Netizens on Weibo were all going crazy because of the repeated hot searches on Lin Kun.

Some people even began to analyze where Lin Kun was live streaming and why there were so many priceless treasures.

Lin Kun, who had single-handedly set off a storm of heated discussions on the Internet, was now leisurely returning home with his father.

As soon as he got home, Lin Dashan told his wife that his son had earned another 10 million yuan this afternoon.

When Chen Xiumei heard that her son had earned more than 10 million yuan in the afternoon, she almost got high blood pressure because of being too excited.

Lin Kun was about to comfort his mother when the phone in his trouser pocket vibrated wildly.

He took out his phone and saw that it was a number from Shanghai.

He didn't seem to know any friends in Shanghai?

After hesitating for a while, he still answered the call

"Who is this?"

Lin Kun had just finished asking when a very pleasant female voice rang out from the other end of the line.

"Hello Mr. Lin, I am Su Xiaoqing, the operations director of Dousha Live."

"I just sent a message to the backstage of your live broadcast account. You may not have seen it for a while. I wonder if you have time now?"

"I want to talk to you about the live broadcast contract."

When Lin's father and mother heard the girl's voice, they smiled meaningfully, and then the old couple left the house on the pretext of cooking for Lin Kun.

Seeing his parents' misunderstanding, Lin Kun felt a little embarrassed.

"Now we have time, Director Su, please tell me, what is the problem with the live broadcast contract?"

He had already guessed something in his mind, but when it comes to interests, it is more advantageous to hold the initiative in his own hands.

"That's right, Mr. Lin, your live broadcast effect has reached the threshold of the top SSS-level anchors on our live broadcast platform."

"So if I have time, I can upgrade your live broadcast contract to an SSS-level contract!"

Su Xiaoqing said sincerely.

But after listening, Lin Kun did not give an immediate reply.

The reason why he signed a contract with the live broadcast platform before was entirely because the live broadcast platform in this world did not have the right to broadcast without signing a contract.

As for the treatment given by the live broadcast company, it is not a precious thing for Lin Kun now.

He has the treasure-hunting eyes, and it is possible that he can find a priceless treasure with just a glance!

Therefore, the level of the live broadcast contract does not have much appeal to Lin Kun.

Seeing that he did not respond for a long time, Su Xiaoqing on the other end of the phone was also shocked.

Could it be that the person in charge of other live broadcast platforms has begun to contact Lin Kun?!

Thinking of this, Su Xiaoqing hurriedly spoke

"Mr. Lin, if it is convenient for you, you can check the private message in the backstage first. I have sent you the contract details."

"Our Fighting Shark's SSS-level contract is absolutely unmatched by other peers in the industry!"

Lin Kun came back to his senses, smiled faintly, and responded ambiguously

""Okay, let's do this for now. I'll take a look at the contract first and contact you if there's anything I need."

After saying that, Lin Kun hung up the phone.

Dousha Live Headquarters, Office of the Operations Director.

Su Xiaoqing looked at the phone screen that had been hung up, with a bit of confusion on her pretty face.

She was hung up on?!

But after a moment, she came to her senses and began to focus on the private message chat box on her platform account.

In her life, she has never waited so intently for a man's reply!

But to her disappointment, after an hour or two, Lin Kun didn't even reply.

However, at this time, Lin Kun had just finished dinner, moved a small stool and sat leisurely on the beach.

As for the contract sent by the Dousha platform, although he had read it, he still wanted to wait.

This contract The other benefits of the contract were quite good, but there was only one clause that made him a little reluctant to upgrade.

After Lin Kun upgraded the contract, there would be a fixed broadcast time KPI every month. If it was not reached, the popularity weight would decrease, and he would even have to pay a considerable amount of liquidated damages.

Lin Kun would not easily sign such a contract that restricted his freedom.

After all, he had the Treasure Hunting Eyes, so what platform could he not go to?

So he was waiting for Su Xiaoqing to get impatient and come to him. By then, wouldn't everything be under his control?

Sure enough.

Just when the sun completely set below the sea level and the sea was dark, Lin Kun's phone lit up with a call from Su Xiaoqing.

After the call was connected, Su Xiaoqing's obviously unnatural voice rang out

"Mr. Lin, what do you think?"

After hearing this, Lin Kun slowly raised his dissatisfaction with the contract.

"Director Su, as long as this clause is cancelled, I have no objection."

"If it's inconvenient for our company, I can take a look.……"

Lin Kun's meaning was very clear. As long as Su Xiaoqing didn't agree to his request, he could consider whether to go to other live broadcast platforms. If you don't want me here, I'll find another place to stay!

Su Xiaoqing was silent for a long time, and finally heard her answer very decisively.

"OK, no problem, I'll give you a brand new contract before 12 o'clock!"Have fun reading books on May Day! Top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Top up now (Activity time: April 29 to May 3)

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