After everyone returned to the sea, Zhao Guofeng directed his students to move the two skeletons back to the yacht.

Even though they were already back on the water, Su Xiaoqing was still a little scared when she saw the two skeletons, and she huddled tightly behind Lin Kun.

The two followed Zhao Guofeng and his group onto their yacht. As soon as they reached the deck, they saw that Professor Zhao had already begun to study the two skeletons.

"Oh my, this is incredible. Two seventh-rank Yihui school lieutenants are only used to guard the tomb passage. This Zhenhai General is indeed extraordinary!"

After looking at them for a while, Zhao Guofeng recognized the identities of the two skeletons and praised them with a smack of his lips.

The Treasure Hunting Eye is indeed a treasure appraisal tool!

It is exactly the same as Professor Zhao's conclusion!

However, at this time, he still felt Su Xiaoqing trembling slightly. It seemed that she was very uncomfortable with this scene.

So he said to Su Xiaoqing in a soft tone.

"You go back to the fishing boat first. You don't need to go into the water next. Wait for us on the sea. If you are bored, let Erha take you to experience the speed and passion~"

Lin Kun comforted Su Xiaoqing in a joking tone, making her feel a little warm in her heart.

She really couldn't stand the scene in the tomb passage. Instead of causing trouble, it's better to listen to Lin Kun's words.

After Su Xiaoqing left, Lin Kun returned to Zhao Guofeng and asked with a faint smile on his face.

"Professor Zhao, are these two people very important?"

After hearing Lin Kun's question, Zhao Guofeng briefly explained.

"In this tomb, he is just an ordinary person, but in the army of the Tang Dynasty at that time, he was also a small figure."

"Brother Lin, these two skeletons and their armor are of great research value to us."

"I will give you 22 million yuan in total to buy the ownership of these two skeletons. What do you think?"

According to the explicit provisions of Chinese law, Lin Kun is now the owner of this general's tomb.

So if Zhao Guofeng wants these two skeletons, he has to agree to it.

When Lin Kun heard the price, he was slightly surprised.

It can be seen that Professor Zhao is very eager to get the ownership of these two skeletons. The price exceeded the estimated price of the Treasure Hunting Eye by a lot.

So Lin Kun nodded and agreed.

"Well, since Professor Zhao is so straightforward, I will give you the inkstone I found from the bottom as a gift!"

Lin Kun readily agreed and even offered to give the inkstone to Zhao Guofeng.

After all, compared to the premium Zhao Guofeng offered, it would not be a loss for him to give the inkstone away, and he might even gain the favor of Professor Zhao.

As he expected, Zhao Guofeng smiled even brighter when he heard what Lin Kun said.

"2...2200w?! Oh my god, I guessed that the things in this tomb were not cheap, but I never thought that they would be so expensive!"

"It’s too early to be surprised! This is just outside the tomb passage, the real treasure is still in the tomb chamber!"

"Kunzi has earned so much money before entering the tomb. I don’t know how much he can earn after entering the tomb!"

"Don’t think too much about anything else, it’s 100% in billions!"

"I feel like after Kunzi finishes this job, he will be able to live a carefree life for the rest of his life!"

"This is the first time I’ve witnessed a pauper grow into a billionaire. I’m so jealous!"

"No wonder the million-dollar inkstone was given away as a gift, it had to be Kunzi!"

The price given by Zhao Guofeng once again made the live broadcast room water friends crazy, and everyone was looking forward to what treasures would be dug out from it next.

When several people were about to go into the water again, Lin Kun stopped them on the deck.

"Professor Zhao, wait a minute, I have a question that I can't figure out, that is, is the tomb of this Zhenhai General all underwater?"

He had an idea in his mind, but there was no evidence to support it, so he couldn't say it directly.

Hearing him ask this, Zhao Guofeng paused and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

"According to common sense, this shouldn't be the case."

"In ancient times when science was not well developed, people believed in Feng Shui metaphysics, and the great men had strict requirements for their burial places after death."

"Feng Shui is all about hiding the wind and absorbing the water. Although there is both wind and water here, a person like General Zhenhai would definitely not let himself be buried in the water."

"When a person dies, it is Yin, and water is also Yin. If a Yin body is buried in Yin water, according to the knowledge of Feng Shui, the person buried there may never be reborn!"

After listening to Zhao Guofeng's explanation, Lin Kun felt that the idea in his mind was more and more possible.

So he said it out loud.

"Professor Zhao, so I suspect there is no sea water behind the tomb door we saw last!"

"But if we open it hastily, it may lead seawater into the tomb."

To prove his conjecture, Lin Kun drew an upside-down‘U’And pointed to the rising half and said

"Is it possible that the design of the internal tomb passage is like this? When we found the second tomb door, it was in an upward direction."

"Professor, you see, we only need to close the first tomb door to block the seawater. After the second tomb door is opened, only the water at the top can enter the other side of the corridor."

Lin Kun's explanation made Zhao Guofeng slightly stunned!

This guess is very likely correct. He was busy studying the murals on the tomb passage and had never thought about this!

Thanks to Lin Kun for bringing it up, otherwise it might cause a disaster in a while!

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