Lin Kun smiled and nodded.

"You tell me, it's not too different from my psychological expectations, so that's it."

"How about 888w? Let's make it a lucky number!"

The price Liu Shuigen gave actually left a lot of profit margin for himself.

Lin Kun thought about it and didn't care about the difference of tens of thousands. He just wanted to sell it as soon as possible, so he nodded and agreed.

"Yes, but you have to handle the transportation yourself, Boss Liu. The fishing village is small and there are no big trucks.

Seeing Lin Kun agreed so readily, Liu Shuigen smiled and smiled.

"Brother Lin, you don’t need to worry about this. I have a special transportation company!"

"This is my business card. If Brother Lin has any rare seafood to sell in the future, feel free to come to me. No matter how expensive it is, I can eat it!"

"I, Liu Shuigen, like to make friends with young and promising people like you, brother Lin. Today I have made friends with you. In the future, you can come to me if you encounter any problems in the water business!"

Listening to Liu Shuigen's words, the water business he mentioned seems to be quite big! He put away the business card, and then Liu Shuigen transferred the money.

He made a call, and soon Lin Kun's mobile phone popped up a text message of the arrival of the money.

888w, not a cent less, real-time arrival.

After giving a close-up of the bank text message on the mobile phone screen, the water friends in the live broadcast room were once again in an uproar

"I've seen people spending money like water, but I've never seen people making money like water. Today, Kunzi received more than 10 million yuan in his account!"

"I’m tired of expressing my envy, let’s destroy it quickly!"

"Wow, I used to suspect that Brother Kun had a script, but now seeing the daily income Brother Kun gets, I have completely dispelled this idea!"

"Is Brother Kun in need of a bed-warming slave? Although I am a man, I think I can give it a try!"

"Brother Kun seems to be still single, sisters, why not give it a try?!"

"He has eight-pack abs, is 1.80 meters tall, is handsome and has lots of money. He is simply the perfect marriage partner!"

"I looked at my boyfriend who was picking his feet next to me, and I already wanted to break up!"

The live broadcast room was full of comments, and the gift area was full of planes and rockets.

Lin Kun also noticed that Liu Shuigen and Sun Debiao also gave a lot of gifts in the live broadcast room.

However, the commission for gifts was small money, so Lin Kun didn't care.

"Okay, brothers, today's live broadcast ends here, see you tomorrow~"

After saying that, Lin Kun disconnected the live broadcast link and packed up the live broadcast equipment.

At this time, the neighbor Uncle Zhao just came back from the sea, and when he saw Lin Kun, he greeted him enthusiastically.

"Xiao Lin is back. I heard from your father that you have made a lot of money recently!"

Without waiting for Lin Kun to answer, Liu Shuigen, who was waiting for the waiter to collect the fish, smiled and spoke

"Brother, Brother Lin is so awesome. Yesterday, he fished out nearly 20 million worth of treasures from the sea!"

"Today, this boatload of fish alone has earned 888,000 yuan!"

Uncle Zhao was just thinking about saying a few words, but after hearing what Liu Shuigen said, the smile on his face instantly turned into deep shock.

The other fishermen on the dock also gathered around, looking at the fish on the fishing boat with great curiosity.

"The kid from Dashan family is really promising, he can earn so much money?!"

"They are all in their early twenties. Look at my kid, he just plays with pesticides every day and doesn’t even want to find a proper job. It’s so worrying!"

"It’s the same with my kid. I beat him up this morning!"

"By the way, Xiao Kun doesn't seem to have a girlfriend yet. My Er Ni just graduated from college this year. Hey, where is Xiao Kun?"

When he saw so many people gathered at the dock, Lin Kun had already sneaked out of the crowd and ran towards home.

He didn't want to be dragged by those uncles and uncles to talk about family matters, and he might also be dragged to a blind date, so it's better to leave first!

At the same time, in the president's office of Dousha Live Broadcasting Headquarters,

Su Xiaoqing was sitting opposite a middle-aged man and spoke seriously

"Boss, I think Lin Kun is very likely to become a signature anchor of our Dousha Live!"

"In order to prevent other platforms from making small moves, I decided to be his agent myself!"

As soon as Su Xiaoqing finished speaking, Dousha Live's boss Zheng Shanhe put the documents in his hand on the table.

"Xiaoqing, I've told you so many times, when no one is around you call me uncle. Why do you call me boss all day long? Doesn't that sound so distant?"

"This Lin Kun is indeed a great treasure. I am considering arranging a full-time agent for him."

"Since you volunteered, go ahead!"

"But before you go, go home and see your mom. How long has it been since you went back? Yesterday, your mom, my sister, called me and scolded me!"

"She thought that I, as your uncle, made you work overtime every day!"

Su Xiaoqing, who was sitting upright, stuck out her tongue at Zheng Shanhe.

"Uncle, you also know how nagging my mother is. When I go back, she will ask me to go on a blind date again. I have no interest in those second-generation rich guys in Beijing!"

"If she knew I was being sent abroad, she would definitely threaten me with tears, a fuss, or even hanging herself."

"Please, please, just bear with me.~"

"That's it. I love you~"

Su Xiaoqing said, changing her usual strong woman look and playfully sticking out her tongue at Zheng Shanhe. Then, as if she was afraid that he would regret it, she trotted out of the office.

Looking at his niece's back, Zheng Shanhe sighed helplessly.

"Girls can’t be kept at home when they grow up!"

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