After passing through the main tomb chamber, the two entered another side chamber.

In this side chamber, there were more gold and silver wares, as well as a lot of weapons and armor, and even a few skeletons leaning against the wall, holding spears and wearing armor.

Lin Kun took a glance and found that although the treasures here were not as valuable as those in the main tomb chamber, they were more numerous!

He roughly estimated that the treasures in this tomb chamber were worth at least 200 million!

If calculated in this way, the value of the treasures in this tomb might exceed the 500 million or 600 million estimated by Zhao Guofeng!

"Oh my god, this is the first time I have seen so many gold and silver items. If Brother Kun finishes this deal, he might be able to acquire Dousha Live?!"

"Any one of them is worth hundreds of millions or even tens of millions. Brother Kun has really struck gold!"

"Now I can no longer describe my envy, Brother Kun will be my dream template from now on!"

"The treasure in this ear chamber is probably worth hundreds of millions, which is too crazy!"

Lin Kun and Zhao Guofeng briefly investigated this ear chamber and continued to move forward.

With Lin Kun here, the mechanism of the tomb door is useless, and even Zhao Guofeng has the illusion that Lin Kun has been here!

After leaving this ear chamber, the two walked along an upward corridor. As they walked to the end of the stairs, they found that the top of their heads was blocked by a huge stone.

Zhao Guofeng originally wanted to find a mechanism, but was stopped by Lin Kun.

Because through his treasure-hunting eyes, he could see that the so-called huge stone was actually a piece of meteorite.

It was buried more than 50 meters underground!

In other words, even if they could move this huge meteorite, they couldn't get out!

As for the air in the tomb, Lin Kun followed the position of the airflow and found that there were many tiny holes on both sides of the wall, and the air was transmitted into the tomb from inside.

As for why this happened, Lin Kun could probably figure it out.

It should be that the craftsmen who built this tomb wanted to leave a way out for themselves, so they built it behind the tomb. A passage leading to the seabed.

This can also explain why Lin Kun was able to dig up some treasures from the general's tomb on the seabed!

As for the two Yihui lieutenants guarding the second tomb door, Lin Kun thought that it might be the relatives who were responsible for burying the Zhenhai General in the back who discovered the passage and sent people to guard it.

But for some unknown reason, the two Yihui lieutenants eventually died standing there.

Since there was no way out here, the two could only return the same way.

Back outside the second tomb door, Zhao Guofeng put on his diving equipment again, and Lin Kun slowly closed the tomb door.

Then Zhao Guofeng sent a message to the students on the seabed, asking them to open the first tomb door from the outside.

Not long after the message was sent, the sea water under the feet of the two surged and submerged the tomb door behind them again.

After the two left, they took their people back to the surface of the sea first.

Zhao Guofeng told the students about the situation in the tomb. After hearing that the cultural relics in the tomb were intact, the students showed excitement on their faces.

"Brother Lin, come with us to transport the things in the tomb."

Zhao Guofeng suggested to Lin Kun that they should take out the cultural relics first. As for the murals in the tomb, they could take pictures first and study them carefully after returning to the institute!

Then, Lin Kun, Zhao Guofeng and his students took out the cultural relics in the general's tomb one by one with waterproof cloth.

Even the skeletons in the three coffins were carefully taken out by Zhao Guofeng and others with waterproof cloth.

However, out of respect for the great general Zhenhai, Lin Kun did not record the scene when the coffins were opened.

At that time, the three skeletons will be properly kept by the Beijing National Museum.

It was not until the sun set that they finally brought all the treasures out of the tomb.

They took the cultural relics and placed them on the deck of the yacht, which was full!

"Brothers, after dinner, let’s start counting today’s harvest!"

"Fortunately, this ancient tomb is well preserved, and many of the cultural relics inside are intact."

"So everyone can guess how much money you will receive in a while?"

"I will go to the sea to catch some fish first, and then I will give Professor Zhao and his students a good treat in the evening!"

After saying that, Lin Kun took a shovel and jumped into the sea to catch fish.

In the barrage, netizens began to express their guesses enthusiastically!

"I feel like it can be sold for 600 million yuan, so many of them are treasures from the Tang Dynasty!"

"It’s a bit low. I think it should be at least 700 or 800 million. These treasures are very complete!"

"How could I be so worthy as to guess the price of a cultural relic worth hundreds of millions?!"

"They are all good things. If Professor Zhao hadn’t reserved them, I would have asked Kunzi to buy one or two!"

"Brothers, I'm going to show off my dinner first. I hope to see Kunzi counting the spoils when I come back!"

With more and more barrages, the popularity of Lin Kun's live broadcast room has risen to 15 million!

Even the popularity is still rising!

Su Xiaoqing also asked the staff of the operation department to issue press releases on major platforms.

Soon, a hot search came out of nowhere and occupied the first place in the hot search list at the speed of light!

#Kun Kun's treasure hunt has unearthed a large number of precious antiques, and is counting them live, with a total value of more than 800 million! #As soon as the hot search topped the list, tens of millions of netizens began to discuss this event.

The huge traffic even caused the Weibo server to malfunction!

It can be seen how much of a sensation Lin Kun's excavation of huge antiques caused in society!

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