At the unanimous request of the live broadcast room fans, Lin Kun began to talk about the story of the General Island.

Seeing that he wanted to tell a story, Su Xiaoqing also moved a stool and sat next to Lin Kun, listening attentively.

"In fact, this is a local legend. It is said that more than a thousand years ago, during the Tang Dynasty, which is well known to everyone."

"Emperor Taizong granted the area of Haizui City to a general with outstanding military achievements, and named him General Zhenhai."

"At that time, the general moved to Haizui City with his entire family and tens of thousands of his soldiers."

"And the then somewhat desolate Haizui City gradually became more and more prosperous."

"But a few years later, the court was in turmoil, and the general Zhenhai was murdered by a traitor because of his stance, and his entire clan was implicated."

"It is said that General Island was the place where the great general Zhenhai hid with his family and confidants."

"Some old people in the village even said that under the General Island was buried the tomb of General Zhenhai, but over the years, no one had found definite evidence to prove this!"

"So Brother Kun is going to lead his brothers to unveil the mystery of this General Island!"

Lin Kun told the origin of General Island, and the viewers in the live broadcast room listened attentively, and even the barrage of comments decreased a lot.

"Damn, I’ve actually seen the General Zhenhai that Brother Kun mentioned in history books!"

"I am from the History Department of Yenching University. The General Zhenhai that Brother Kun mentioned really existed. He was indeed highly regarded by Emperor Taizong and was given a fiefdom, which is now Haizui City!"

"However, the great general Zhenhai did not leave many historical traces, and his tomb has never been discovered."

"If this is really the burial place of the great general Zhenhai, the value of the burial objects inside is probably inestimable!"

A netizen who claimed to be a history major said that part of the story Lin Kun told was true.

Seeing the comments, the netizen immediately became excited.

"Oh my god, will Kunzi really dig up the treasure by then?"

"Is there any class representative who can tell me how much these old items from the Tang Dynasty are worth now?"

"I only know that if the porcelain from the Tang Dynasty was unearthed from the official kiln, it would be worth at least tens of millions!"

"If there really is a great general buried here, and if a few pieces of porcelain are unearthed from it, Brother Kun will definitely become rich again!"

"Since Kunzi said it was a local legend, if it is true, it would have been dug up long ago, right? I think it's uncertain!"

Seeing the different opinions of the people in the barrage, Lin Kun was not very confident.

After all, he has not yet reached the island, so he cannot be sure whether there is really an ancient tomb under the General Island!

But he has the treasure-hunting eyes. If the legend is true, he will definitely be able to find it first!

Now we just need to wait until we get to the island to uncover the truth of this legend!

The fishing boat was sailing on the sea non-stop, while Lin Kun and Su Xiaoqing were chatting with the water friends in the live broadcast room. Even so, the popularity of the live broadcast room was still maintained at around 700w!

As the sun gradually rose higher, it was noon in a blink of an eye.

In front of the two people, the outline of a small island gradually appeared in their sight!

Lin Kun turned the live broadcast camera towards the direction of the island

"Brothers, do you see the island in front? That is our destination today, General Island!"

The netizens, who had originally focused their attention on Su Xiaoqing, immediately shifted their attention.

"Kunzi, you call that island a small island?! I feel like it’s bigger than your fishing village!"

"The exciting moment is coming! Can Kunzi dig up the general's grave today?"

"Kunzi, aren't we going to start a lottery?! When I saw those guys who won the lottery yesterday, I almost broke my teeth with envy!"

"A single man and a single woman, in the wilderness, hehehe~"

Under the teasing of the viewers in the live broadcast room, the fishing boat gradually approached the shore. After Lin Kun found a suitable location, he dropped the anchor and fixed the boat, and then they began to move the supplies to the island.

Since there were only two people, Su Xiaoqing could not help much in terms of physical work, so it took Lin Kun almost half an hour to move all the things on the fishing boat to the island.

During this period, Su Xiaoqing was not idle either, and she launched today's guessing activity in the live broadcast room: Can the anchor dig up valuable treasures!

The viewers who guessed yes, In the end, ten people will receive a cash bonus of 100,000 yuan.

For those who guessed wrong, ten people will receive a cash bonus of 150,000 yuan!

However, this time, even though the prize for guessing wrong is higher, most of the netizens still guessed that Lin Kun could dig up the treasure.

Only a few thousand people chose"no", in order to win a big prize with a small investment!

With Su Xiaoqing's operation, the popularity of the live broadcast room has reached 980,000 yuan again, and it is about to break through the 1000,000 yuan mark!

All the netizens in the live broadcast room are looking forward to whether Lin Kun can find any treasure today!

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