The tent incident came to an end. The two of them covered all the other supplies with waterproof cloth before they were fully prepared.

Afterwards, after Lin Kun checked the live broadcast camera and found that there was no problem, he took Su Xiaoqing back to the fishing boat.

Judging from the depth information displayed by the treasure hunting pupil, the treasures under the sea are all more than 150 meters underground!

And according to the distribution of the strength of the golden light, there may be an underwater passage under the sea.

If it is really the tomb of the general Zhenhai, then this passage may be the path to the inside of the tomb!

Therefore, Lin Kun is going to start the exploration from the seabed 500 meters offshore.

The intensity of the golden light there is not particularly dazzling, and the distribution interval is also very large.

If he guessed correctly, the entrance is likely to be nearby!

After all, he has also read a lot of novels about digging graves. Generally, the distribution of treasures in those tombs is from the outside to the inside, with higher and higher prices and more and more things!

After the fishing boat sailed 500 meters away from the shore, the water depth in the sea area had exceeded 100 meters.


Lin Kun howled at the surrounding sea, and the chubby Erha sprayed out a stream of water and appeared under the fishing boat.

"There are Huskies everywhere. I really want to have one!"

"Is Kunzi ready to start treasure hunting? Why not take a look around the island first? Maybe you can find traces of human life!"

"Please, it’s been more than a thousand years. Even if there were any traces, they would have been buried long ago, right?"

"I think the legend is unlikely to come true. It is probably just some old people's imagination, right?"

The audience in the barrage began to speculate whether there was a tomb of the great general Zhenhai under this General Island.

Glancing at the rapidly scrolling barrage, Lin Kun smiled and spoke

"Brothers, let’s start digging from here!"

"As long as we can dig up a treasure, this trip to the sea will not be a loss!"

After Lin Kun finished speaking, he took the shovel and jumped into the water.

He didn't know much about the situation in this sea area, so it was not convenient for him to wear the somewhat bulky underwater excavation tools.

The shovel was enough for the first time to explore the situation!

After Lin Kun went into the water, Su Xiaoqing quickly put on a set of diving equipment and followed behind him.

The two sat on the back of Erha together. Since they were already familiar with it, Su Xiaoqing seemed very skilled this time.

Erha carried the two of them and dived into the depths of the sea together

"Erha, did you encounter any dangerous marine life in this sea area on the way?"

During the dive, Lin Kun communicated with Erha with his mind.

"Master, what is danger?

Although Erha has taken a smart pill, he still doesn't understand some human words.

"Are they marine creatures that can cause harm to humans, such as sharks and other carnivorous marine fish?"

Lin Kun tried to explain using simple words, and soon got Erha's answer.

"I did encounter three sharks on the way, but they ran away when they saw me!"

"Master, are you going to look for them? Erha can catch them back!"

This fool probably thought that Lin Kun wanted to play with the sharks, so he said excitedly.

After all, beating up sharks is one of the killer whales' favorite things to do!

"No, no, no, your mission for the next few days is to ensure that those dangerous marine creatures do not approach us."

"If you perform well, I will reward you with some grilled fish!"

When Erha heard that the reward was grilled fish, he immediately became excited and even excitedly did a 720 Thomas turn on the seabed!

"Master, don't worry, nothing can stop me from getting the grilled fish!"

When he entrusted Erha with the task, the two people and the fish had already reached the deepest part of the seabed here.

After getting off the back of the killer whale, Lin Kun stepped on the sea mud.

The Lv5 treasure-hunting eye reminded that he was less than two meters away from the treasure buried underground in the afternoon!

It was buried so shallowly, could it be that he had already come to the entrance of the tomb of the great general Zhenhai?

With some curiosity, Lin Kun started to move the shovel and began to dig on the ground.

In order to have a sense of participation, Su Xiaoqing took the portable military shovel that Lin Kun had used before and began to dig on the side.

As Lin Kun shoveled three or four times in a row, the feeling of touching a hard object was transmitted to Lin Kun's hand.

I dug something up!

Lin Kun was delighted and quickly dug up the sea mud covering the surface of the treasure, revealing its true appearance.

【Special Skill: Enhanced Diving Ability! 】

Seeing that it was a skill stone, he felt a little disappointed, but it was better than nothing!

In front of millions of fans in the live broadcast room, he directly smashed the skill stone with a shovel.

"Tsk, I thought it was something good, but it turns out to be just a piece of broken stone!"

"Hahaha, Kunzi is really good at crushing stones!"

"Well, I guess I didn’t guess the special code correctly again today. Brother Kun, please work harder and make sure to dig up the treasure!"

"I told you, if it was really an ancient tomb, some grave robbers would have come to visit it long ago!"

While the comments were going on, Lin Kun had already completed the enhancement, and his eyes fell on a golden light more than ten meters away!

The brightness of that golden light was much stronger than the skill stone. If the first shovel didn't dig up any treasures, the second shovel should at least have some!

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