Zellar had a nightmare.

In the dream, he was originally majestic and was about to slaughter all sides, but suddenly countless ferocious-looking super ominous beasts poured out from all directions, surrounded him in the middle and carried out extremely terrifying attacks.

In the beginning, he was able to kill a lot, and the ominous beasts around him fled, giving him the illusion that he was invincible in the world.

However, the ominous beasts are endless, killing one and another popping up, as if endless.

At the end, he finally ran out of strength and could no longer resist.

So the ominous beasts swarmed up and quickly broke through his defense, and countless fierce attacks hit him directly, making him instantly feel like he was being violently struck by countless giant hammers. , pain everywhere, and even the deepest part of his body revealed extreme pain, so he couldn't help but let out an "Ah" scream and screamed in pain.

Then he woke up.


Opening his eyes and seeing that there was no one or the murderer around, Zelar froze for a while, and couldn't help but sighed in relief for a long time.

The scene in the dream just now was so terrifying that it filled his heart with fear. Now that he woke up and found that it was just a nightmare, he felt relieved.

However, in the next moment, the extremely terrifying pain came from every part of the torso at the same time, which made him utter a painful moan and made him understand that those ominous beasts in the dream were Unreal, but these pains are real.

"Yo, are you awake?"

A voice with obvious teasing sounded in his ear, making Zelar startled again.

He reluctantly suppressed the severe pain that came from his body, turned his head to look, Chu Nan's face that looked no different from an ordinary teenager, a face that looked like a harmless to humans and animals came into his eyes.

However, seeing this seemingly innocuous face, Zelar couldn't help shaking his body, and he moved back with force, but it brought severe pain all over his body, causing him to shiver. He groaned in pain again.

"Hey, if I were you, you wouldn't move around. Your whole body is meridian broken. If you move around, you won't be able to eat anything." Chu Nan said with a smile.

"Break of meridian in the whole body?" Zelar started again, and quickly tried to mobilize Inner Breath to check his own condition, but as soon as he thought about it, he felt an extremely deep emanation from the dantian part, as if it was going to take his entire body. The terrifying pain that completely tore his body, instantly caused a big cold sweat to protrude from his forehead, and his entire face was extremely distorted.

This time, he was not only surprised, but frightened at all.

He quickly suppressed the thought of using the Inner Breath, and looked towards Chu Nan while holding back the excruciating pain.

"You...what are you...what are you doing?"

Chu Nan couldn't help shouting the head.

This guy really deserves to be looked down upon.

It's just a little injury, although it hurts a little bit, but as a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse, such a little pain makes him distorted and screaming like this Yes, it's a shame for Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist.

"Nothing." Chu Nan shrugged replied with a relaxed expression. "It's just ruining your whole body meridian and dantian, lest you refuse to answer my questions obediently and honestly."

"How dare you! You..." Zelar exclaimed immediately He got up, but this exclamation immediately caused a sharp pain in his whole body, and he immediately forcibly held back the next sentence.

Chu Nan looked at him blankly, showing no sympathy at all, but more doubts in his heart.

How did this shameful waste have such strength?

It took a while for Zelar to slowly recover.

He looked at Chu Nan while breathing heavily, trying to make the appearance of gnashing teeth, but because of the severe pain, he couldn't mobilize his facial muscles perfectly, he could only gasping for breath, With a strange face, he said, "Little... boy, I... I warn you, I... my parents are... both Star Level Martial Artists, you... if you dare to kill me, they... they will definitely not. ...will not let you go."

"oh?" Chu Nan was really surprised.

Although he had long guessed that this guy must be backed by a Star Level Martial Artist, and that this Star Level Martial Artist is still very fond of him, Chu Nan did not expect that this guy's parents actually both It's Star Level Martial Artist!

The total number of Star Level Martial Artists in the entire galaxy is no more than 10,000. Any Star Level Martial Artist is an important figure in any country, and there can be a Star Level Martial Artist as the It is extremely rare to have one's master elders as the backing, and it is extremely rare that both parents are Star Level Martial Artists like the guy in front of him.

Chu Nan's previous question because of Zelar was instantly answered.

It is no wonder that this guy should be at least a fourth rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist from the perspective of the intensity of the Inner Breath and the use of space energy, and can even be compared with fifth-rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist. mention on equal terms, but the actual battle strength is far less.

It's no wonder that this guy is so strong, but his combat experience seems to be extremely lacking.

It's no wonder that this guy is so useless, but he's screaming in pain when he's hurt a little, and he doesn't have the demeanor that a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse should have.

After working for a long time, this guy is a spoiled child...what a shit!

"Damn it, this guy looks like he is believed by 50 people, he's still a crap child." Chu Nan hated the fiercely cursed in his heart. "But it should be right to be spoiled."

Seeing Chu Nan fell silent after hearing his words, the expression on his face changed, Zelar thought he was frightened by him, although his body still remained Severe pain, but immediately felt much better, even a little triumphant.

"hmph, boy, since you...you already know, why don't you just let me go?" Zelar just took a leisurely look at the surrounding environment, and found that the surrounding rocks stood in great numbers , and occasionally some weeds can be seen burrowing out of the stone crevices, swaying with the breeze.

No matter how you look at it, they should now be on a manned planet, or even simply on Eaton.

Seeing this situation, Zellal suddenly felt relieved.

As long as Chu Nan doesn't take himself to a barren planet where birds don't lay eggs, everything is easy to say.

Besides, after knowing that his parents are both Star Level Martial Artists, does this kid dare to do any harm to him?

"Let you go?" Chu Nan shook his head. "Oh, yes, I will let you go, but that's after you answer my question. Come on, answer my question first, are you from Tag Life Science Trading Company?"

Zelaer squinted at Chu Nan with a look of disdain.

"Boy, don't you think I'll answer your question? If you're smart, let me go as soon as possible, otherwise you...what are you doing!"

Zeraal suddenly stared With big eyes, he looked at Chu Nan with a look of horror.

It turned out that Chu Nan suddenly reached out his hand, grabbed his right hand, and pinched the index finger of his right hand, and then gently broke it...

"Click—— "

A crisp sound.

Zelaar watched his right hand index finger lean back at an extremely unnatural angle, and a sharp pain came from his finger, which made him unable to help but let out a piercing pain. Heart-wrenching screams.

Chu Nan still looked at Zelar with a smile, and then took the middle finger of his right hand.

"Hey, are you willing to answer my question now?"

Seeing the smile on Chu Nan's face that seemed to be harmless to humans and animals, Zelar reluctantly held back the drama. The pain, the large grains of cold sweat on the forehead gathered together, forming a small stream, running down the cheeks, and then gurgling down from the chin.

He suddenly realized that his nightmare was far from awakening.

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