Seeing that Chu Nan fell into silence, Giggs thought that Chu Nan was persuaded by himself, or maybe it was because he suddenly moved Angel Belle out and really threatened Chu Nan , was immediately excited.

He knows how difficult Chu Nan is, even if he was in such a crisis last time, this kid can forcibly recover, not only let himself escape, but even in such a difficult situation It actually rescued the others.

If it wasn't for this kid who wasn't a Perseus spiral arm after all, and didn't know anything about this side, I'm afraid the whole plan would be greatly affected by this kid.

Now this kid unexpectedly ran back, if you don't hurry up and seize the opportunity to catch him, if you miss this opportunity, I'm afraid it will be impossible to capture him alive in the future.

So after getting the notification from Eto'o Chamber of Commerce, Giggs has made extremely perfect preparations, and overestimated Chu Nan's strength as much as possible to deal with Chu Nan's means are far beyond what a beginner Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist can enjoy, and are simply enough to mention on equal terms with the super powerhouse used to deal with fifth-rank Heavenly Reign Grade.

It turns out that Chu Nan's performance is indeed worthy of his overestimation.

The metal walls around the room just now used the highest strength new bio-metal alloys, and even more absolute space after further improvement was laid. It stands to reason that the ordinary low-level Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist is fundamentally impossible to escape from it.

However, this kid easily broke through the wall and rushed out. It can be seen that his strength is probably much stronger than when he was first caught half a year ago.

But now, this kid can't escape after all!

Giggs gestured to the men around him, telling them all to be more vigilant.

With what he knows about Chu Nan, this kid has never been an honest guy who is willing to sit still. If Chu Nan can't be defeated with all his strength in the upcoming resistance, then he wants to really capture Chu Nan. It simply is impossible to accomplish the task.

"Strengthen the extraction of space energy, absolutely cannot let this kid..."

Giggs was seriously instructing his subordinates when he suddenly felt the ground under his feet vibrate slightly, and he suddenly heart startled.

"What's the matter?"

Giggs asked in a low voice, and saw that the men around him had not listened to him at all, but lifted the head to watch He stared at the center of the Energy Shield, terrified.

Giggs turned his head and looked around, and the complexion changed immediately.

In the middle of the Energy Shield, the ground under Chu Nan's feet has cracked several big holes at some point, and countless hard ground debris mixed with soil grass roots, flying sand running stone rose from the cracks He stood up, and then slowly circled around Chu Nan's body.

At a glance, Chu Nan seems to have turned himself into the eye of the storm, covering the entire space around him, and even the light in this space has dimmed for a while. It gives people a strong oppression feeling that Heaven and Earth are cracking and the end is coming.

"Isn't the space energy in the Energy Shield completely suppressed! Why is he still doing this?" Ziggs shouted in surprise to his men beside him.

"I...I don't know..." The man looked at the head blankly. "We have indeed raised the absolute space device to its maximum power, and it stands to reason that he is impossible..."

"Oh! God! The frequency of space energy oscillation is rising! No! This is impossible! Oh! God Ah! This is simply incredible! Lord Ziggs, we'd better evacuate as soon as possible. If this continues, I'm afraid it will trigger a high-frequency resonance of space energy. It may be..."

"It may be How's it going?" Giggs grabbed him by the collar and scolded fiercely: "I don't care what the high frequency resonance is, anyway, I will let you find a way to continue to suppress him, at least not let him escape, or else Yes, we're all dead! Do you understand? Ah!"

The expression on Giggs' face had never been seen before, and he couldn't help shivering. , However, after he glanced at the data displayed on the personal terminal, he still could only cry.

"Big...sir...I'm afraid...I'm afraid it's too late..."

Before he finished speaking, Ziggs and the surrounding men suddenly felt the ground shaking violently under their feet, It seemed that an ultra-high-energy earthquake had suddenly erupted, and with a "hong" sound, a terrifying shock gushed out from the ground.

Giggs felt like he was being thrown out suddenly, his whole body was thrown involuntarily.

The subtle but extremely high-frequency shock wave from the ground penetrated directly into his body, causing him to instantly feel the blood energy in his body violently surging, his chest hurts, and he couldn't help but be mouth spurt blood. come out.

While the body was still in the air, a clear and shrill alarm sounded from the personal terminal on his wrist, which clearly showed him that a high-frequency space energy vibration response was approaching at the moment.

Obviously, a powerful Martial Artist is approaching rapidly.

It goes without saying that this must be Chu Nan.

Giggs led people to round up Chu Nan this time. Of course, he was carefully prepared. Although the incident happened suddenly, he was not completely panicked. He immediately issued an order directly to the personal terminal through the neuroma.

next moment, a special Energy Shield instantly enveloped him completely, and then he felt an irresistible huge impact hitting him directly.

Although this huge impact was more than half offset by the Energy Shield, the very small part of the impact still ruthless knocked Giggs out of the sky.

At the moment of being hit, Giggs already felt as if every bone and every inch of muscle in his body had been crushed back and forth countless times by a ton truck, making him Involuntarily again a mouthful of blood mixed with shards of viscera spewed out.

The pain of the terrifying almost made Giggs faint, but with the foundation left by the Time Marital Skill he had previously practiced, he still managed to hold on, and then twisted his body hard, after all. Still defuse Chu Nan's blow.

Although he was seriously injured, it allowed him to successfully avoid being killed by Chu Nan immediately and retain the chance to survive.

At the moment when the Energy Shield was generated on him, a low voice with a hint of mockery suddenly sounded in the field.

"hmph, Giggs, I already said you could handle this cunning kid alone, do you believe it now?"

Anglu's silhouette doesn't know It popped out from there, just in front of Giggs, blocking Chu Nan's path to continue towards Giggs.

"Hey, Chu Nan, it's a pleasure to see you again." Ankluyang greeted Chu Nan with a big smile on his face, but a look in his eyes. Undisguised murderous intent. "If you didn't take the initiative to run over, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so easy for me to kill you in Orion's spiral arm."


Chu Nan sneered, but Ignoring Angklu, he looked deeply at Giggs, who was still vomiting blood in the distance, looked at the head, and then squeezed his fists, and the space that was almost frozen because of the full force of the space energy all over his body suddenly swayed. The space crack of silk black is like a densely packed spider web suddenly born.

Anglu's face changed suddenly.

Have not seen him for half a year, this kid's strength has been so amazingly improved.

Just when he was about to greet his subordinates to activate the absolute space device to suppress Chu Nan again, and then to shoot with his companions, Chu Nan waved at him.

next moment, Chu Nan just disappeared in front of everyone.

Anglu's face became extremely gloomy.

This time I had prepared for so long in advance, I thought it was foolproof, but didn't expect that now I could just watch Chu Nan run away.

What this kid will do next is really unpredictable.

Obviously, they're in big trouble again with the name "Chu Nan".

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