Chu Nan turned off the personal communication interface, rubbed his chin, and fell into deep thought.

Although Gleek was tough at first, when Chu Nan spoke out about the Kingdom of Kasha and Eaton, and revealed that he was now on Eaton, Gleick's insistence suddenly turned into a joke.

The reason why he was able to keep his mouth shut before was because Chu Nan and Muluo uncle and the others were not familiar with the Perseus spiral arm, so it was difficult to find out specific information. He didn't say, Chu Nan and the others don't know.

But now Chu Nan has come to Kasha Kingdom by himself by accident, and even came to planet Eaton, the capital of Kasha Kingdom, and has already inquired about some information about Rahir Venerable, then Grec will again. There's no point in sticking to it.

After Chu Nan gave a promise that he would leave as long as he found Ovérie Venerable, although Gleek didn't fully believe it, there was no more choice, so After all, some useful information was revealed to Chu Nan.

"Rahil Venerable's lair?" Chu Nan frowned slightly. "I wonder if I can find out more specific information there..."

After thinking for a while, Chu Nan shook the head and gave up the question.

He is not familiar with this place, and he will definitely not know the exact answer just by imagining it here. If he wants to know, he still needs to go for a trip.

What needs to be considered now is his next arrangement.

Although he is very concerned about Ovérie Venerable's affairs, in comparison, what needs to be solved most urgently now is Thiago and the others.

Through the communication with Gallostan, Chu Nan successfully got in touch with Orion's spiral arm, and then through Gallostan teacher, he could successfully connect himself and Thiago and the The situation of others is revealed, and I try to get help there.

Chu Nan doesn't talk about it himself, it's just that Thiago is a famous genius of the United States of Meletta. Now that he is missing, the United States of Meletta will definitely organize forces to rescue him.

And like Urquia and the others, all of them are of extraordinary strength, and obviously have a good background in their respective countries. If the news of them being trapped here spreads, the various members on the Orion's spiral arm will be affected. Countries will surely respond accordingly.

It's just that Chu Nan is well aware of their situation.

Chu Nan's own strength is strong, and he can even go through the star gate physically and perform super space jump. Naturally, he has nothing to worry about, but Thiago and the others do not have such strength. It is not so easy to leave with them.

At the same time, Chu Nan is still unable to determine which country and which force on the Perseus spiral arm Ziggs is cooperating to kidnap him and Thiago and the others this kind of thing comes.

However, it can be inferred from reason that this matter needs a lot of strength to succeed, and the consequences are even more serious, so this behind-the-scenes force must not be too weak.

Under the monitoring of such a huge force, it is obviously difficult to take Diego and the others away safely.

If a little carelessness attracts the attention of the other party, let alone a more powerful enemy, just a Master Rowe is enough to make Chu Nan unable to easily take Thiago and the others away .

The most important thing is that Chu Nan can't wait here to wait for the Orion's spiral arm to respond and implement rescue, because first of all, the Erehuana Military Treaty Alliance is extremely exclusive, and the various countries on Orion may not be able to. Successfully entering the Perseus spiral arm to carry out the rescue operation, and secondly, such a large action is more likely to attract the attention of the opponent's forces, but will put Thiago and the others in danger.

And even putting these aside, Chu Nan always felt that the planet that Thiago and the others were on was inherently weird, and it was not a long-term solution to keep them there.

"So...the most important thing now is to get them away, but what to do?"

Chu Nan's eyes fell on Eto'o outside the door. On the subordinates of the Chamber of Commerce, he thought that his luck was very good this time. He happened to encounter the attack on the Eto'o Chamber of Commerce's caravan, and then obtained these conveniences because he rescued them. Otherwise, he wanted to do Nothing is possible.

After thinking carefully for a while, Chu Nan stood up, walked outside the door, and patted the subordinate's shoulder.

"Hey, tell me, how can I get a spaceship the fastest?"



Toyetule's leader Gloomy Face, all the subordinates in front of him kept quiet out of fear, and did not dare to make any changes at all.

