Lin Kun's mouth twitched, and just as he was about to express his opinion, he saw his mother pulling Su Xiaoqing into the room.

At this time, his father Lin Dashan walked up to Lin Kun, patted him on the shoulder and said

"Good boy, no wonder you refused the blind date introduced to you, it turns out you already have a target!"

"You have good taste, and you have the style of your father when he was young!"

"Be nicer to the girl!"

Facing his father's admonition, Lin Kun felt that Su Xiaoqing had said something to them, so his parents misunderstood.

Otherwise, with his parents' honest nature, even if they wanted him to get married early, they would not treat a woman like this.

It seems that I have to ask Su Xiaoqing about it later!

When he finished breakfast, Su Xiaoqing also came out of another bedroom. When she looked at Lin Kun, she had a triumphant smile on her face.

"All right, Xiao Su, do as you please, we'll leave first!"

After saying this, Lin's mother picked up a suitcase and hurriedly pulled Lin's father away, not even glancing at Lin Kun.���No work

""Miss Su, what did you say to my parents? Why did they suddenly become so strange?!"

Hearing Lin Kun's question, Su Xiaoqing smiled slyly and said

"The secret cannot be revealed, just take your time to guess!"

"Anyway, we'll be roommates from now on. Let me be frank with you. Don't think of taking advantage of me in the middle of the night. We live in a society ruled by law now!"

Lin Kun rolled his eyes, approached Su Xiaoqing with a smirk, and said with a grin,

"I'm not sure if I can control myself with such a beautiful lady like Miss Su living in my house.~"

"If you are afraid, you'd better leave as soon as possible, otherwise……"

Before he finished speaking, Su Xiaoqing burst out laughing, then stood up slowly.

"A person's eyes cannot deceive~"

""Mr. Lin, you better pack up quickly, it's almost time for the live broadcast~"

Well, she is indeed a woman who has seen the world, and she was not scared.

After cleaning up the dishes, Lin Kun took his equipment and walked towards the dock. Su Xiaoqing went back to the room, changed into a diving suit, put on a coat, and followed Lin Kun with his equipment.

With such a beautiful woman following him, Lin Kun felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by the villagers on the way to the dock.

Fortunately, the fishing village was not big, and the two of them got on the boat quickly. With the roar of the engine, the fishing boat left the dock.

When they arrived at the sea area where they had been yesterday, as soon as the fishing boat stopped, the killer whale Erha swam over happily.

Su Xiaoqing's eyes lit up, and she wanted to touch Erha, but she was a little afraid.

""Master, who is this female human?"

Erha's puzzled voice sounded in Lin Kun's mind. It had never seen other humans, so it didn't know how to address them.

Lin Kun sighed helplessly and answered with his mind.

"A shameless woman, she will be with me in the future, and you will see her just like you see me."

Although Erha didn't understand what shameless meant, he still understood the second half of the sentence.

The female human in front of him is another master!

After Lin Kun put on the live broadcast equipment, he noticed Su Xiaoqing who was ready to move, and said with a smile

"I have greeted Erha, it won't hurt you, touch it if you want."

After hearing what Lin Kun said, Su Xiaoqing dared to reach out and touch Erha's head carefully.

Seeing that it was really well-behaved, Su Xiaoqing's face was immediately filled with surprise!

"How did you do it! Can it really understand you?!"

Su Xiaoqing looked at Lin Kun in disbelief.

Lin Kun nodded and replied casually.

"The secret of heaven cannot be revealed, just guess it!"

Hearing this, Su Xiaoqing curled her lips and muttered softly.

""Stingy man!"

After everything was ready, Lin Kun said to Su Xiaoqing.

"The live broadcast is about to begin. Are you ready?"

Su Xiaoqing took off her coat and said confidently.

"Don't worry, I've been doing this for much longer than you!"

Lin Kun shrugged and clicked the start button.

As the live broadcast screen appeared in the live broadcast room, the somewhat silent bullet screen area quickly started to scroll.

"Brothers, today is another day full of hope~"

"But today, Brother Kun will introduce a new friend to everyone! My assistant, Ms. Xiaoqing!"

As he said that, Lin Kun gave the camera to Su Xiaoqing.

Seeing her curvy, perfectly proportioned figure, and her fair and pure facial features, the barrage of comments immediately exploded.

"Damn, I wasn’t as envious of Kunzi when he was earning 20 million. Where did you find a model assistant?"

"The host’s live broadcast is really good, but the man next to him is a bit annoying. I suggest you replace him with me!"

"Kunzi, you really deserve to die. You got both the overnight wealth and the company of a beautiful woman?!"

"How about we let Ms. Xiaoqing play the Ace of Spades for us before we dig for treasure?"

"Brothers, lust is a knife that scrapes bones. Let us not forget that our original intention was to come and see Xiaoqing...ah, bah, we came to see Kunzi hunt for treasure!"

"Someone is not sincere, I won't say who it is!"

Seeing that the popularity of the live broadcast room has exceeded 700w, Lin Kun was delighted. It seems that what he thought was right. There are indeed many LSPs in the live broadcast room!

Su Xiaoqing played this card well!

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