Looking at the dozens of golden lights under the water, Lin Kun couldn't help but smile.

"Brothers, stay here, wish me good luck!"

After saying that, he changed into a brand new diving gear and put on a high-definition underwater camera, then flipped over and went into the water, and began to dive down.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room came to watch at noon after seeing the hot search on Weibo.

"Oh my god! This anchor is so real, he dives just like that?"

"New friends, don't get excited. Brother Kun's live broadcasts are always real, unlike other anchors who just do some rubbish to fool the fans."

"Kunzi made such a big profit this morning. I guess all his luck in this life has been used up. I guess he will waste his money in the afternoon.~"

"That’s 730w. Even if you break me into pieces and sell me, I’m not worth that much money!"

"Brother Kun's show this morning was so good that no one should be able to surpass it."

Old fans and new viewers were interacting in a friendly manner on the barrage. Lin Kun had already come to the nearest ball of golden light.

Judging from the size of the ball of golden light, the treasure hidden underneath should be of average value.

He held a multifunctional military shovel and dug downwards decisively.

One shovel!

Two shovels!

After a few strokes, Lin Kun felt that the military shovel had touched a hard object.

Could it be another metal treasure like silver or gold ingots?

Seeing him holding the shovel in a daze, many netizens in the barrage began to raise questions.

"No way? Did Kunzi find treasure again?"

"It's OK if you get lucky once or twice! Any more would be too much!"

""Hurry up and dig, let's see what treasures we have!"

Lin Kun didn't pay attention to the crazy scrolling comments on the phone screen. He quickened his pace with the military shovel.

Soon, a fist-sized stone emerged from the sea sand.

Lin Kun's treasure-hunting eyes instantly identified the details of the stone.

【Special skills: Enhanced diving ability!】

【Crush the skill stone to gain this special skill】

【Enhanced diving ability: can improve the user's diving ability, increase underwater survival time, reduce underwater resistance, and reduce underwater pressure. 】

It turned out that this broken stone was not an item of actual value, but a skill stone that could allow him to gain enhancements.

Following the system prompts, Lin Kun smashed the stone, and then he felt an invisible warm current pouring into his body.

The pressure caused by the surrounding sea water was reduced a lot at this moment, and he even felt that his swimming speed had increased a lot! What surprised him most was that he felt that the oxygen in his lungs was enough to sustain his underwater activities for about 20 to 30 minutes!

This can be said to be a huge benefit for him!

Lin Kun was very happy that his abilities had been improved, and the water friends in the live broadcast room were also very happy.

"Hahaha, I thought Kunzi had really found treasure again, but it turned out to be a broken stone!"

"KunKun got so anxious that he smashed the broken stone with a shovel!"

"It seems that the anchor really used up all his luck in the morning!"

Looking at the teasing of the netizens in the barrage, Lin Kun just smiled and continued to swim to the next golden light location. It was more than ten meters away, and Lin Kun swam over in two or three strokes, and his speed was very fast.

Looking at the golden light, he directly shoveled down, and a burst of sea sand surged, but still did not find anything else.

Then Lin Kun dug down again!

After digging for more than ten times, the treasure-hunting eye finally responded.

【5kg of Phoebe nanmu, 5,000 yuan!

Compared to the big stuff we dug up this morning, 5,000 yuan is not a very high price, but it is better than nothing.

He looked at the location of the next golden light, which was still a long way away.

So Lin Kun decided to float to the surface for a while before continuing.

"Huh? Why did Brother Kun go back with a piece of broken wood? This piece of broken wood can't be a treasure, right?"

"I think KunKun treats everything as a treasure now. I guess the rotten wood dug out from under the water can’t even be lit to cook."

"Isn't this a treasure hunting live broadcast room? How did it become a rag picking live broadcast room?"

"It's my turn. If this piece of wood is a treasure, I will go downstairs and run around the community naked three times!"

After returning to the surface, Lin Kun took the piece of golden nanmu yinchen wood out of the water.

It weighed ten kilograms and it was still a little heavy after it came out of the water.

He pointed the camera at the yinchen wood and said to the water friends in the live broadcast room with a smile.

"Brothers, look carefully, this is not some rotten wood, is there anyone who knows it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a water friend with the ID"花开富贵" in the live broadcast room began to popularize science

"Looking at the auspicious cloud-like patterns on it and the golden sheen under the sun, this should be a piece of old golden nanmu sunken wood. Judging from the quality, it is a high-quality product!"

"The size of the one in the anchor's hand is at least ten kilograms, so it should be no problem to sell it for four or five thousand yuan."

"The price of Phoebe nanmu sunken wood depends on its size. Unfortunately, the piece in the host's hand is too small. If it was a complete big piece, the host would become rich again!"

"Damn! It only took Kunzi a few minutes to go to the next pier, but he made another 4,000 or 5,000 yuan! I'm really envious!"

"As expected of Brother Kun, the income from just a few minutes is equivalent to my monthly salary!"

"The luck I promised was all gone? How come Kun Kun is still so lucky!"

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