Chu Nan glanced helplessly at the small hole in the wall, thinking that this is really unpredictable.

How arrogant the imposing manner was when Quediro Venerable suddenly appeared and took him away a few days ago, now that a few days have passed, and when he comes to meet him again, he has to sneakily act like a thief. Changed as a person.

Don't look at what he said so domineeringly, but in fact, he didn't hide his whereabouts to get in touch with him and then meet.

At the end of the day, even if he is a Star Level Martial Artist, it is impossible for him to take great precautions in the United States of Meletta, when the five specially invited Star Level Martial Artists such as Man Luo Yin Venerable are waiting for him. Dare to appear in public without any scruples.

"That... Venerable, I already told you last time, as long as you are willing to tell Junior what to do and how to do it, and then offer conditions that make Junior satisfied, this can be done. It's a matter of discussion. Now that you haven't said anything, what did you ask Junior to consider?"

"Didn't I say it?" Quidiro Venerable stared.

Chu Nan looked at him innocently.

Quadillo Venerable rolled his eyes, snorted, and slapped his head.

"Oh, I really didn't have time to say it, I just listened to you about the past few days."

Chu Nan could only roll the eyes.

"Okay, since you asked, then..."

Speaking of this, Quediro Venerable actually showed the same coy expression as he did a few days ago, and he was very close to him. The beggar image with the bearded face is combined, which makes people feel awkward, even a little...disgusting...

Chu Nan can only try his best to keep his face expressionless and wait quietly.

"cough cough...Okay, I know, since I want you to do things, I won't make it clear. Boy, listen up, what I asked you to do... um... That being said, Quediro Venerable was still hesitant and hesitant, and even after a few red lines on his face, he continued: "After the park hunting party, according to the convention, the young martial artists who finally won will be sacked. Recruited into the Declan Empire Imperial Palace to accept the summons of the emperor's old man..."

Chu Nan couldn't help interrupting him: "senior, are you sure that Junior will finally break through the encirclement?"

"Bullshit!" Quediro Venerable glared at Chu Nan. "Otherwise, what would I do with you? Chat?"

Perhaps because Chu Nan interrupted, his strange shyness subsided a lot, and then he spoke more smoothly .

"There is nothing to say about being summoned by the emperor old man. The point is that after the summoning, you should pass a hill next to the Imperial Palace. On the surface, there is nothing unusual about that hill, but there are many trees and stones. The top of the mountain is bare and full of red, you can recognize it when you go there..."

"Wait!" Chu Nan couldn't help interrupting him again. "Senior, why are you so familiar with the Declan Empire Imperial Palace, are you actually the Declan Empire Imperial Family younger generation?"

"Fart!" Quediro Venerable suddenly yelled angrily. "How can an old man who is able to support both heaven and earth be the son of that kind of perverted family!"

Chu Nan stared at the excited Quediro Venerable, thinking in his mind. In the idea of electric transfer.

From this sentence alone, it can be inferred that there must have been some extremely close connections between Quidiro Venerable and the Declan Empire Imperial Family.

But looking at the expression on Quediro Venerable's face, Chu Nan did not continue to ask, but asked: "So senior, after seeing this mountain?"

Quadillo Venerable took a deep breath and slowly regained his calm.

"See this mountain? After you see it, you will give me a chance to climb it, but there should be a palace on the mountainside, and there is a person living in it. You go in and meet her."


Chu Nan keenly noticed that in the words translated through the personal terminal, it shows that the "she" in Quediro Venerable's mouth should be a woman.


Chu Nan is more imaginative.

Sneaky to meet a woman in a palace of Declan Empire Imperial Palace...

Could it be that Quediro Venerable is so daring to be with Declan Empire Imperial Palace Is one of the women having an affair?

Even if he is a Star Level Martial Artist, this is too much!

Chu Nan's first reaction was to refuse.

What a joke!

If this guess is true, he would go to see the woman secretly in place of Quidillo Venerable, and there is no doubt that he was courting death.

He, the Star Level Martial Artist, can't sneak into the place, and let him, the guy who has just succeeded in condensing the nebula, run away, that is bringing about one's own destruction!

Quidillo Venerable is of course not an idiot, he could see what was in his heart from the expression on Chu Nan's face at a glance, coldly snorted and said: "What are you afraid of? Don't worry, the old man and the woman are not The kind of relationship you think. For some reason, it's not convenient for me to meet her, but it's ok to have someone else meet me instead. Even if you get caught by the guys from the Declan Empire Imperial Family, you just say old man If they let you go, they won't embarrass you too much, at least they won't make you worry about your life."

Chu Nan was puzzled.

"In this case, senior, you can just find someone to go on your behalf, why must you find Junior?"

"If you want to go, you can go, nonsense so What more?" Quediro Venerable's eyes widened again, then he reached into his arms, took out a paper notebook that looked like the cheapest kind of random bought from an old stall, and threw it to Chu Nan . "Hold it."

"What is this?" Chu Nan opened the notebook in surprise, but found various handwriting and pictures in the notebook. Although the words were not easy to understand, the patterns seemed to be related to cultivation techniques.

"This is an A-Rank cultivation technique that the old man is proud of, called Metal Gear Solid. After mastering it, you can have a more precise control over the space energy, which is enough to avoid the general The detection sense of Martial Artist, even Star Level Martial Artist, as long as it is not deliberately detected, it will not be able to find your trace. Learning it will help you sneak in smoothly."

"So magical? Then why is it only A-Rank cultivation technique?"

"Because it has no other effect than this. Do you think S-Rank cultivation technique is so easy to evaluate?"

"Then that means... Do you think that just using this cultivation technique will make Junior take such a big risk?"

"Why? Don't want to?" Quediro Venerable glared at Chu Nan. "You brat still look down on the A-Rank cultivation technique? Tell you, although this cultivation technique has no other effect, there is no other cultivation technique that can mention on equal terms in terms of concealment. If you don't see it in you brat I lost the game because of the relationship of the old man, and you can sneak in more easily after mastering this cultivation technique. It would be so easy for you to be an old man? If you don’t want it, give it back to me now.”

Chu Nan immediately took it and said with a smile: "Then why not. But senior, just this cultivation not enough..."

"This is a deposit. "Quediro Venerable gave Chu Nan a sidelong glance. "If you brat completes the task, the old man will definitely give you higher rewards. Even if you want S-Rank martial skill, it's not difficult. How about it, are you interested now?"

"S-Rank martial skill?" Chu Nan's eyes suddenly lit up. "Can senior reveal what S-Rank martial skill is?"

"We'll talk about it when you succeed."

Chu Nan shrugged, suddenly asked, "If not Success..."

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