(I was so busy yesterday that I forgot to upload, make up for it~)


Chu Nan does not You know, at this time, the reporter Yang Qianrui was stopped by others to do an interview. Half of his attention was on the calculation of the space energy structure data collected in his mind, and most of it was on the opponent in front of him.

This is the first time he has focused on his opponents since he participated in the competition.

In the previous eight rounds, he always only needed to pay half of his attention to his opponent, but most of his attention was focused on the details of sensing the opponent's cultivation technique and mobilizing the energy of space, and thus he collected information from it. Enough data to understand the setting of the space energy architecture in the other party's cultivation technique.

Only after spending five minutes making sure that he has a clear enough understanding of the characteristics of the opponent's cultivation technique, Chu Nan will focus more and defeat his opponent to win.

In his opinion, the opponents in the first eight rounds are just adding data to the database in their minds, and there is no more meaning.

However, now, he had to pay more attention to his opponent.

The reason is simple, this opponent is obviously different from the opponents in the first eight rounds.

Just by standing there, Chu Nan sensed that the space energy in the surrounding space was affected, and began to flow naturally around each other with a fixed frequency and regularity.

Chu Nan has sensed this before when he faced a few of the most powerful enemies, but none of those enemies were Peak's Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, or even Heavenly Reign Grade's. powerhouse.

In the past, although Chu Nan sensed this situation, he did not know what was going on.

But now, he is very clear that the reason why the energy in the space around him will naturally appear this kind of abnormal movement is obviously a sign of the condensation of the nebula in the opponent's dantian.

Because the nebula is condensed, the flow of Inner Breath in the body will be converted into space energy through the nebula, which will naturally affect the flow of space energy around the body, showing this natural phenomenon.

This guy looks young, but he is actually a powerhouse enough to mention on equal terms with fourth rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists like Dakolier and Kenreth!

After judging this fact, Chu Nan was not surprised but delighted.

The strongest opponent in the first eight rounds is only the third rank Voidbreak Grade. There is no sign of the nebula condensing in the dantian. Now that I have finally encountered such an opponent, I can finally let him truly verify himself. These days of reckoning exercises are no longer a pointless waste of time as before.

Seeing the excitement in Chu Nan's eyes, the opponent obviously misunderstood Chu Nan's meaning, smiled and said to Chu Nan: "Chu Nan, right? I know you, your popularity in the past few days recently. Very prosperous, many people call it the biggest dark horse in this competition, and also known as the most powerful genius in the history of the Earth Federation."

Here, the smile on his face turned proud. .

"But your Earth Federation is just a small country on the outside of the spiral arm. Even if you are the most powerful genius in the Earth Federation's history, you will still merely this. I, Salemo, are far away from our Republic of Turado. can't be called the most powerful genius, but clean you up with no difficulty. When you meet me, your dark horse journey ends here!"

Chu Nan couldn't help laughing.

Why do the opponents you meet these days always come up one by one and like to say such big words?

Is it because he has gained some fame these days, making these geniuses from various countries feel unconvinced?

Or is the Earth Federation's position on Orion's spiral arm so low, so the Martial Artists from the Earth Federation will be despised by Martial Artists from other countries?

Of course it's not wrong to think so.

Earth Federation sent a total of 95 students to participate in this competition. After only 5 rounds, the others have all been eliminated, and only Chu Nan is the only seedling.

Now that Chu Nan can pass the first eight rounds, it is simply a miracle in the eyes of countless people.

Chu Nan shook the head, not interested in arguing about these things with the opponent, and began to focus more on the natural flow of spatial energy around the opponent who claimed to be Salemo.

Although he had fought against a lot of enemies with the same level or even stronger than Salemo before, he didn't pay much attention to these things because he didn't know much about the nebula condensation before. .

Now he is at the critical moment of preparing to condense the nebula. He finally encounters such an opponent who clearly reveals the condensing condition of the nebula. Of course, he must observe carefully.

Seeing Chu Nan ignore myself, complexion sank in Salemo, coldly snorted and said: "What? Boy, are you scared? Tell you, I won't be merciful when I wait. Once I start If you don't want to be seriously injured by me, or even killed by me, you can choose to surrender now."

Chu Nan rolled the eyes, didn't bother to pay attention to him, and continued to feel Looking at the space energy fluctuations around Salemo, I compared the space energy fluctuations affected by the enemy's cultivation technique that I collected in my mind. Although the space energy flowing naturally around Mo's body is not fast and the frequency is not high, the space energy structure is extremely stable, and it forms a good trapezoidal wave with the space energy outside the influence of Salemo. It doesn't seem abrupt in the space, it's very natural.

This discovery gave Chu Nan a clear comprehension. If a nebula condenses in the dantian in the Martial Artist, the Inner Breath in the dantian can be directly converted into space energy through the nebula, so it will make the Martial Artist It will be more closely integrated with the external space energy, and it will no longer seem to be the same as when you first mastered the space energy.

This point can be said to be the biggest improvement that Nebula Condensation brings to a high-level Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, and it is also the most essential improvement after and before becoming a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist.

But from this point of view, it is clear that the dantian in Salemo is not completely condensed into a nebula.

Otherwise, the space energy affected by his body would not have obvious trapezoidal changes like it is now, but should be more natural, even making Chu Nan unable to sense anything special.

Of course, if he can really do that, he should be a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse by now.

Seeing Chu Nan still ignoring him, even looking at him shook the head with a hint of contempt in his expression, Salemo was furious in his heart.

But after all, he is also a rare young genius Martial Artist in the Republic of Turado. Nebula naturally transforms the Inner Breath into space energy that is completely under his control, and instantly connects with the space energy in the external space, without any sense of hindrance or sluggishness.

"The boy who doesn't know the immensity of heaven and earth, let you see what a real genius is!"

At this time, the sound of announcing the start of the game sounded, Seiler Mo's eyes narrowed, seemingly casually slapping Chu Nan a dozen meters away.

However, this palm shot, a large amount of space energy in the surrounding large space was instantly activated at the same time, without any delay at all, almost in the blink of an eye, it has condensed into a group of naked eyes visible light purple palm shadow , flew to Chu Nan with head and face .

Chu Nan raised his eyebrows and his face became more excited.

This guy is actually a little stronger than he thought.

very good, this game finally has some meaning.

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