Although this silhouette is full of thick mucus from head to toe, red, white, black... all kinds of colors mixed together, like blood and a pile of The debris of the internal organs mixed together, not only made people unable to see their faces, but even wanted to avoid far away just by smelling the smell, but Thiago and Urchia immediately heard from the voice that this silhouette was Chu. Nan.

"Very good! Chu Nan, you are not dead?" Urquia creded out in surprise and flew up from below, but was immediately overwhelmed by the pungent smell from Chu Nan's body. He flew out, waved his hand vigorously, pinched his nose, and said with an ugly face: "It smells bad!"

"en? He lowered his head and twitched his nose vigorously, then retched for a while, then flew forward with another silhouette in his arms, and plunged into the blue water with a thud.

Watching the sea spread out a mass of materials mixed with various ugly colors, Thiago and the people in the sky looked at each other in blank dismay.

This guy...wasn't the monster swallowed?

How did he come out?

A moment later, a milk-white light suddenly appeared beneath the stained sea surface, mixed with a pale green scent.

And those stains seem to be purified under the reflection of these rays of light, gradually fading the color and restoring the blue of the sea.

After a while, the light faded, and two silhouettes shot up from the sea with a bang.

At this time, the grass skirt carefully woven by Urquia on Chu Nan's body has disappeared at this time, allowing him to return to a naked state, not only that, but also on his arm. He also tightly hugged a young girl, who was also naked, and her posture looked extremely ambiguous.

But what was completely inconsistent with this ambiguous posture was the blank expression on the girl's face.

She had a dull expression, turned her head slightly, looked left and right, glanced over the faces of Thiago and the others not far away, then turned to look at Chu Nan, and finally looked down at herself. , and then...


girl let out a scream, and a thick green aura burst out from her body. Chu Nan, who had been hugging her, immediately seemed to suffer What a strong impact, the whole person was instantly ejected, and fell heavily on the sea, bringing up a puddle of sea water.

However, she suddenly lost the support of Chu Nan, and the girl also suddenly lost the strength to keep flying in the sky, and also fell to the sea.

However, her martial skill is obviously not weak. After a while, she has recovered. The thick green aura around her body has instantly stabilized and floated in the air.

"@#¥...%@" While desperately protecting her vital parts with her hands, the girl quickly spit out a paragraph of words from her mouth in a little panic.

At this time, Chu Nan emerged from the sea, and just heard the girl's question, so he touched it. He originally planned to take out another personal terminal and throw it to her, but found that his body was now full of light. Yo had nothing, and then I remembered that in order to save this girl, he deliberately let the monster swallow himself, and after entering the monster's stomach, not only did the grass skirt that Urchia gave him was completely corroded by the monster's body fluids, that The bag containing the personal terminal didn't know where it went.

"Damn it, what I got with so much effort, I can't just throw it away."

Chu Nan scolded secretly, and then shouted to Urquia in midair: "Hey, Urquia, explain the current situation to her and those guys, and I'll find something."

After that, he flew up again and flew at high speed towards the direction of the monster. go with.

Although the monster had a huge laceration under the body by Chu Nan, the injury looked extremely serious, but for its huge body, this wound could not be completely fatal.

However, this high-level ominous beast also has a certain intelligence. After suffering a big loss under Chu Nan, he knew that he was not Chu Nan's opponent. Fly away into the distance.

However, it was already seriously injured at this time, coupled with its huge body, its flight speed was not very fast, so how could it escape, and Chu Nan had already caught up in the blink of an eye.

Urchia, Thiago and the others watched Chu Nan catch up with the monster in an instant, and then dived into the huge wound below the monster to be disappeared, and they were all dumbfounded.

This guy... finally escaped alive, is he going to die again?

Urquia was the first to react.

Chu Nan was able to survive in the situation just now, so how could he die now?

Although I don't know what Chu Nan wants to do, but thinking of Chu Nan's explanation just now, Urchia flew to the girl who was rescued by Chu Nan just now, raised her hand, and acted like magic. He took out two grass skirts and handed them to the girl.

"Here, put it on first."

girl glanced suspiciously at Urquia, but couldn't resist the temptation to put on her clothes again, and took the grass from her hand. Dress up.

Although it was extremely simple, it barely covered important parts, which made her feel at ease and asked questions.

"[email protected]#¥%¥¥%@#..."

"Okay, I don't understand what you're saying, listen to me." Urquia said He waved his hand and stopped her with a smile, but then he did not just face her alone, but turned slightly to the side, looking towards those who escaped before, loudly said: "This is the situation now, Chu Nan..."

In fact, she doesn't know much about the current situation, but after all, she was rescued by Chu Nan before, and she was the first to wake up later, and she was in contact with Chu Nan many thanks. The situation is much more understood than others.

These people are also talented Martial Artists from all over the world. Although they are not all experienced and knowledgeable people, they are talented and smart, and it is easier to accept the current situation.

Under Urquia's explanation, everyone quickly understood their current environment.

But for what Chu Nan said to Little Fatty just now "the situation is very bad", people don't know what's going on.

"Chu Nan said so, maybe he has some clues."

Facing everyone's questioning eyes, Urquia spread her hands and looked towards the far end The direction the monster is in.

Others also looked away.

Chu Nan has been in that monster's body for so long, why hasn't he moved?

Could it be that he was really swallowed by rare beast this time?

Just as everyone showed their doubtful expressions, the rare beast suddenly issued angry roar again.


This angry roar is much louder than the previous ones, and you can clearly hear the endless pain in the sound, look It looks like this rare beast is in great pain at this time.

After a while, a mucus mixed with blood and body fluids suddenly spewed out from the top of monster's huge and flat body like a fountain, and a silhouette flew out of it.

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