Lin Kun was slightly stunned when he saw the appraisal feedback given by the Treasure Hunting Eye.

He didn't expect that such a shell would contain such a priceless piece of water agarwood!

He didn't know when the shell was swallowed!

But this time he really got a big deal!

"Brothers, load up! Next, the anchor will open this shell!"

Seeing him take out a military shovel and prepare to open the shell, the barrage in the live broadcast room immediately began to scroll wildly!

"Why does it feel like opening a blind box!"

"Please fast forward to the anchor’s free-giving stage!"

"If there are no pearls inside by then, it will be so funny!"

"Why don't you weigh the Phoebe nanmu sunken wood in the net bag first? I think those should be more valuable!"

"If Brother Kun finds a pearl of excellent appearance and size, wouldn't he make a fortune again?!"

The viewers in the live broadcast room were all looking forward to what kind of pearl Lin Kun would find from the Mars scallop.

Lin Kun inserted a military shovel into the gap between the upper and lower shells of the Mars scallop, pried it down hard, and immediately revealed the white shell meat inside.

As someone who grew up in a seaside fishing village, Lin Kun naturally remembered the process of taking pearls.

He first took out the pearl from the Mars scallop with ease. An AKOYA pearl with a diameter of about 7.5mm reflected a very beautiful light under the sunlight.

"Wow! In its natural state, it has such a round appearance!"

"Host, my family owns a jewelry store. Pearls of this quality are really good. I'll pay 7,000. Please sell them to me! I'll pay for the postage!"

"Kunzi's pearl can be sold for 7,000! My monthly salary is less than 7,000, which hurts my self-esteem!"

"Is there any group to wait for Kunzi? Next time, we will wait for him to go into the water and steal the treasures on the fishing boat!"

Lin Kun glanced at the barrage and shook his head nonchalantly.

"Brother, this pearl is only worth 7,000 yuan, it's too much trouble to sell it"

"Anyway, it's not worth much, I'll turn it into pearl powder for my mother, I heard pearl powder can beautify the skin."

As soon as this was said, question marks flew all over the barrage!

"Kunzi, do you want to listen to what you said? That's 7,000 yuan, which is equivalent to 10,000 yuan if rounded up! That's the salary of my buddy for two months!"

"Suddenly I don’t want to steal Kunzi’s treasure anymore. Let’s team up to assassinate him. It’s so infuriating!"

"My mom watched Brother Kun's live broadcast, and now she is asking me where the pearl is!"

Looking at the envious comments from the netizens in the live broadcast room, he couldn't help but smile.

Compared with the agarwood in this shell, this pearl is really worthless.

Then, after he removed the shell meat, he found that at the bottom of the shell, there was a black object as thick as a little finger lying quietly.

Seeing this black object, Lin Kun showed joy on his face.

The truly valuable thing is this unprepossessing object!

He carefully took out the black object from the bottom of the shell. Although he didn't know how long it had been in the live shell, Lin Kun not only did not smell any fishy smell, but a faint woody aroma drifted into his nasal cavity.

"Brothers, we really found a big treasure!"

"If nothing unexpected happens, this unprepossessing piece of wood is worth at least 2 million yuan!"

Lin Kun brought the agarwood closer to the camera so that the viewers in the live broadcast room could clearly see its full appearance.

Then, he took out the net bag of Phoebe nanmu that he had just brought out of the water and put them all on the electronic scale on the fishing boat to weigh them.

The electronic scale screen showed that the weight of the thirteen pieces of Phoebe nanmu was 13.7kg.

According to the reference price given by the system, the total value of these Phoebe nanmu sunken wood is about 14,000 yuan.

Together with the 5kg piece of sunken wood that was brought up at the beginning, the total price of the sunken wood alone is close to 20,000 yuan.

There is also the AKOYA pearl that was just taken out of the Masberry. The price of these small items is about 26,000 yuan.

Finally, including the sunken wood in his hand, the total income from these two trips into the water is about 203,000 yuan.

Lin Kun counted while using a calculator.

His calculator is the kind that comes with voice broadcast commonly seen in vegetable markets, so the viewers in the live broadcast room heard such a mechanical sound.

"Five thousand plus fourteen thousand plus seven thousand plus two million equals two million, two million!"

After pressing the calculator, Lin Kun held the calculator in front of the camera and said with a smile

"Brothers, these two waves of investment netted more than two million yuan!"

When the fans in the live broadcast room heard the numbers he said, they all started to post comments like crazy.

"Wait a minute, how come it’s already more than two million!"

"Brother Kun said it's worth 2 million, so it must be there, he should know this thing"

"What is that black thing? Can anyone explain it to me? Is it really worth 2 million?"

"Kunzi earned more than 200w again, and I broke through the defense directly!"

"@Infinitely bright, Teacher Daliang, come and have a look, what is this thing? Is it really worth 2 million?!"

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