In one of the private rooms of a high-end restaurant in Nebula Academy, the conversation between two young girls, Elway and Chu Xiaoxi, chirp chirp twitter twitter filled the room, filling the room with Youthful vibe.

Different from the two cheerful girls, Chu Nan has always been silent, not even focusing on the food in front of him at this time, but turned his head and looked towards the window, his eyes widened. The experiment has no focus, and it looks like he is in a daze.

He was still thinking about the private agreement that Wang Sicheng showed him just now.

The reason why after reading the agreement, he will almost lose self-control and directly say whether the Academy is crazy is entirely because the content of the agreement is unimaginable in his opinion.

It's not that the conditions put forward by Nebula Academy are too harsh to make Chu Nan feel unimaginable. In fact, it is quite the opposite. In this agreement, the conditions given by Nebula Academy - or to be more precise, the Martial Artist branch are simply unimaginable. It was so amazingly good that Chu Nan even wondered if what he saw was real.

According to the terms of the agreement, the Nebula Academy will provide certain convenience for Chu Nan's younger sister Chu Xiaoxi to enter the Nebula Academy. Even if Chu Xiaoxi also chooses to apply for the Martial Artist branch, the Martial Artist branch can also provide Directly give Chu Xiaoxi a special recruitment quota, so that she can directly enter the Martial Artist branch to study without going through the admission assessment.

This alone can save Chu Xiaoxi a lot of trouble, and more than that, apart from this, when Chu Xiaoxi enters the Martial Artist branch, the Martial Artist branch will Beginning listed her as a special training object and gave her special treatment, so that she was not restricted by the student's point level system, so that she could get in touch with the most powerful martial skill as quickly as possible, accept the best teacher's guidance, and improve her strength as soon as possible.

And these conditions are only for Chu Xiaoxi, and the conditions for Chu Nan are even richer.

Chu Nan didn't remember and didn't care much about other aspects. What really made him remember it very clearly was the condition that made him involuntarily say whether the Academy was crazy or not. It was the Martial Artist branch. It even said that Chu Nan's temporary S-Rank student authority was extended indefinitely!

This means that as long as Chu Nan is still a student of Nebula Academy, he can always enjoy this privilege!

And even more exaggerated than this, the branch of Martial Artist said that Chu Nan can also be free from the restriction of martial skill from being spread out!

However, compared to the benefits that were given unilaterally by the Martial Artist branch, this one is also a requirement for Chu Nan.

Although Chu Nan can transfer the martial skill he exchanged from the martial skill database, Chu Nan must enter a database into the martial skill database in advance for each transfer of a martial skill. The same level martial skill that I didn't have before.

That is to say, if Chu Nan wants to spread an A-Rank martial skill, he has to enter an A-Rank martial skill that did not exist before in the martial skill database, and he wants to spread it outside. S-Rank martial skill also needs to be entered in advance for an S-Rank martial skill that was not available before...

In fact, this condition is equivalent to the extension of the agreement signed by Chu Nan and the Martial Artist branch before. extension.

In the previous agreement, Chu Nan and the Martial Artist branch agreed that if he gets the S-Rank martial skill reward given by the Declan Empire Imperial Family at the garden hunting party next year, then he can get the S-Rank martial skill reward. This S-Rank martial skill is exchanged for an S-Rank martial skill from the martial skill database.

And now the Martial Artist branch has expanded this agreement to include the S-Rank martial skill that Chu Nan may have the opportunity to acquire in the future. It is also more free for Chu Nan, and the benefits obtained are also More - because he can pass on his martial skills from the material library to others.

This condition seems fair, but it's actually an extremely surprising change for the Martial Artist branch.

Before this, even though the students of Nebula Academy Martial Artist branch were fortunate enough to learn various martial skills in the Nebula Academy, they could not pass it on because of the strict rules of the Academy, even with their classmates who were Academy students. Don't teach it at will, otherwise it will leak the Academy's secrets, and you will be severely punished.

However, now the Martial Artist branch has come up with such an agreement, allowing Chu Nan to pass on the martial skills he acquired from the Martial Artist branch, which is simply overturning this tradition in one fell swoop.