They know very well that the leader must be in a very bad mood right now. If anyone dares to provoke him at this time, the end will be very miserable.

After a while, the leader of Toyetul suddenly raised his hand and slapped it hard, smashing a half-meter-thick rock tabletop in front of him, and his mouth was cursed angrily.

Although the few subordinates standing in the front were hit by the rubble, all the subordinates were sighed in relief.

The leader can vent the flame hair in his heart, which is the best result.

Otherwise, with the usual temper of the leader, some unlucky ghost will fall to the ground this time.

"Damn it, obviously I have cleared the powerhouse of this piece of Star Domain, no one will come to trouble us, now where is this guy coming from?"

Hearing the scolding from the leader of Toyetul, the men looked at each other in blank dismay.

They couldn't answer this question, because the failure of the operation was quite surprising indeed.

As space pirates, it's not that they haven't encountered a failed robbery operation, and there are quite a few times.

In these failed operations, there were some failures because the looted caravan had inaccurate intelligence, and the opponent's firepower was too strong to take it down, and it was also because the guard fleet of the Kingdom of Kasha happened to hit hard. There are various other reasons why space pirates lead to the failure of the operation, but among the reasons for the failure, the most powerless is encountering a situation like today - being defeated by a passing powerhouse.

Even if their cosmic pirate can be said to be the most powerful cosmic pirate in the Kingdom of Kasha and even in the nearby Star Domain for nearly a thousand light years, the cosmic pirate is a cosmic pirate and cannot be mentioned on the same level as the regular army. In terms of terms, it is enough to encounter those ordinary experts, but to encounter super experts who can compete head-on with an entire armed fleet in space and even defeat them easily, but they are helpless.

That's what happened today.

They were about to defeat Eto'o's Chamber of Commerce's caravan, grabbing a large number of goods from the caravan, but suddenly a super expert popped up from nowhere, making all their previous efforts Wasted.

It's okay if they don't take action successfully.

What really made the leader of Toyetule angry and even distressed was that the super expert destroyed five of their spaceships in one breath.

That's five battleships!

Each one costs a full 70 million dinars for a cosmic battleship!

Such a precious battleship would be extremely distressed to lose a Toyetule leader in an ordinary battle, but now it has lost five ships in one go!

A total of 350 million points of loss, and it will take at least two years for them to hope to earn it back - still in desperate circumstances.

However... what made Chief Toyetulle angry the most was that he couldn't think of a way to get revenge at all.

This is a super expert who can easily kill the entire fleet with one person's power. Even if it is not a Star Level Martial Artist, it is an extremely powerful high-level Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse, even with the power of the country. The experts, even more how are they this trifling cosmic pirate.

It was this helplessness that made Toyetule even more angry.

But he can't blame his subordinates for this.

Blame them for not being able to handle a high-level Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse or even a Star Level Martial Artist? Do not make jokes!

Looking at the helpless expressions of his subordinates, the leader of Toyetule was also very helpless.

In the end, the Chengfu, who had been the leader for many years, still made him suppress the anger in his heart and began to arrange the follow-up of this matter.

Of course, they are impossible to find that super expert to take revenge, not to mention that the super expert has no idea where he has gone now, they can basically find it. There is nothing he can do, so the best solution is to forget about it as soon as possible and find a new robbery target.

Even... in order to avoid losses, they have to cautiously avoid the Star Domain where the super expert may appear, so as not to suffer bad luck.

While the leader of Toyetul was giving orders one by one, another subordinate hurried in and interrupted him.

Frowned, the leader of Toyetule, was about to reprimand him, but the subordinate came to him, opened the personal terminal on his wrist with a complicated expression, and displayed the information on the virtual screen in front of him.

Leader Toyetul glanced at him, his eyebrows raised suddenly, and he looked surprised.

"It's actually a black scorpion order?"

After glancing again, his expression became even more surprised.

"Could it be that guy? What a coincidence?"

A moment later, a smile appeared on his face.

"Ha, it's actually a guy from Orion's spiral arm, outsider... Now we have hope for revenge..."

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