"Wow, it really is Professor Zhao! I can actually see my idol on the live streaming platform, Brother Kun is so awesome!"

"Today, Kunzi didn't even let everyone guess whether they could dig up treasures, but just asked them to guess how much the treasures were worth?!"

"Isn't this a guessing game?! I think I'm pretty lucky today!"

"I think that with Professor Zhao and his team taking action, there should be no problem in digging out antiques worth half a billion!"

"How could it be only half a hundred million? I guess 150 million!"

As Lin Kun led the topic, many viewers in the live broadcast room began to guess how many treasures could be dug out from the ancient tomb today. Some guessed tens of millions, while others guessed one or two hundred million.

Seeing that the comments were so lively, Su Xiaoqing directly used the room management authority to start a guessing game in the live broadcast room.

The question of the guessing game was exactly how much treasure Lin Kun could dig out from the ancient tomb today.

Option A is less than 100 million, and option B is 100 million and above.

This time, no matter whether you guess A or B, 10 fans will be drawn in the end and given a cash red envelope of 100,000 yuan. At one time, the number of participants in the guessing game reached more than 8.7 million.

Excluding the rewards for guessing, Lin Kun can make a net profit of about 7 million yuan in this short period of time!

Looking at the participation of the fans in the live broadcast room, Su Xiaoqing nodded with satisfaction.

Then, Lin Kun and Su Xiaoqing took a fishing boat, followed by Professor Zhao and others on a yacht.

When they stopped at the place where they launched the water yesterday, they saw Erha jumping from the bottom of the sea to the surface of the water!

Seeing the appearance of a killer whale, several people on the yacht were a little surprised.

Professor Zhao explained to them

"You don't have to be afraid, that killer whale is Brother Lin's pet, it won't hurt anyone."

On the way here, Zhao Guofeng heard his student Li Bowen talk about many things about Lin Kun, including the killer whale Erha.

"Professor Zhao, the tomb door is just below. Please ask a few brothers to follow me down."

Since the meteorite tomb door is more than 100 meters below the sea, and Professor Zhao is old, Lin Kun naturally didn't think he would go down with him.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Professor Zhao start to change his diving equipment and said to him

""Brother Lin, I'll go down with you. Please lead the way ahead."

Lin Kun and Su Xiaoqing looked at each other and saw the worry in each other's eyes.

If something happened to Professor Zhao during his live broadcast, it might be considered a live broadcast accident!

However, when Professor Zhao took off all his clothes except for a pair of shorts, Lin Kun felt relieved.

This old professor, who was over 60 years old, had a body of tendons and his physique was no worse than that of young people.

It seems that Professor Zhao is also a person who likes to exercise!

In this case, Lin Kun did not say anything more.

After putting on and adjusting the underwater live broadcast equipment, he took a shovel, turned over and jumped into the sea.

Su Xiaoqing followed behind him and jumped down.

After the two jumped into the sea, Professor Zhao also brought a few students with professional underwater exploration and excavation equipment and went into the sea together

"Everyone, follow Erha, it will lead us to the location of the underwater tomb door."

After that, Lin Kun and Su Xiaoqing rested on the fins on both sides of Erha and dived into the deep sea.

Professor Zhao and the others followed behind them and headed towards the meteorite tomb door.

Since the meteorite tomb door was not brought out of the seabed, its golden light was still very dazzling.

About ten minutes later, everyone arrived in front of the meteorite tomb door.

Since Lin Kun had already seen the content and pattern on the tomb door yesterday, he stayed aside at this time, quietly waiting for Professor Zhao and the others to study.

As for Su Xiaoqing, as soon as she arrived at the bottom of the sea, she started digging with a hoe.

Lin Kun patted her shoulder, pointed at her feet and shook his head, then pointed in the direction of the tomb door and nodded.

It means that there is nothing under here, but there is over there. Although Su Xiaoqing was a little unwilling, she still chose to listen to Lin Kun.

I don’t know what Professor Zhao and his group fiddled with. After more than half an hour, the meteorite tomb door actually began to slowly open outwards!

Professor Zhao and his students all showed excitement on their faces. A moving smile.

As the tomb door opened, Professor Zhao led several students to swim towards the inner corridor.

Lin Kun and Su Xiaoqing followed their footsteps. At the same time, he asked Erha to patrol nearby to prevent some dangerous marine creatures from approaching!

The inner corridor is very spacious, about three meters high and about two meters and four or five meters wide. Even if two people swim side by side, they will not feel crowded.

Professor Zhao and his group continued to swim forward, while Lin Kun's eyes fell on a place on the ground of the corridor.

There, there was a golden light flashing!

And judging from the brightness of the golden light, the value was no less than the two porcelain bottles yesterday!

So he swam towards the golden light flexibly, and the treasure-hunting pupil showed that the treasure was 30 centimeters below, and it should be simply covered by the sea mud.

Professor Zhao and other students also noticed Lin Kun's actions, and they all shone their flashlights on Lin Kun.

Under the attention of everyone, Lin Kun dug out a delicate jade pendant from the sea mud!

【Tang carved jade pendant*1, value: 700,0000! 】

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