
Chu Nan put out a breath long, spread his limbs, lay flat on his back in a big shape, and felt lazily all over his body. Half of his fingers were reluctant to move.

The victory over Salemo wasn't a major event for him, but it was a big deal for everyone else.

Chu Nan entered the top 32 with this, which means that he successfully entered the finals.

This is an extremely exciting thing for the entire Earth Federation.

Because in every Orion Spinning Arm Martial Artist Academy Tournament that the Earth Federation participated in, the students sent by the Earth Federation had only passed the fourth round at the furthest, and could not attract any attention at all. people's attention.

And now Chu Nan has attracted widespread attention almost as soon as he participated in the tournament, and now he has successfully entered the finals, not only setting the best result of the Earth Federation participating in the tournament, but also in other In front of the national audience, the young Martial Artists of the Earth Federation were fully displayed, making the effect of the Earth Federation, which had not been paid much attention to on the pan-galactic network during this period, suddenly became a hot topic.

In the eyes of many Earth Federation people, this is the honor that Chu Nan brought to the Earth Federation.

So after the game, countless Earth federation media rushed to conduct more detailed interviews with Chu Nan.

It would be fine if it was an ordinary media, but among them, there was an interview team sent by the First Federal Official Media, authorized by the Federal Parliament, who planned to do a report on Chu Nan directly. Follow Chu Nan closely.

Chu Nan couldn't refuse them, so he could only cooperate with them to do various activities these two days.

Originally, with Chu Nan's current fleshy body strength, no matter how tired he is, there is no problem, but in the past two days, in order to cooperate with the interview team, he felt very tired.

even more how In addition to the reporting team of the Earth Federation's official media, major media from other countries have also poured in, harassing Chu Nan almost constantly, making him very annoying.

In order for the video that Chu Nan sent out earlier to be better spread throughout the galaxy, so that more people can see it, and then spread it to the mysterious girl, he had to take a good job. Deal with these media, so that they can help them spread the video.

So tossing like this will only make him feel more tired.

Now being able to lie on the bed like this is a rare rest time for him these two days.

"Wow, I hope that girl can see that video. That's all I can do. It would be nice to see her again in the future."

Chu Nan put out a breath again, suddenly frowned, but turned over and stood up.

He posted that video so that the mysterious girl could correct the problems in the cultivation technique in time, but in fact, his own cultivation technique now has a lot of problems to solve, which is not much easier than the girl .

After turning over and sitting up, Chu Nan calmed down, sank into the dantian, and focused on the slow and natural flow of the Inner Breath in the dantian.

After a while, a strand of Inner Breath flowed out of dantian under the control of Chu Nan, and when it circulated in meridian, it had already structured the space energy that flowed with it in advance according to the characteristics of a certain cultivation technique .

When the Inner Breath drives the space energy of the special structure to flow back to dantian, a nebula with the same structure is immediately generated in dantian.

Similar experiments have been done hundreds of times by Chu Nan.

But when he was doing experiments on condensing nebulae before, Chu Nan always actively destroyed the nebula after condensing it, but this time is different. After he carefully "observed" the condensed nebula for a while, It didn't destroy it directly like before, but once again mobilized a wisp of Inner Breath from the dantian.

When the Inner Breath drives the space energy to flow in the meridian, Chu Nan also uses the cultivation technique to structure the space energy in advance, but the cultivation technique used is different from the previous one, and the space energy structure is naturally complete. different.

When this wisp of Inner Breath also returned to dantian, as expected by Chu Nan, a nebula condensed in dantian.

However, because the two cultivation arts used are different, the structure of the energy that drives the space is different, so the structure of the condensed nebula is also different.

The two nebulae congealed in the dantian, and the dantian breath was affected by the two nebulae, each of which was converted into space energy of different structures, and then naturally circulated in the dantian, colliding together...



Chu Nan suddenly felt like someone in dantian had hit him with a sledgehammer, and there was a buzzing sound in his brain, two strands of space energy with different structures in dantian The collision immediately sparked a powerful conflict.

Doing this for another Martial Artist would be almost equivalent to suicide.

Because this is equivalent to using two different cultivation techniques to directly confront each other within the dantian, the resulting destructive power is simply beyond the fragile dantian's ability to bear.

Although Chu Nan's fleshy body has gone through thousands of hammers, hundred refinements, and its endurance is amazing, it was still severely impacted by such achievements, and the blood inside Qi was tumbling, and he couldn't hold back a spit in his mouth. blood comes.

Chu Nan anticipated this situation for a long time, and was not panicked. He reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and mobilized the flame of life and Goddess's hymn cultivation technique to quickly restore the dantian of the procedure.

In the hundreds of previous tests on the condensation nebula, his dantian has endured hundreds of powerful sprints after the nebula was destroyed, and in the process of hundreds of times of damage and repair, His dantian has improved tremendously, so now it's simply a small problem for him.

After dantian was fully recovered, a pile of data floated through Chu Nan's mind, and he quickly calculated the various effects of the collision of the space energy transformed by the two different nebulae just now. Mobilize a wisp of Inner Breath to flow out dantian.

This time, he used another cultivation technique to change the structure of the space energy that follows the natural flow of Inner Breath.

After a while, the Inner Breath flowed back to dantian, and successfully condensed a nebula with a different structure in dantian.

This time, although the structure of the space energy transformed by this nebula is different, it does not have a violent conflict with the previous two kinds of space energy. Instead, the space energy of the three different structures is mixed together. They do not conflict with each other and do not affect each other. For a while, three different structures of space energy are running in Chu Nan's dantian at the same time. The situation is extremely strange.

"Well...it should be almost the same."

Chu Nan savored the spatial energy of these three different structures in the dantian for a few weeks. After the calculation of the data was completed, the mind changed, and another strand of Inner Breath flowed out of the dantian.

This time, he did not use any cultivation technique, but as soon as the Inner Breath flowed into the meridian, the space energy that flowed with the Inner Breath was precisely manipulated by him into a completely different kind of Architectural Patterns.

If you observe carefully, you will find that this brand-new structure actually integrates all the characteristics of the space energy structure brought by the three previous cultivation techniques, and successfully integrates the three structures completely. Together, a whole new structure is formed!

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