Captain Norman couldn't help frowning slightly as he looked at the young powerhouse buried deep in the sofa.

Since seeing the video footage found by the female crew member, the young powerhouse has been in a strange state of silence, as if contemplating something that troubled him too.

After being in this state for nearly half an hour, Captain Norman didn't dare to interrupt at first, but now that the time is tight, he has to interrupt.

After hesitating for a while, Captain Norman coughed lightly and walked into the reception room.

Chu Nan lifts the head, his eyebrows are still tight, his expression is extremely solemn, and Captain Norman can't help his heart throb when he sees it.

This is a powerhouse that can easily repel an entire cosmic pirate fleet with one person's strength. What could make him so cautious and embarrassed?

"Cough...that...respected strong..."

"My name is Chu Nan." Chu Nan interrupted Captain Norman.

"Chu Nan?" Captain Norman froze for a moment, feeling that the whole name was a little weird, but didn't say much, and continued to say with a smile: "Then... Dear Mr. Chu Nan, may I ask... Does the clothes still fit?"

Chu Nan glanced down at the set of clothes that the two female crew members had just brought on him, nodded.

"Not bad. Captain Norman, if you have something to say, just say it directly, don't be around."

Captain Norman looked a little embarrassed, but in front of such a powerhouse, He didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction, and still respectfully said, "Mr. Chu Nan, do you have any plans for the next step?"

Chu Nan blinked, then showed a sudden expression.

"Oh, it looks like I've delayed your trip?"

"No no no, nothing. You can go with our caravan if you want. You said before that you lost your way in the starry sky, and the next destination of our caravan is the planet Eaton, the capital of Kasha Kingdom. If you want, you can join us to go to Eaton, I believe you will know what to do next How did you get to where you're going."

"Is the Kasha Kingdom's capital planet planet?" Chu Nan glanced at Captain Norman. "Can I find out the specific news about Rachel Venerable and the female Star Level Martial Artist perish from Orion's spiral arm there?"

Captain Norman glanced at Chu Nan cautiously, He didn't dare to ask, but instead called the head: "I'm not sure. But Rahil Venerable is the Star Level Martial Artist of Kasha Kingdom, maybe you can find out more about him there."

"Okay, I'll go. But..." Chu Nan suddenly spread his hands and said to Captain Norman: "As you can see, I don't have anything on me now, so I'll go to the capital of Kasha Kingdom like this. planet, I'm afraid there will be a problem?"

The corner of Captain Norman's mouth couldn't help twitching, thinking to himself that you are such a powerful Martial Artist, where do you need to worry about these things?

But since Chu Nan said so, Captain Norman pretended to be thinking seriously and said, "This is not a big problem. If you need an identity, I can do it for you. Just arrange it and make sure there won't be any problems."

"Is that so?" Chu Nan asked rhetorically.

"Please rest assured. With the strength of our Eto'o Chamber of Commerce, we still have this ability." Captain Norman said confidently with a smile.

"Okay, I'll leave this to you. In addition, I now need a personal terminal that can connect to the pan-galactic network, can you provide it?"

" This..." Captain Norman was a little embarrassed. "I'm afraid I don't have the ability to provide it to you now, but after Eaton, it won't be a problem."

"Still going to Eaton?"

"Yes ."

Chu Nan pondered for a moment, then asked: "How long will it take to get to Eaton?"

"You only need to jump over two more gates to get there, the fastest only I need 78 minutes in Galaxy Standard Time."

"78 minutes?" Chu Nan quickly calculated in his mind.

78 Galactic Standard Time is approximately equivalent to Earth Time 17 hours and 21 minutes, and from here back to the planet where Thiago and the others are currently located, if he travels through the star gate alone, he should It will be faster than when you come, it only takes 8 hours to arrive.

In other words, even if he went to Eaton, he would only need one day to return to that planet.

"Okay, you can arrange it." Chu Nan waved at Captain Norman.

Seeing Chu Nan's promise, Captain Norman immediately sighed in relief, bowed slightly to Chu Nan, gave a salute, and then hurriedly retreated.

Looking at the back of Captain Norman leaving in a hurry, Chu Nan thought about it again and felt that the current arrangement was the best arrangement.

Whether you want to get enough information, or find a way to take Thiago and the others back safely, it will be more convenient to be able to go to the capital of a country.

And more importantly, the unexpected news about Ovérie Venerable made him have to go.

Although neither the two female crew members nor the information shown after that brief video profile indicated that Overi Venerable should be with Rachel Venerable perish, or even skeleton doesn't exist, so that there is no information within this half galactic standard wheel, but Chu Nan does not believe it very much.

First of all, the strength of the Star Level Martial Artist is far beyond the imagination of the ordinary person, and it is by no means so easy to really die.

Secondly, what Chu Nan was thinking about was what Venerable had said to him before.

"Ovi Li Venerable, it's not so easy to die..."

Chu Nan doesn't know why Man Luo Yin Venerable said that, but since she finally got Ovi Li Venerable's exact news, if he didn't investigate it clearly, how could he be willing.

After waiting for a while, Captain Norman walked into the lounge again and told Chu Nan fleet that it was ready and was about to depart.

After getting the approval of Chu Nan's nomination and finally agreeing, another ten minutes later, Chu Nan sensed that the spaceship under him started to start again, and advanced towards the gate that he hadn't directly flown out before.

The spaceship soon entered the stargate and began a super-space voyage in the different space.

Prior to this, Chu Nan didn't pay much attention to each time he took a spaceship to travel in time and space, but now he has experienced the physical body crossing in the different space, and at the same time he has inadvertently detected the abnormality. The strange space energy fluctuation trajectory that connects the stargate in space can't help but become interested in this time-lapse voyage.

There is no need to fly out of the spaceship, he just sits in the lounge with his perception fully turned on, and easily incorporates the spatial energy fluctuations in the surrounding space into his perception.

He could clearly sense that the spaceship was enveloped by a layer of Energy Shield, which was obviously used to counteract the violent space energy erosion in the different space.

At the same time, he also clearly sensed that this cosmic spaceship was clearly moving along the strange space energy fluctuation trajectory he had sensed before in the different space, but it was more than his physical body. The speed of flying in different space is faster.

After traveling in the different space for two hours like this, it really came to the fork of the energy fluctuation trajectory that Chu Nan discovered earlier.

Then Chu Nan sensed that the spaceship had turned into the trajectory on the right, which was in the exact opposite direction of the trajectory he first discovered after he flew into the stargate. .

Chu Nan opened his eyes and nodded gently.

"Very well, it looks like I won't get lost again."

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