Although this condition also has corresponding requirements for Chu Nan, the initiative is in the hands of Chu Nan.

If he has a suitable martial skill and is willing to enter the martial skill database, then he is equivalent to that he can choose a martial skill from the martial skill database to teach it to the outside world at any time.

This may not help Chu Nan's own strength, but it will help a lot to improve the strength of others that Chu Nan wants to improve.

Let's not say anything else, just take Chu Xiaoxi, who is sitting opposite Chu Nan and chatting happily with Elwei, as an example.

Although Chu Nan helped Chu Xiaoxi lay a good foundation before, she has a strong meridian system, and her fleshy body strength from the very beginning is far better than that of a Martial Artist of the same level. The improvement must be very fast, but in terms of martial skills, Chu Nan can only let her cultivate one Nine Revolutions Core Technique at most, other martial skills are either completely unsuitable for Chu Xiaoxi cultivation - such as the flame of life, Goddess's hymn cultivation technique, or It can't be easily passed on to others - such as the wind god piercing the forest leg method that Mu Yutong gave him.

Of course, the most important of the second category are the martial skills learned from the Martial Artist branch's martial skill database.

So in fact, the martial skills that Chu Xiaoxi can learn are not very rich, and it is not easy for her to have a complete set of martial skill system.

Now that the Martial Artist branch has come up with this agreement, Chu Nan can pick out the most suitable martial skill from the martial skill database, and create a complete set of martial skill system for Chu Xiaoxi, so that the She can play a stronger role in actual combat, and can also improve faster in cultivation.

As for the martial skills of the same level... Although Chu Nan has not yet mastered any of Peak's S-Rank martial skills, he still has some A-Rank and B-Rank martial skills.

If you think about it this way, this agreement is really beneficial to Chu Nan.

Compared with the benefits, the final requirement of the agreement for Chu Nan to complete four years of schooling at the Nebula Academy is simply negligible.

Of course, although this agreement is very beneficial to Chu Nan, Chu Nan did not agree to it so easily.

He needs to think about it, why did Nebula Academy treat him so favorably all of a sudden?

Is it just because of Wang Sicheng's "worry about his early withdrawal from school"?

After being distracted for a while, a hand suddenly reached out to Chu Nan and waved it in front of him.

“en?” Chu Nan recovered from the sluggish state, saw clearly that Chu Xiaoxi was waving his arms in front of him, frowned and asked, “What?”

“Brother, Why are you in a daze?" Chu Xiaoxi asked curiously. "The food is cold."

Chu Nan glanced at her, thinking of the conditions in the agreement just now, and asked: "Xiaoxi, you visited the whole morning and decided to come to Nebula Academy? ?"

"Isn't this something that has been decided long ago, and I will definitely choose the Martial Artist branch." Chu Xiaoxi waved his fist and looked confident. "I must become a Martial Artist stronger than your big brother, so if anyone dares to trouble me and my parents in the future, I can beat them all back by myself."

Chu Nan burst into laughter, shook the head, and wanted to ask again, when the personal terminal on his wrist suddenly sounded a notification tone for a communication request.

Chu Nan looked down, his face suddenly brightened, he raised his head and said to Elvie: "It's Oville Venerable!"

Elvie's expression suddenly moved, she couldn't help it Bring your body closer.

Before Chu Nan came back, Overi Venerable contacted her almost every day to discuss how to study Chu Nan well after returning.

But after Chu Nan came back, Overi Venerable seemed to have disappeared suddenly, without any news.

She asked Chu Nan about the situation of Overi Venerable, and Chu Nan only knew that Overi Venerable had gone to do her own business, and he couldn't even get in touch with him.

Now that Ovieri Venerable has suddenly sent a contact, is she finally ready to start researching Chu Nan?

Under Elvie's attention, Chu Nan chose to connect to the communication.

Overy Venerable's face quickly appeared on the virtual screen.

Before Chu Nan said hello, Overi Venerable spoke with a serious face.

"Angie Belle is gone."

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