Whether it was the onlookers below or those Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists in the sky, they couldn't help shouting hello.

Just starting from this one, you can see that this Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist is really good, and obviously has a strong cultivation technique, and his strength should not be underestimated.

It would be great for him to take the lead against Chu Nan.

Of course not without worries.

If Chu Nan is actually a brat and was easily defeated, then they would be too overkill for all of them running together to trouble Chu Nan with great fanfare , but it became a joke.

From this point of view, many people expect Chu Nan to perform better, at least not to be defeated.

With such ambivalence, everyone looked towards the air with more focused eyes, and more people focused on Chu Nan's reaction.

However, Chu Nan... did not respond at all.

Watching the red cloud rise behind his opponent, he thought of another question.

From the first time he played against the Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist on Leppler planet, he has now played against hundreds of Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists and even several Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouses. Each of these opponents has a different cultivation technique that manifests itself in battle in different ways.

The cultivation technique that condenses the space energy to form a red cloud like the current opponent is the most he has ever seen.

He didn't think too much about this before, but now after Alahuk Venerable's suggestion, and he realized the deep use of space energy from the Holy Son descent used by Ahmed, he started Very concerned about these issues.

He's been working on this for the past month and now has the chance to fight another Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist who apparently has this cultivation technique, he wanted to take this opportunity to test his research and cultivation success these days.

Thinking of this, he gave up the idea of using all his strength to easily defeat the opponent, and decided to deal with the opponent.

Seeing the blush behind the opponent's back, it soon dyed the sky like a sunset glow, and attacked him hiding the sky and covering the earth. Chu Nan did not make any special defensive posture. But it was completely beyond everyone's expectations. With a flash, he flew directly towards the red cloud.

The crowd below and the Voidbreak Grade martial artists around in the sky see an unfathomable mystery.

Where did someone rush directly to the strongest point of the opponent's attack like this?

Is this kid arrogant or stupid?

Seeing that Chu Nan was about to rush into the red cloud, he suddenly stopped, raised his right arm and protruded into the red cloud.

The red cloud quickly devoured his entire right arm. The space energy in the red cloud that was re-condensed because of the opponent's Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist's special cultivation technique contained terrifying destructive power. Chu Nan didn't want to. I experienced this red cloud directly, so I deliberately didn't put energy protection on my arm. As a result, the entire sleeve was instantly completely swallowed by the terrifying space energy in the red cloud and turned into fly ash.

However, for the arm under the sleeve, Hongyun is powerless.

Chu Nan's body has experienced thousands of hammers, hundred refinements in the violent space energy in the different space, how could he be damaged by these abnormal space energy in the red cloud.

Chu Nan originally planned to simply not immerse his entire body in the red cloud to experience how the space energy works in this red cloud, but when he was about to do so, he suddenly reacted.

If he does this, of course there will be no problem with his body, but if the clothes on his body are not guaranteed, then he will be in an embarrassing state of being naked again.

That's all he did when he was on Leppler planet, not many people will see it, and he does it now, he can be sure that he will appear on the pan-galactic network in the second day with his naked ass. , in the eyes of everyone.

So Chu Nan immediately cut off this idea, and while controlling his body to maintain a distance from Hongyun, he just let his entire right arm go in, but did not let the rapidly expanding Hongyun touch any other place.

In this way, as the red cloud spreads all the way back, after a while, the red cloud has taken the Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist as the starting point, filled the sky more than 500 meters, dyed the large sky into scarlet, even the sun. It turned into a bloody color.

It was found that the red cloud was no longer expanding, and the space energy in the red cloud, which was originally violent and contained terrifying lethality, also became unstable. Chu Nan glanced at the Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist in the sky in the distance and knew that he Should be at the limit.

At this time, Chu Nan has already collected sufficient data on the condensed form and operation mode of the space energy in the red cloud of the other party by means of the direct contact with his right arm and his own perception. Then thoughts move, Inner Breath flows, throws into the right arm, and quickly synchronizes the space energy around the right arm into a high-frequency vibration state.


A muffled sound came, and the red cloud that Chu Nan's right arm penetrated into was like smoke being blown away, revealing a huge gap. Everyone's naked eyes could clearly see that one after another rippled from Chu Nan's right arm with obvious vibrations, spreading rapidly on the red cloud.

Where the oscillating ripples passed, the blush was immediately vibrated and turned invisible, and in the blink of an eye, most of the red clouds that filled the sky had subsided.

The oscillating ripples soon invaded the Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist. Before he could even react, he was directly invaded by the oscillating ripples, and his body shook violently at high speed in the air. After a moment, there was a mouthful of blood spurted, and the whole body dissipated at the same time, and the body fell diagonally from below like a kite with a broken string.

This change was a big surprise for all the audience.

It was clearly the same Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist who showed great divine might just now. With a single thought, the sky was filled with red clouds, leaving Chu Nan almost nowhere to escape, and swallowing up his entire right arm. It even almost swallowed him whole.

But in the blink of an eye, Chu Nan just shook his right arm, completely dispelling all the attacks of the Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, and causing him to be seriously injured. Completely lost battle strength.

The ordinary person below and the martial artists below Inner Breath Grade still don't feel this deeply. Most of the Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists in the sky can sense the changes in the spatial energy in the surrounding space, and they are shocked. Only bigger.

Although the cultivation technique used by the Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist can't be called top-level, he obviously has the cultivation technique in place, and the formidable power is definitely not trivial.

However, Chu Nan is so easy to deal with. It can be seen that Chu Nan's strength is obviously far beyond his opponents.

There are still more than 300 Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists left to look at each other, and those who think that their strength is not as good as the first shot, involuntarily backed away, and Other Voidbreak Grade martial artists who considered themselves to be not weak could not help but hesitate.

Seeing their reactions, Chu Nan laughed.

"This group of idiots are so easily fooled by others. They are so timid. Well, since you don't dare to take the initiative, then I will do it myself."

Thoughts move, a red cloud suddenly rose behind Chu Nan, and when it spread to cover the sky more than one kilometer in a radius, it suddenly enveloped the more than ten Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists closest to him.

Chu Nan took the initiative to take action, but he planned to use one against ten!

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