In the days that followed, Chu Nan continued to harass Rowe and Anklu.

Although every time Chu Nan fights against the two of them, Chu Nan will be under great pressure due to lack of hard power, and even be seriously injured because of it, but with the ability to cross the wall of space, every time he plays can escape in time.

And even if he is seriously injured, he only needs to spend a while to recover using the flame of life and Goddess's hymn cultivation technique, and he will always be able to recover completely as before, and then again like a normal person. Jump up to the challenge in front of both Rowe and Unkru.

In the beginning, Rowe and Anklu were furious when they saw Chu Nan and wanted to try their best to kill him as quickly as possible.

But after fighting like this several times, dozens of times, or even more than a hundred times, the two finally reluctantly admitted that as long as Chu Nan wanted to escape, they simply had no way out of Nan.

Don't say catch Chu Nan and devour him alive. After the number of fights with Chu Nan increased, the two also found that Chu Nan's growth rate was astonishing.

In the beginning, even if Chu Nan tried his best, he could only last for less than five minutes at most with their joint efforts, but after that Chu Nan was able to persist for longer and longer, and the strength he showed in the battle also improved. Obviously getting stronger and stronger, and more and more calm in the face of the two joining forces.

Later, the two of them couldn't help but have an amazing guess in their hearts.

If it continues like this, maybe it won't be long before Chu Nan has the hope of winning a tie with them, or even defeating them in the end!

This conjecture is extremely absurd no matter how you look at it, because Chu Nan is now only a junior Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, and both of them have the strength of third rank Heavenly Reign Grade. How can Nan's strength alone surpass the two of them in a short period of time?

But the two experienced Chu Nan's amazing growth firsthand, and the conjecture in their hearts became more and more real...

"Hey, Luo Wei, we can't do this anymore. Go down." After watching Chu Nan disappear in front of his eyes again, Uncle found Rowe, his expression more serious than ever. "Have you noticed? That kid has a special cultivation technique, and he can recover quickly even if he is injured, but we can't. Now he can't hurt us, but with the growth rate of this kid's terrifying, it may not take long before he has a chance to let him go. We are injured. At that time, we can't recover quickly, we will only face him more and more disadvantaged, and in the should understand."

Luo Wei looked at the serious expression in surprise. Ang Cru.

Anglu's character has always been extremely arrogant, even to his own comrade who is comparable in strength, he often puts on a arrogant look, not to mention the ordinary Beginner Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist.

And now he has said such words, which shows how much pressure Chu Nan has brought to Anklu during this period of time.

However, there was no joking look on Unkru's face, Rowe frowned and thought about it, and had to admit that he was right at all.

In fact, seriously, even though Chu Nan's strength is growing at an astonishing rate, it is still far from them, and it is impossible to pose any threat to them temporarily.

But the most annoying thing about this kid is that he doesn't know what the hell is the cultivation technique, and can always make him disappear completely in front of the two of them.

Even if Luo Wei still doesn't believe that Chu Nan has the ability to cross the wall of space and perform super space jump, but the fact is in front of them, they just can't kill Chu Nan completely, they can only be killed by him again and again Come to the door to challenge the harassment.

apart from this , no matter how badly injured this kid is, he can always recover quickly, and it won't take long for him to come out alive again, making them very annoying.

If it goes on like this, even if they don't have to worry that Chu Nan's strength will surpass them in a short time, and in turn will defeat them both, but as Anklu said, in case Chu Nan has a chance to get hurt in the future When it comes to them, they don't have the ability like Chu Nan, which will inevitably affect their battle strength.

And once Chu Nan has a chance to hurt them, it proves that his strength has improved to a certain level, and he will definitely have more opportunities to hurt them in the future.

In this way, their battle strength will inevitably decrease with the accumulation of injuries, but Chu Nan can always maintain the most complete battle strength, and even continue to strengthen in battle.

In the end, I'm afraid they are worried that they can't resist Chu Nan's attack.

Thinking of this, Luo Wei's face also became solemn.

In normal circumstances, he certainly wouldn't have the slightest doubt.

But now they are trapped in this star system with Chu Nan and can't go anywhere. This kid Chu Nan is idle and has nothing to do, but he obviously treats them as a sparring partner. They have nothing to do with Chu Nan. , that's something to worry about.

Thinking for a while, Luo Wei felt a trace of anger in his heart.

Damn, I and Angklu are dignified two powerful third rank Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouses. They are extremely famous experts in their respective galaxy and even the whole country. A young boy pushed to such a point that he would lose face by speaking out.

But this anger just passed by and disappeared instantly.

Luo Wei is very clear that anger is meaningless, and the most important thing now is to consider practical issues.

Uncle's concerns are not just words, but real problems.

Even he, a guy who has always been proud and arrogant, has clearly expressed such concerns, which shows that he has indeed seriously considered this issue.

Luo Wei suppressed the anger in his heart, couldn't help shaking his head bitterly laughed, and asked Uncle: "Then what do you think we should do? I'm almost certain that kid should be hiding underneath. On this planet, but now the surveillance satellites have been destroyed by that kid, we are impossible to find him. And if the two of us leave the spaceship together, maybe the kid will turn around and attack the spaceship. If the spaceship is destroyed , the situation will only get worse."

This is the most helpless place for the two of them.

Chu Nan is alone, he can do as one pleases if he wants to advance or retreat, but they can't.

They brought so many subordinates this time, and they had suffered heavy losses in the previous battle. If they were wiped out by Chu Nan again, they would be ashamed to go back to see people.

More importantly, spaceship is an important medium that allows them to control the surrounding starry sky at any time. Without spaceship, they have no way to immediately know whether the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum sent someone to repair the stargate, There is no way to immediately communicate with the outside world.

If these conditions are gone, they don't know when they want to go back.

"I mean..." Uncle's face was very tangled, after hesitating for a while, he turned his head slightly, as if sorry was looking at Rowe, and continued: "We... we Let's retreat first..."

"Retreat?" Rowe was stunned.

Perhaps because he had already spoken his mind, Anklu turned his head to look directly at Rowe, and was nodded very single.

"Yes, let's go back first. Otherwise, if we go on like this, the devil knows when there will be an accident. We can't bury everyone here because of this kid, right? Anyway, the food on the spaceship is already gone. The collection is almost done. When the stargate is repaired, we can go back and find someone to destroy this kid. If it is not possible, we can ask Venerable to do it. No matter how cunning this kid is, can he still escape from Venerable's palm? ?"

"Venerable?" Rowe was even more stunned.

The meaning of Angklu is... to deal with a young boy who is less than 20 years old like Chu Nan, how can he even hire a Star Level Martial Artist?

This is too much!

However, after thinking about it carefully, Rowe had to admit that Uncle was right at all...

Seeing Rowe frowning and thinking, Uncle continued: "Anyway, this kid doesn't have spaceship. Even if the stargate is repaired, he can't escape. We have a chance to clean him up. Why waste time with him here?"

Rowe was finally persuaded by Anklu .

He looked at Uncle, as if he knew him for the first time, looked at Uncle, and then slowly nodded.

"Then... well, we'll... take a step back..."

Seeing Rowe's promise, Angklu's face suddenly showed a happy look, and Rowe also involuntarily sighed in relief.

The two looked at each other and saw each other's expressions. At the same time, they turned their heads away with a look of shame on their faces.

As two powerful third rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artists, they were forcibly pushed back by a junior Heavenly Reign Grade kid!


What a shame!

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