Once this cultivation technique is used, under the action of the Inner Breath cultivation technique, the energy of the whole body, although it also shows the appearance of black, is different from other Inner Breath cultivation techniques that show black. Totally not the same thing.

When other cultivation techniques are used, the space energy will still become a general structure, thus showing black.

But once this cultivation technique is used, it makes people feel that the whole space has lost its color, and even the light and space are completely swallowed up, so that it looks black on the surface.

Originally, under normal circumstances, the space energy in the surrounding space will also be combined in a simple way, and it will flow naturally in the positive space universe calmly.

But after this cultivation technique is used, the simplest and most basic forms of space energy will be destroyed at any time and reduced to the most basic space energy particles.

Under such terrifying destructive power, let alone Martial Artist flesh, it can be said that nothing can continue to remain intact.

“So what’s going on with this cultivation technique?”

Chu Nan frowned deeply, feeling that the mysterious girl had more and more mysteries and more and more get his attention.

But the mysterious girl was so disappeared, and his only clue was the spaceship presented by the other party. It would be extremely difficult to find the girl again.

"Well, now is not the time to think about her."

Chu Nan thought for a while, then gently took a deep breath, because of the extra thoughts brought by that mysterious girl Throwing it aside, the Inner Breath slowly circulates in the meridian of the body.

Feeling the space energy flowing naturally in the body with the Inner Breath, Chu Nan thoughts move, the space energy flowing in the body also begins to gradually transform the structure from the previous natural simplicity.

If you have eyes that can see the inside of Chu Nan, you will find that there is red in the meridian in his body.

This is the inspiration that Chu Nan got from the analysis of the cultivation technique just now.

Since the space energy is transformed into different composition methods through Inner Breath using the cultivation technique, so as to achieve the effect of different cultivation techniques, what will be the result of using it on the space energy in the body? ?

Any other Martial Artist would never dare to try like Chu Nan.

Because the cultivation technique condenses space energy and presents it outside the body, it is the embodiment of the powerful cultivation technique of formidable power. If it is done inside the body, it simply means making the body directly Encountered with a cultivation technique backlash, ranging from serious injury to direct death!

But Chu Nan has the experience of constantly destroying his body in a different dimension, going through thousands hammers, hundred refinements, and recasting his body to perfection, so naturally he is not afraid of such a little risk.

It turns out that this attempt will not cause any damage to his current strong body.

After the transformed space energy circulated in Chu Nan's body for a week with Inner Breath, although it brought some pressure to his meridian, there was no problem at all, and it was even more impossible to cause internal injuries.

Just when the Inner Breath was about to flow into the dantian with the space energy, Chu Nan couldn't help but hesitate for a while and stopped.

Dantian is different from meridian after all. It is not only more fragile, but also more important. If there is a problem, it will definitely be a small problem.

But only hesitant.

After accurate data analysis and evaluation, Chu Nan thoughts move, this ray of Inner Breath flows into dantian with the spatial energy that has changed the composition of the structure.


Chu Nan felt as if someone had hit his dantian fiercely with a hammer, causing his dantian to tremble slightly, and his head twitched. Can't help humming.

But fortunately, he had already budgeted for this situation in advance, and there was no panic. After that Inner Breath and that special space energy entered dantian, it went around in a circle, and after all, it was completely destroyed by dantian. Absorption further strengthens the Inner Breath, while also changing the spatial energy stored in Chu Nan dantian.

Chu Nan was pleasantly surprised to find that the space energy in the dantian, which was originally loose and indistinguishable from the outside space, showed signs of condensation after experiencing such a shock.

And in such an extremely weak condensation, if you feel it carefully, you will find that the space energy structure in it is almost the same as the space energy structure he used to circulate in the meridian before!

"Haha, it's really possible!"

Chu Nan couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Condensing space energy in dantian is the most basic but also the most important step from Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist breakthrough to Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, commonly known as "nebula knot"!

Chu Nan knew that his Inner Breath was not strong enough. Although his physical strength had already broken through the Heavenly Reign Grade, even exceeding the ordinary Heavenly Reign Grade, he also knew that he was far from becoming a real Heavenly. Reign Grade Martial Artist still has a very obvious gap, in this "nebula knot".

According to the traditional requirements for martial artists, if a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist wants to become a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse, he must condense space energy in the dantian, so as to allow the formation of breakthrough in the universe. The inner small universe is truly formed, so that the realm of Heavenly Reign can be achieved, and from now on, it can live and fly freely in the universe without borrowing any external force.

Chu Nan was able to do this before because of his super powerful body, forcibly.

Although there is no problem, it is also a burden after all.

If he can successfully condense the nebula and break through Heavenly Reign Grade, he will be free from any constraints in the future and truly fly in the universe.

More importantly, after the nebula is condensed, Inner Breath can be directly converted with space energy in the dantian. The efficiency of Martial Artist's use of space energy and the intensity of space energy manipulation will also be greatly improved. It can even be said that there has been a fundamental change, and Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist is completely incomparable.

Although Chu Nan is now extremely efficient in manipulating space energy, it still cannot match the intensity of Inner Breath and the intensity of manipulating space energy with Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouses like Greck and Ahmed. The reason for this is the balance.

Chu Nan was originally just because of an inspiration from in-depth analysis of various cultivation techniques just now, didn't expect to try it, and it actually worked, and I was naturally overjoyed.

After repeating this action again, I felt that the tiny nebula in dantian was clearer and more solid, and Chu Nan felt even more joy in his heart.

This proves that the nebula condensation just now is not a coincidence, it is something that can be continued continuously.

This also means that he now actually has the capital to condense the nebula, and has the conditions to impact the Heavenly Reign Grade!

Thinking that he had the possibility of breaking through Heavenly Reign Grade unintentionally, Chu Nan took a deep breath, trying to suppress the ecstasy in his heart, instead of letting his mind be swept away by the joy, Calm down and think hard.

The nebula condensation just now was just his attempt to form space energy using the cultivation technique used by the first-place Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist.

Although the attempt was successful, the cultivation technique of the Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist is not a particularly powerful cultivation technique, so even if the nebula condenses, Chu Nan does not feel that the structure of the nebula can make him satisfy.

After thinking for a while, Chu Nan let out a long breath, and the expression on his face became firm.

Either don't do it, do it, do the best!

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