Lin Kun began to analyze the meteorite gold in front of him with the vast knowledge of meteorites in his mind.

In fact, the so-called meteorite gold refers to a meteorite with high purity gold.

There is an item called golden meteorite on the market, but it is not a meteorite rich in gold, but a kind of thing with a silicon purity of 98%, similar to a glass gem.

Golden meteorites are often used to make jewelry, so they are quite famous in the jewelry industry.

So seriously, meteorites rich in high-purity gold are also called meteorite gold!

Although the gold content on it is not low, what is really precious is the rare metals mixed with gold!

It is even possible to extract metals that have not appeared on the earth from meteorite gold!

This is why meteorite gold is so expensive!

It seems that the meteorite illustrations dug up two days ago can still come in handy! After putting away the meteorite gold, Lin Kun called Erha over and rode it back to the surface of the water.

"Master, the sound that makes me feel uncomfortable comes from the stone in your hand!"

"Can you throw it away~"

After carrying Lin Kun back to the surface, Erha's trembling voice sounded in Lin Kun's mind.

After hearing what it said, Lin Kun didn't think twice and asked it to stay away from this sea area first, and then cruise around.

After he dug up all the meteorite gold below, he would call Erha back.

Erha heard it, and without much hesitation, he agreed and swam away.

Back on the fishing boat, Lin Kun took out the meteorite gold and said to the live camera

"Brothers, it looks like everyone’s dream of getting rich quickly is about to be shattered!"

"Look at this, does anyone recognize it?"

Lin Kun put the thumb-sized piece of meteorite gold in front of the camera and showed it to the viewers in the live broadcast room.

Even in the sun, there was no reflection on the black meteorite gold.

This is because although the purity of meteorite gold is high, it is not as high as that of gold nuggets.

Other metal substances still account for a large proportion!

So it looks a little black!

But as long as you observe carefully, you can still see the peculiarity on its surface.

"It's just a piece of black broken stone. Could Kunzi be trying to make up something?"

"How could Brother Kun not be able to play with it? This thing looks like a broken black stone, but maybe it is a treasure?"

"It's so dark, even if Teacher Daliang came to see it, he probably wouldn't be able to see anything, right?!"

""Kunzi, stop keeping us in suspense and tell us what this is!"

Seeing that many netizens were urging him, Lin Kun smiled and started to explain.

"This unprepossessing piece of broken stone is called meteorite from outer space. If you know astronomy, you should have heard of it."

"However, according to my experience, the purity of gold in it can reach more than 50%, and the content of other precious metals is not low. It is even possible to find metal elements that humans have not yet discovered!"

Lin Kun said, tossing the meteorite gold, and then putting it on the electronic scale.

The weight of 500g suddenly appeared in the live broadcast screen. The size of a thumb and weighing 500g, any audience who has received compulsory education can imagine how terrifying its density is.

Just after the weight appeared in the live broadcast room, Wuxian Daliang sent several eye-catching barrages in succession

"I have just consulted Professor Bai from the Institute of Astronomy. What the host has in his hand is indeed a piece of meteoric gold. It is meteoric gold of this density, and it must contain a lot of gold elements!"

"There is another point that the host said correctly. This small piece of meteorite gold may indeed contain metals that have not been discovered by humans yet!"

"Professor Bai said that if this piece of meteorite gold is sent to a professional institution for appraisal, its value will easily exceed one million!"

The netizens who didn't believe it at first were all shocked.

"Wow, it's so cheap and it can break a million? I'm so envious!"

"I originally thought that Kunzi could only dig for nothing today, but now it seems that I am still too young!"

"Brother Kun made a move and made a fortune!"

After a burst of envy from the barrage, Lin Kun's smile gradually became mysterious.

"Brothers, according to the size of the crater on the seabed, this is just a small one."

"I will get a set of professional equipment tomorrow, and then I will dig a bigger one for you guys to see!"

Just then, the familiar face of 'Baoyou Antique Store' jumped out and posted an eye-catching comment.

"Host, a friend of mine who likes to collect strange and bizarre things is in Haizui City. If possible, can you sell this meteorite gold to him?"

Sun Debiao is still trustworthy, so Lin Kun nodded and agreed without much hesitation.

"OK, no problem"

"Brother Sun, you don't need to come to see me. I'm going to the city to pick up a friend, and I'll come to see you on the way!"

After saying that, Lin Kun put away the meteorite gold and looked at the live camera with a smile.

"Brothers, today's treasure hunt is almost over! Although I was better in the end, I can't let my family down!"

"How about this, next I will draw 10 viewers in the live broadcast room and give each of them a cash red packet of 10,000 yuan!"

"Deduct 6 to participate, and the prize will be drawn in three minutes!"

As he finished speaking, the live broadcast room began to deduct 6 like crazy, and the popularity of the live broadcast room instantly soared to 760w!

Three minutes later, Lin Kun used the platform's lottery tool to draw 10 lucky winners from the live broadcast room, and each of them received a cash red envelope of 10,000!

"Next, I’ll go to the city to find Brother Sun and sell the things!"

"Let's go!"

Lin Kun waved his hand and drove the fishing boat towards the shore.

Before leaving, he gave Erha an order to keep an eye on this sea area and not let other humans enter here!

Erha agreed very obediently and began to wander around this sea area.

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