and slowly landed on a towering tree below.


Lin Xuan stepped on a thick branch of the tree.

The tree was more than fifty meters tall and bottomless.

Looking down, Lin Xuan could see a thick layer of fallen leaves.


At this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly heard a strange buzzing sound, and he was stunned.

Then, Lin Xuan looked in the direction of the sound. He saw a large and round hornet's nest to his side. Countless densely packed black hornets were flying around the hornet's nest. There were hundreds of black-striped hornets with sharp and poisonous tails, and they looked extremely scary.

Netizens saw this scene and their faces turned pale.

"Oh my god, there are so many wasps!"

"These hornets have stings on their butts, they look so scary!"

""Host, be careful, don't provoke wasps. It hurts if you get stung by these things."

Netizens in the live broadcast room reminded him.

Lin Xuan's face was very calm. He looked at the wasp's nest and suddenly a bold idea came to his mind.

"I heard that fried hornet's nest tastes very special, I want to try it."

While speaking, Lin Xuan broke off a branch and then carefully moved towards the location of the hornet's nest.

Netizens were shocked when they saw this scene.

"Holy shit, what is the anchor doing?! Do you want to stir up trouble?"

"Damn it, is the anchor so brave? He is risking his life!"

"My God, there are hundreds of hornets in this hornet's nest, and the host actually wants to provoke them. How fierce!"

""Watching the anchor commit suicide!"

In the live broadcast room, comments were posted one after another.

When netizens saw Lin Xuan walking towards the hornet's nest, their hearts were lifted and their faces turned slightly pale.

At this time,

Lin Xuan came near the hornet's nest. He did not hesitate to use a branch in his hand to quickly hit the hornet's nest.


A violent collision sound was heard.

The hornet's nest fell down instantly and landed on the ground.


Countless hornets went crazy, spreading around like boiling water.

They stared at Lin Xuan with wide eyes.

Then, these angry hornets rushed towards Lin Xuan like mad dogs! The dense hornets attacked Lin Xuan like a rainstorm, and the scene was very terrifying.

When netizens saw this scene, they were so scared that their faces turned pale.

"Holy shit! So scary!"

"Damn it, host, run!"


Seeing countless hornets about to pounce on Lin Xuan's face, netizens exclaimed.

Lin Xuan, however, remained calm. At the moment when the hornets were about to pounce on him, he cut off his parachute and suddenly jumped down from the tree.


Lin Xuan spread his arms and legs, sprinting forward like a bird, his speed was extremely fast.

He moved swiftly through the jungle, constantly circling among the big trees. The wasps wanted to catch up fiercely.

However, they could not catch up with Lin Xuan, and the distance between them was getting bigger and bigger. Lin Xuan soon left them far behind, and even a wasp could not be seen.

Netizens were stunned.

"Damn, the anchor is awesome, he even got rid of all the wasps"

"This is really fast enough to pass the pot"

"The anchor is amazing. He dared to fly in such a dense forest with a wing suit. His courage and skills are extraordinary!"

Netizens praised him.

After getting rid of all the hornets, Lin Xuan controlled the flight suit to fly back to the original position.

Lin Xuan landed on the ground.

On the ground, the hornet's nest was lying quietly on the grass.

Lin Xuan picked up the hornet's nest with a satisfied smile on his face.

"The wasp's nest is in hand"

"Today's harvest is pretty good, a Ganoderma lucidum and a hornet's nest, killing two birds with one stone."

When netizens heard Lin Xuan's words, they also sent out barrages

"The anchor has really bad luck"

"So much harvest from a wingsuit flight, is the anchor here to do a sweep? (Funny)"

"The host is definitely the first person in history who can steal things while flying in a wingsuit. So awesome!"

"The anchor is so strong!"

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