Lin Kun would pay attention to the content of the barrage from time to time while underwater.

He originally planned to continue moving forward, but after seeing the eye-catching barrage sent by Xu Hui, he directly chose to return to the surface of the water to show Xu Hui the meteorite gold.

After returning to the surface of the sea, Lin Kun threw his equipment to Erha, and then turned over and got on the fishing boat.

Then he picked up the meteorite gold in the shape of a dagger, placed it in front of the live camera, and showed it to all the netizens in all directions!

Su Xiaoqing also leaned behind Lin Kun with a curious look on her face, looking at the meteorite gold carefully.

"Wow, nature is truly amazing. The shape of this meteorite really looks like a small sword!"

"It’s a pity that I can’t afford this thing even if I work for several lifetimes, otherwise I would give you a high or low price!"

"1200w, just like that? I don't know what's wrong with Kunzi's eyes?"

"I really want to say that this is from a script, but it’s such a deep sea and Kunzi had such a hard time digging, if it’s really a script it’s too ridiculous!"

"Damn, a huge sum of money went down the drain,���!"

In the barrage, those netizens who guessed the wrong option made crying dog head expressions.

Lin Kun felt the soft touch of Su Xiaoqing's majestic body, and felt an itch in his heart!

Just as he was enjoying the soft and warm touch, Xu Hui's eye-catching barrage popped up in the live broadcast screen.

"Brother Lin, please scrape off the high-temperature oxide layer on the surface so that I can see the quality inside."

Then he carefully scraped off a part of the surface of the meteorite gold according to Xu Hui's request.

Under the black oxide layer, a touch of golden light mixed with several other very gorgeous lights reflected into the live broadcast screen.

Xu Hui, who was watching the live broadcast with a pad, was like seeing his dream lover at this time, with a very eager light flashing in his eyes.

"Good stuff, this is really good stuff!"

"It’s a pity that it’s a little small, otherwise the price could be at least several times higher!"

"Boss Sun, it seems that I made the right decision to visit you this time!"

"This brother Lin is really extraordinary!"

Xu Hui said to Sun Debiao in a very happy mood, with a smile on his face that could not be concealed at all.

He quickly clicked on the pad screen with both hands and soon typed a line of eye-catching comments.

"1200w, I want it!"

Seeing this comment, not only the fans in the live broadcast room, but even Su Xiaoqing beside Lin Kun was really surprised!

"Oh my god! Such a meteorite can be sold at such a high price?!"

She exclaimed. Lin Kun originally wanted to turn his head to explain to her why this thing is so expensive, but suddenly found that the distance between the two of them was a little too close.

Su Xiaoqing obviously realized something, her cheeks slightly red, and she quickly pulled away.

The atmosphere on the fishing boat suddenly became a little ambiguous.

But soon, Lin Kun adjusted himself and said to the live camera with a smile

"Brothers, what did I say? We will definitely be able to deliver a large amount of goods in the afternoon!"

"Those who posted here guessing that I can’t dig up enough treasures worth 20 million, I’m sorry for wasting your money!"

"The host would like to thank Mr. Xu for ordering this meteorite gold.~"

"It's still early, let's go down again later and see if we can get another leak before the broadcast ends!"

After Lin Kun finished speaking, he didn't look at Su Xiaoqing any more, but jumped into the deep blue sea.

Looking at Su Xiaoqing gradually disappearing from sight, Su Xiaoqing felt that the frequency of her heartbeat seemed to be a little abnormal.

It might be the sequelae of the deep dive in the morning. It seems that she hasn't exercised for too long!

Yes! It must be like this!

Lin Kun, who swam back to the bottom of the sea, was full of confidence at this time!

Now everything is within his expectations. At this speed, at the latest tomorrow, he may be able to dig up all the meteorite gold in this sea area!

Before digging to the center, he got a piece of meteorite gold worth 12 million!

If the largest piece of meteorite gold in this area is dug up, wouldn't it take off directly?!

Full of energy, he continued to come to a treasure spot closer to the center, started the machine, and started the last excavation in the afternoon!

As the sea mud and sand continued to roll in all directions, Lin Kun dug out another pit

"Kunzi's last wave probably won't bring him any good stuff."

"Indeed, even if this is a meteorite crater, good things can't always be dug out of it, right?!"

"For others, this may be true, but guys, he is Kun Kun! You know what I mean?!"

"I wonder if Kunzi is using some evil magic to broadcast live. Is he so lucky because he sacrificed his brothers' lives?!"

"No wonder I feel very tired after masturbating 3 times a night recently. I used to be able to masturbate 7 times a night!"

"Ahem, brother, have you ever thought that it might be your fault?!"

Lin Kun glanced at the content of the barrage, and almost couldn't hold his breath!

When it comes to making a living, these brothers are the ones who can do it!

After reading the barrage, Lin Kun continued to dig his meteorite gold. He didn't know if this piece would have a chance to exceed the value of the previous one!

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