Chu Nan jumped from 1st Heavenly Reign Grade to 3rd rank Heavenly Reign Grade and even stronger in a few days...

This is of course an impossible thing .

The reason why Chu Nan is able to break out such a powerful battle strength now surprised Overi Venerable, just because of his previous research on the high rotation nebula has made significant progress.

Now, he can not only quickly use the high-rev Inner Breath to urge the nebula in his body to enter a high-rev state, thus bursting out a battle strength far exceeding his true strength, and after these days of research and experiments , Chu Nan has been able to maintain the stability of the nebula in this state, unlike the previous state of the nebula's high rotation, which could not last for too long before it collapsed.

In addition, during the two Earth months, he has played against Rowe and Anklu hundreds of times, and he has already accumulated sufficient experience and knows these two people very well. , so although it was a little caught off guard and looked a little embarrassed, but he quickly adapted to it and quickly pushed the nebula into a high-turn state.

More importantly, in this state, he can still maintain a relatively fine control of space energy. Even if it is not as accurate as in the normal form, it is still enough to use the flame of life and Goddess. The hymn of cultivation technique, so in the battle, seeing Luo Wei and Anklu both wanting to fight with him, and even intending to exchange injuries for injuries, Chu Nan couldn't help but not panic at all, but wanted to laugh a little.





Although there is no air and other media to transmit sound in space, Chu Nan and the three of them are enough to cause space energy vibration in a large space at this time. Bring out a terrifying roar in the empty space that seems to make the entire starry sky tremble.

At the beginning, Luo Wei and Anklu felt that they had the hope of making an effort to seriously injure Chu Nan. .

The two of them can't handle this kid with all their strength. If the naked girl in the distant starry sky stops watching, but rushes up to help, as long as her strength is comparable to that of Chu Nan, Instead, the two of them need to consider whether they can get away.

The two continued to maintain a fierce battle with Chu Nan, while discussing each other's voices.

Seeing that they still can't take Chu Nan, all they need to think about now is how to retreat safely.

The most important thing is not to let this hateful kid realize their intention to retreat, otherwise if he keeps chasing the spaceship, they can't guarantee that they will be able to defend the spaceship under Chu Nan's attack without losing.

Although they are very unwilling, the two must admit it now.

They really have nothing to do with Chu Nan.

Just as the two secretly communicated and discussed, the situation suddenly changed again.

After Chu Nan smashed Rowe back with a punch, he did not intend to continue chasing, nor did he attack Ankreu, but suddenly pulled away and flew back quickly, and instantly flew to Oville Venerable's side. .

Luo Wei and Anklu didn't expect Chu Nan's reaction, and they could only watch Chu Nan fly over.

Overy Venerable opened her eyes and looked towards Chu Nan suspiciously.

She was a little worried about Chu Nan at first, but after watching it for a while, she found that Chu Nan was not at all disadvantaged in the face of the two of them. As I said, close your eyes and tease yourself.

Just as she was focusing on the changes in her fleshy body, she sensed Chu Nan flying over, which was a bit strange.

Chu Nan glanced at Luo Wei and Anklu in the distant starry sky, scratched his head, seemed a little sorry, and asked Overi Venerable: "That... How to do it?"

Overy Venerable looked at Chu Nan with some amusing.

"What? I don't think you brat has a hard time fighting with those two guys? Why can't you hold it now?"

Chu Nan forced a smile, I don't know How to explain it to Overy Venerable.

Although he did fight with Rowe and Anklu just now, he did not lose the slightest, but it was based on keeping the nebula high.

Although his stability and stamina in Nebula's high-turn state are now much stronger than before, after this period of battle, he still found a problem, that is to maintain this state The consumption of Inner Breath is very fast.

After more than twenty minutes of fierce fighting, the Inner Breath in his dantian was almost exhausted.

This situation is really beyond his expectations.

Since breaking through the Eternal Universe, Chu Nan used to mobilize space energy directly, regardless of battle or fleshy body recasting, so there is basically no need to worry about consumption.

And after the nebula condenses, it will be completely fused with the surrounding space, mobilizing space energy with no difficulty, let alone the issue of Inner Breath.

But didn't expect now in order to maintain the high rotation state of the nebula, he had to work hard to mobilize the Inner Breath to a high rotation and use it to drive the nebula. As a result, the high rotation nebula was able to maintain stability. Consume constantly.

If the Inner Breath is completely consumed, let alone maintain such a high-load high-rotation nebula state, I am afraid that even the nebula in the dantian will be difficult to maintain intact, let alone the control of space energy. , of course it is impossible to continue to fight with Rowe and Anklu, and even the ability to escape will not have.

After discovering this problem, Chu Nan made a decisive decision and decided to escape...

It's just that I want to explain this problem to Oville Venerable, but it can't be done in a sentence or two. After thinking about what was done, Chu Nan could only simply admit it nodded.

"Well...I can't hold it anymore. If you really can't make a move, let's get away quickly, or we won't be able to run away if we want to run for a while."

Just now Olivier Venerable also took Chu Nan for a Space Jump, so Chu Nan wasn't too worried about escaping with her.


Overy Venerable glanced at Chu Nan again, and suddenly stretched and straightened.

"It's just two little fellows from Heavenly Reign Grade, what are you running for?"

After saying that, there was no movement from Oville Venerable, and her figure suddenly disappeared in front of Chu Nan , the next moment has appeared in front of both Rowe and Uncle.

Rowe and Unkru were hesitating at this time.

Seeing Chu Nan voluntarily retreated, they quickly judged that Chu Nan was probably unable to continue, and now it should be the same as the previous hundreds of fights, intending to escape.

But this time is different from before. He was alone before, and he ran away if he wanted to, and neither of them could stop him.

And now he has a companion, and it seems that he intends to escape with his companion.

And his companion may not have the ability to appear and disappear unpredictably like Chu Nan, so Luo Wei and Anklu hesitated whether to seize this opportunity and use Chu Nan's extra power. Companion, forcing Chu Nan to fight to the death with himself, so as to clean up this hateful boy.

The reason why the two were hesitant was because they couldn't figure out the true strength of the naked girl, and they were not fully sure.

"Damn it, miss this opportunity, maybe we have no chance to kill this kid." Uncle suddenly cursed fiercely. "Even if that little girl is a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, it's impossible to be strong. You can't stop us from joining forces. Luo Wei, come on, let's grab that little girl and force that kid to kneel and beg for mercy!"

Rowe groaned.

With the character Chu Nan showed before, he is not a person who will leave his companions and run away.

If I can really catch that little girl, I might have a chance to threaten Chu Nan.

Just...that little it really just a little girl?

Just as this question crossed their minds, the two suddenly blurred their vision, and when they looked at it, the "little girl" had already appeared in front of them.

Rowe and Anklu were shocked at the same time.

This "little girl" is far more terrifying than they thought!

Then they felt that all the space energy in the space around their bodies was out of their control at the same time, the space around them was completely locked, and even their bodies were unable to control them freely.

Watching the little girl extend the hand to their necks expressionlessly, their eyes are full of astonishment.

With their strength, they were easily restrained by this "little girl".

This "little girl" it a Star Level Martial Artist!

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