Elvie walked briskly out of the lab.

She's in a good mood, or rather, she's been in a good mood these days since she got the clear news from Chu Nan.

Knowing that Chu Nan is still alive and well, the haze in Elvie's heart was instantly swept away, she only felt that she had never felt so happy throughout childhood, and even the father caught a little bit in her daily communication yesterday. The little problem reprimanded her for a while, but it didn't affect her mood in the slightest. Instead, she ridiculed the father in reverse, causing the father, who had always been extremely dignified in front of him, to show a rare blank expression.


Elvie couldn't help laughing at the thought of Sir Father's not knowing what to do look yesterday and the surprise on Mother's face out loud.

If they knew they were in a good mood because of Chu Nan, they would have reprimanded themselves again?

But on second thought, the current Chu Nan is completely different from the Chu Nan when his parents first met him last year.

After falling through the stargate in the Leppler galaxy event and returning safely, Chu Nan is already a very well-known and interesting young genius Martial Artist in the Earth Federation, and now he has passed through the Orion constellation Spiral arm Martial Artist Academy league tournament, although Chu Nan unexpectedly failed in the round of 16, but no one can deny his strength.

The current Chu Nan is not the one who made everyone think he couldn't even break through the Eternal Heaven Gate because of Mu Yutong Venerable's remarks despite his fame in the Western Cloud Star Martial Artist competition last year. That crap.

If before entering the Nebula Academy, in people's minds, Chu Nan could not be mentioned on equal terms with famous geniuses such as Feng Mingxi and Angel Beili, then at this time, even if still Some people don't think that Chu Nan is stronger than them, but no one dares to say that Chu Nan is weaker than them.

Even in the Earth Federation, many people have identified Chu Nan as the most talented Martial Artist among the younger generation of Martial Artists under the age of 20 in the Earth Federation, and the one most likely to become a Star Level Martial Artist in the future. One.

"Chu Nan is so powerful now, even if I really date Chu Nan, the father and mother will not object, right?" Elvie couldn't help thinking about it.

While thinking about it, Elvie couldn't help showing a sweet smile, but she was immersed in her wonderful reverie, but she didn't notice the situation in front of her, and suddenly found a dark figure bumping into her face. .

Although Martial Artist's instinct made her react to avoid, but because she was too distracted just now, she almost collided with it.

Elvie resisted the thought of exclaiming, stood still, lifted the head, and looked over angrily.

This guy clearly did it on purpose!

But in this Academy, who else would dare to stand in her way so rudely?

However, as soon as she looked up and saw the face of the man in front of her, Elvie immediately froze.

"Hey, Elvie, is that how you walk without looking ahead? Aren't you afraid of bumping into a pillar?"

The person in front of you is Chu Nan!

Elvie just froze for a moment, and then the anger on her face instantly turned into an involuntarily smile, and she let out a cheerful exclamation. Throwing into each other's arms.

"Chu Nan big brother, you're finally back!"

It was full of laughter at first, but after laughing for a while, it gradually became Choked, and then Elvie just hugged Chu Nan and cried loudly.

Chu Nan reluctantly held Elvie with her backhand and glanced at the passers-by looking towards this side, feeling a little embarrassed.

But he also knew that this was Elwei's worry about her performance, just like Chu Xiaoxi's reaction when she saw him, so even though he was a little embarrassed, he still hugged Elwei gently, Let her cling to herself and cry.

Feeling Elvie's body in his arms twitching gently, Chu Nan couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Elwei's performance made him think of Chu Xiaoxi.

After finalizing the cooperative research agreement with Nogentum Chamber of Commerce, Kasha Kingdom also quickly solved the problem of Chu Nan in the whole thing, so Chu Nan finally basically solved Things in the Kingdom of Kasha were able to return smoothly.

Before returning to the Nebula Academy, he first went home to let his family witness him come back alive and well.

Chu Xiaoxi's reaction after seeing him for the first time was exactly the same as the current Elwei.

After a while, Elvie's cry gradually stopped, and then she reluctant to part Chu Nan's chest, still looking at Chu Nan with tears in her eyes, that look is like a poor man. general kitten.

Seeing that there was a green snot in Elvie's nostrils, Chu Nan couldn't help laughing. He wanted to wipe it for her, but he couldn't find anything suitable , had no choice but to point to Elvie's nose.

Elvie didn't show any shyness. She took out a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped off her crying face, then quickly sorted out the expression on her face and happily asked Chu Nan: " Chu Nan big brother, congratulations on your safe return. Tell me, what have you been doing during this time?"

"I'm afraid it's inconvenient to talk here, you haven't had dinner yet? Come, let's find out A place to sit down and eat, I'll tell you slowly. There's one more thing to discuss with you."


The two didn't run very far either. The place is to find a fairly quiet internal restaurant in Nebula Academy, and order a quick meal, and then Elvie can't wait to ask what Chu Nan is doing during this time.

Chu Nan told his parents and Chu Xiaoxi about his experience during this period when he returned home a few days ago, and also explained it to Dong Fang through remote communication. Practice makes perfect.

Faced with Elvie's question, he briefly recounted his experience during this period in a few words.

It's just that Elvie is also very interested in many details and keeps asking questions, forcing Chu Nan to talk more in detail in some places.

Elvie expressed her surprise when she heard that Chu Nan and a group of people were caught so far from the Perseus Arm.

And when she heard that Chu Nan later ventured to rescue Thiago and the others, but was trapped in the Merlint galaxy, Elvie involuntarily showed a worried expression.

Especially knowing that Chu Nan actually destroyed the stargate of the Merlint galaxy with one punch, the expression on Elvie's face was not only surprised, but also had a look of admiration.

"Wow! Chu Nan big brother, you are amazing! I have thought many times what would happen if someone really destroyed the Stargate, but no one really dared to do it, Can't think of doing it now!"

Chu Nan reluctantly shook the head.

"This is not something to be proud of. I was forced to do this for those guys to escape safely, and now I have to pay the corresponding price. By the way, speaking of this, this is also related to me. It has something to do with what you are discussing."

"Oh? What?"

"Um..." Chu Nan pondered for a moment, sorted out the thoughts in his mind, and continued. Asked: "You should have heard Oville Venerable say that she wants to invite you to help her with her research, right?"

"Well, I heard that!" Elvie nodded excitedly. "Overy Venerable is the best human genetic engineering expert in our Earth Commonwealth. She is an extraordinary human genetic engineering miracle in her own right. It would be great to have the opportunity to assist her in her research!"

Speaking of this, Elvie suddenly pursed her lips and smiled, and glanced up and down at Chu Nan, her eyes were full of slyness and mockery.

"But Chu Nan big brother, she invited me to study this time...but it's you..."

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