"What's the matter?" Ovieri Venerable asked back with a smile. "Want to know?"

Chu Nan nodded again and again.

Although he had actually made some mental preparations just now, it still gave him a great shock to see Ovérie Venerable grow from nothing and create a fleshly body out of thin air.

This kind of change is much more powerful than his recasting his body in a different space, and even more powerful than his recasting the flesh for that mysterious girl, which is completely beyond Chu Nan common sense, so he couldn't wait to find out what was going on.

Overy Venerablep nodded, but did not answer the question immediately, but her eyes suddenly fell on Chu Nan's right arm.

"What's wrong with your arm?"

Chu Nan turned his head and glanced, shrugged, and replied with a relaxed face: "Nothing, fighting with people, no. Be careful to get it down."

"That's just right." Ovelie Venerable didn't care at all, and suddenly reached out and pressed Chu Nan's right shoulder. "Boy, looking at you like this, you must be ready to undergo limb regeneration surgery?"

"Well, my arm is broken." Chu Nan nodded, still with a look of indifference.

"So how much do you know about limb regeneration technology?" asked Olivier Venerable again.

"This..." Chu Nan scratched his head with his remaining left hand. "I just heard... It seems that some genetic cells are taken from my body, and then a suitable arm is grown according to a certain procedure, and then connected to me?"

"That's right in general. .But do you know how this brand new arm that suits you grows?"

"It should be... relying on cell culture..." Chu Nan was a little unsure.

He doesn't know anything about medical science and technology, and the reason why he knows these is only from the pan-galactic network.

"Yes, it does rely on cell culture. But do you know how cells divide and grow, and finally form an arm?" Overi Venerable still asked reluctantly.

"I don't know." Chu Nan could only shake his head honestly.

"Want to know?" Ovieri Venerable smiled slightly.

She is now exactly the same as a girl under 20 in terms of face, body shape, and even temperament. With such a smile, she not only still has the beauty before, but also has a little more sunshine, innocent and pure. The taste made Chu Nan couldn't help but stare blankly, only to be nodded.

"Well, relax, use the flame of life to cooperate with me, and at the same time use your cultivation technique that can mobilize life force. Follow my instructions."

Ovi Li Venerable explained, and the palm that held Chu Nan's shoulder suddenly burst out with a seemingly very gentle milk white radiance.

Chu Nan immediately sensed that Overi Venerable had also used the cultivation technique of the flame of life.

Compared with the cultivation technique of the flame of life used by Chu Nan, the cultivation technique of the flame of life used by Overi Venerable is obviously much more powerful.

As soon as he was enveloped in white radiance, Chu Nan immediately felt a slight soreness and itching on the fractured front end of his amputated right arm.

“No way—”

Chu Nan looked down in amazement, and found that the cut surface that had long been covered by various cells and soft tissues and became necrotic was now starting to change little by little. rosy.

It didn't take long for Chu Nan to feel the soreness in the cut surface getting stronger, which made him want to scratch twice.

"Hey, boy, don't stand still. If you don't have enough life force to supplement, do you think the cells will divide by themselves? Hurry up and use your Goddess cultivation technique to supplement enough life here. force." Overi Venerable said suddenly.


Although I still don't understand what's going on, Chu Nan fully trusts Ovérie Venerable and naturally does what he says.

With a turn of mind, Goddess's hymn was launched, and the life force of space energy transformation quickly condensed, and then slowly injected into the fractured section of the right arm.

The feeling of soreness, numbness and itchiness instantly became more ferocious. If it was just like a spring bud breaking through the earth just now, now it hits one after another, like a flood bursting a dike.

Chu Nan couldn't help but let out a moan that he didn't know whether to say it was a relief or a pain, just so that the energy of the space around him also involuntarily fluctuated strangely.

Overy Venerable gave Chu Nan a strange look.

"Hey, boy, you're so strong now, I'm really surprised."

Immediately, stunned: "But it's not you who are in estrus now. When you're in heat, give me concentrated one's mind, otherwise don't blame me if your arm crooked."

"In heat..." Chu Nan was immediately embarrassed, but then a little strange.

Are your arms crooked? how long?

As soon as the doubt was born, the white radiance from Ovéli Venerable's palm suddenly became extremely bright, completely covering the fracture of Chu Nan's right arm, and extending all the way, as if from Chu Nan shot out a white light from his shoulders, affecting half of his right body.

A moment later, Chu Nan felt as if something had grown out of the fractured section of his right arm.

Fixing his body and looking at it, he was horrified to find that the layer of necrotic cell tissue covering the outer layer of the fractured surface suddenly split into countless openings, and then strips of bright red buds emerged from the inside.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the necrotic cells and tissue on the fractured surface had completely fallen off, and only the fresh, blood-red cut surface of the entire arm could be seen.

Then Chu Nan watched helplessly, his arms "grown" out little by little...

First the skeleton in the middle, then the muscles attached to the skeleton, The bloodline meridians embedded in the muscles, the skin covering the muscles, the hairs on the skin...

With Chu Nan's powerful vision and precise control over his own body, he knows all these changes like the back of the hand , feel very clear.

But just because of the clear feeling, Chu Nan felt more and more frightened in his heart.

This...what's the matter!

I... I actually forcibly grew a set of arms out?

It didn't take long for Chu Nan's entire right arm to fully grow, and then he watched as the entire palm began to grow from the arm.

Compared with the arm, perhaps the structure of the palm is more complex, so the growth rate is slightly slower.

It took more than ten minutes, and the nails on the five fingers of Chu Nan's right palm were completely aligned.

Olivier Venerable then withdrew her hand, picked up Chu Nan's right arm and looked at it, pinched it, and seemed to be very satisfied.

"Very well, there is nothing wrong with this arm. You brat's physical strength is quite high than I thought, and the activity of physical cells is extremely sufficient, which saves me a lot of effort."

Chu Nan still looked sluggish.

He raised his right arm and swayed it from side to side, turning his right hand over and over to take a closer look, and finally asked Olivier Venerable in disbelief: "That...I... Are you not dreaming?"

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