Wang Sicheng rubbed his eyes, which were still extremely sleepy because he woke up in the middle of the night, looked at Chu Nan floating out the window, and glanced over the only pair of underwear on his body, not at all. Know what to look like now.

After a while, he hesitated to speak.

"That...Chu Nan, came here in the middle of the night just to tell me that you finally agreed to sign the agreement?"

"I thought Director Wang You should be very happy to hear that I made this decision."

Now Chu Nan's face is no longer the slightly depressed gloom, but a relaxed smile on his face, making his whole person look instantly Just a lot of sunshine - of course, this needs to ignore the appearance that he is only wearing a pair of underwear now.

"I...I'm really happy..." Wang Sicheng nodded very hard. "But... can't you wait until dawn to come back to me?"

"No, I can't wait. I've made a decision and I'm going now." Chu Nan shook his head.

"Departure?" Wang Sicheng was stunned again. "Where to go?"

"Go find someone." Chu Nan answered simply.

Seeing that Chu Nan obviously doesn't want to go into details, Wang Sicheng can only shut up and don't ask.

He looked at Chu Nan seriously, especially seeing the calm expression on Chu Nan's face now, he was sure that Chu Nan was not joking at all, so he thought about it and asked Chu Nan waved.

"Come in and talk about it."

When Chu Nan entered the room and sat down, Wang Sicheng pulled out a pair of his nightgown and threw it to Chu Nan, washed his face with cold water by the way, Let yourself recover, then sit opposite Chu Nan again and open the personal terminal.

"About this agreement, you should have read it carefully before, right?"

"Well, I have read it carefully, and I have no problem with the above terms." Chu Nan Nod and said.

"Well, since you are willing to agree now, then this electronic agreement has passed your authorization certification, and we will make a paper agreement when you come back later."

While speaking, Wang Sicheng recalled the agreement he had shown to Chu Nan from his personal terminal, indicating that Chu Nan would also open his personal terminal and transmit it to him.

A moment later, the virtual screen on Chu Nan's personal terminal displayed the entire agreement. After Chu Nan read it carefully, he pressed his palm on the agreement, obtained the personal authentication through the scanning of the personal terminal, and then It is projected onto the electronic agreement.

Seeing Chu Nan's action, Wang Sicheng couldn't help sighed in relief.

This agreement has been proposed to Chu Nan two months ago, but Chu Nan has not shied away from it because he "needs time to consider".

The longer it takes, the more worried the Academy is that Chu Nan doesn't plan to sign this agreement at all, and even more worried that he will drop out of school after winning the Arhat Tyrant Body gold.

Fortunately, although Chu Nan successfully exchanged the Arhat Tyrant Body from the martial skill database two months ago, he did not drop out of school as Wang Sicheng was most worried, but was still working hard It seems that only the golden body of Arhat Tyrant Body can not satisfy him.

However, this will still make Wang Sicheng and the Academy worried, because after he has actually acquired all the S-Rank martial skills in the martial skill database, the Nebula Academy will not really attract him. Powerful.

And now, Chu Nan suddenly came and agreed to sign the agreement!

Wang Sicheng looked at the agreement with Chu Nan's certification and consent sent back by Chu Nan on his personal terminal, and he felt relieved as if a big stone had fallen to the ground.

"Chu Nan, can you tell me why you suddenly changed your mind?" Wang Sicheng couldn't help asking. "I thought you were dragging along and didn't want to sign at all."

"I thought so too." Chu Nan shrugged. "I thought I had 8 months to get enough points, and then I learned all the S-Rank martial skills."

"What if I learned it later?" Wang Sicheng again ask. “Will you continue to study at the Academy?”

“What do you think?” Chu Nan laughed rhetorically.


There is no need for a clear answer from Chu Nan, and Wang Sicheng also understands that it seems that Chu Nan did drop out after learning all the S-Rank martial skills. idea.

But he still didn't say why he suddenly changed his mind.

Just as he was about to ask, Chu Nan stood up, took off his nightgown, and threw it back to Wang Sicheng.

"Director Wang, since I signed this agreement, it means that I will be a student of the Nebula Academy Martial Artist branch for more than two years, so according to the branch's rules, I am now I have to ask you for a leave in advance."

"Because I'm looking for someone?"


"No problem, how long?" Wang Sicheng thought for a while and replied generously.

Anyway, what the Academy needs now is that Chu Nan has always admitted that he is a student of the Nebula Academy. It doesn't matter whether he is in the Academy or not.

On the contrary, if Chu Nan often sneaks out and cannot improve his points at the Academy, the time for him to exchange all his S-Rank martial skills will be greatly delayed, and the Martial Artist branch will still be reserved. For his appeal, that's a good thing for Academy.

"I don't know yet, because I don't have any specific news right now." Chu Nan couldn't help sighed when he thought of whereabouts unknown Angelique is now.

In fact, it's more than Angel Belle whereabouts unknown, even if Overi Venerable enters the Perseus spiral arm, it is whereabouts unknown.

It's just that Overi Venerable doesn't need others to worry about her compared to Angelique.

"Really? Then I'll give you an indefinite leave note first. I'll sell it when you come back. It won't affect your academic evaluation." Wang Sicheng said.

"Oh? So good?" Chu Nan was surprised, then laughed. "Then many thanks, Director Wang."

After saying that, Chu Nan planned to leave.

Just as he opened the window, Wang Sicheng suddenly spoke again.

"Chu Nan, remember to protect yourself at all times. You can always ask the Academy for help if you need it."

"Well, thank you."

Chu Nan solemnly nodded, stepped a little, and flew out of the window.

A moment later, he has returned to the dormitory.

Mondeo's snoring was still in the dormitory, and Sal and Tanaka Iyoko were still asleep.

Chu Nan didn't alert them, he simply packed his clothes, left a note, and flew out again.

He did not leave the Academy directly, but made a small circle to the Life Sciences Academy.

Elvie's laboratory is also dark and quiet now, proving that she should also be asleep at this time.

Chu Nan thought for a while, but did not disturb Elvie's sleep, but stuck a note written in advance on the door of the laboratory, then turned and flew to the sky.

While flying fast, Chu Nan opened his personal terminal and chose to send a communication request to Dong Fang.

"Hey, Dong Fang, arrange for me the fastest flight to the Perseus Arm."

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