As soon as Thiago walked out of the player lounge, he was immediately surrounded by a group of reporters.

He was already used to this kind of situation, and with a faint smile on his tired face, he took the initiative to greet him.

"Thiago, congratulations on winning this round and successfully entering the top 8 of this competition. Do you have confidence in the next competition?"

" Thiago, you fought hard for half an hour to win this game, what do you think of your opponent Veran?"

"Thiago, do you have the confidence to win the final championship?"



As one of the most high-profile students in the United States of Meletta, Thiago has It is not the first time that I have faced this kind of scene of being besieged by reporters. Now I am naturally familiar with it. I have always maintained a gentle smile and answered the questions of these reporters with a decent one after another.

However, his face changed involuntarily when he heard a question from one of the reporters.

"Thiago, after this game, Willand said in an interview that if Chu Nan didn't lose the game against him because of his special willingness, then the player who played against you in this round would not be able to. It must be Chu Nan, and he firmly believes that you are impossible to be Chu Nan's opponent, what do you think about this?"

Hearing this question, Thiago and other reporters around looked towards and asked questions. the reporter.

In fact, this issue has been discussed by a lot of people on the pan-galactic network before the start of this round of competition, and many of them feel that Weilang is right, if Chu Nan participates, Tia Ge must not be able to outperform Chu Nan.

And through the game between Willand and Thiago just now, it seems to confirm this idea.

Although Thiago finally defeated Willand, he fought hard for half an hour to win, and the process looked extremely difficult, and even nearly lost several times.

From this point of view, the strength of Thiago and Willand is almost on par.

However, the match between Weilang and Chu Nan was watched by countless people. Weilang was obviously not Chu Nan's opponent before Chu Nan failed to condense the nebula, and Chu Nan is now the nebula condensed. With success, he was even more impossible to defeat Chu Nan.

So from this point of view, Chu Nan's strength must obviously exceed Thiago's.

But many people also said that the competition between Martial Artists depends not only on the apparent strength of both sides, but also on the spot. When it comes to the real arena, if both sides give it a try, it may not be who wins and who loses.

Although there are not many people who support this view, at least it is acceptable in the minds of people in the United States of Meletta.

Before the game, no one would ask Thiago this question in person. Now that the game between him and Willam is over, a reporter asked him in person immediately.

Thiago glanced at the reporter's chest and found that he was not a reporter from the United States of Meletta, but came to the Republic of Turado. Said: "I really regret not being able to play against Chu Nan. But the rules are the rules, since Chu Nan has been eliminated, now we can only face the reality. Veran certainly has the right to express his views, as for me... ...I very much hope to have the opportunity to play against Chu Nan in the future."

I have to say that Thiago's answer is very decent, not only showing his position, but also not evading Weilang's dialect. At the same time showed a strong self-confidence, worthy of his Green Academy Star title.

But this answer obviously would not satisfy the reporter, he frowned and immediately asked: "So do you think there is a possibility of winning if you fight Chu Nan head-on?"

This question seems very rude.

The reporter did not ask how confident Thiago was of defeating Chu Nan, but asked him unceremoniously if he had the possibility of defeating Chu Nan. Obviously, he thought that Thiago could not defeat Chu. Nan.

The other reporters from the United States of Meletta glared at the reporter, but the reporter turned a blind eye and still looked directly at Thiago.

Tiago couldn't help frowning, stared at the reporter, took a deep breath gently, and then responded: "You know? Chu Nan and other participating students from the Earth Federation arrived. I had a brief confrontation with Chu Nan when I was on Tomreil."

"oh?" The reporters around were in an uproar.

Although this has been rumored before, it has never been confirmed.

Now Thiago said it himself, which undoubtedly confirmed this fact.

"Then what do you mean?" the reporter quickly asked.

"I admit that Chu Nan is indeed strong, but I still have doubts about whether he succeeded in condensing the nebula. So I don't think his strength has reached the level of Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse. Then As long as he doesn't become a real Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse and is still at the level of a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, I have the confidence to fight him!"

Thiago dropped the sentence loudly, and then pushed Open the reporter and leave.

Although the reporters wanted to ask questions, Thiago, after all, had far more martial skills than all the reporters, and was already disappeared in three or two, leaving only the reporters looking at each other in blank dismay.

"Speaking of which... Did Chu Nan really condense the nebula successfully?" After a while, a reporter suddenly muttered something to himself.

The other reporters looked at each other and shook their heads.

Although Chu Nan's whole body was judged by many Martial Artists to be condensing the nebula during the competition of the day, but because he failed once in the middle, although it seemed to be completed safely, in the end. Still being questioned.

Never has a Martial Artist succeeded in condensing a nebula after failing once, which is completely contrary to the common sense of the martial arts.

More importantly, Chu Nan is too young to condense a nebula at his age, which is unimaginable.

Therefore, in the past few days, there have been many remarks questioning Chu Nan on the pan-galactic network and major media, and these remarks have never been refuted by the parties themselves, so they have also received a lot of people. support.

Now that Thiago has expressed the same doubt, it is difficult for reporters to directly refute it.

After looking at each other for a while, the reporters suddenly felt that it was pointless to continue to tangle on this issue, and after muttering a few words to each other, they dispersed.

While the reporters were discussing these issues, Thiago had already entered the player channel at this time.

After today's game, there is still one day off before the next 8-in-4 game, so he can go back to the base to rest and prepare, but he doesn't need to stay here.

Just after walking two steps in the passage, he suddenly stopped.

Looking at the corner of the passage ahead, a strong sense of crisis rises in the mind.

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