1 month later, a Stellar Rank civil aerospace spaceship marked by Sonic, the largest civil aerospace company in the Earth Federation, was in the astronautics of the second largest administrative star of the United States of America, Tomreller planet. Stop at the station.

The passageway to the space station opened, and a group of Earth Federation travelers with accents from all over the world streamed out of the spaceship.

This situation is not uncommon for this space station that has other countries' spaceships docked almost all the time, just everyday, but the passengers who got off this spaceship from the Earth Federation are not. Let other travelers involuntarily cast a few more stares.

The reason is very simple. There are too many youngsters in uniforms among this group of travelers. They are full of youth and vitality, and other adult travelers who come for business or business. They form a stark contrast.

Especially there are many young and beautiful girls among them, which are even more eye-catching like bright flowers.

Seeing this situation, almost all the passengers showed a knowing smile.

No need to guess, these youngsters from the Earth Federation must be the young martial artists who came to the Tormrel planet to participate in the upcoming tournament of the Orion Arm Martial Artist Academy.

Looking at their high-spirited and full of energy, everyone must be a well-known figure selected from the major Martial Artist Academy of the Earth Federation, and all of them have a good martial skill.

There are only less than three days left until the Martial Artist Academy Alliance tournament is held. Such a situation can be seen every day, not to mention, even in every docked spaceship. The same sight is not surprising to the staff of the space station.

The staff of the space station have also received special training. After seeing the passengers who looked like these students, they immediately stepped forward to guide them.

Cooperating with the lightbrain prompt from the master controller in the space station, the originally scattered young martial artists were quickly gathered, and under the guidance of the staff, they gathered together towards the channel dedicated to the contestants.

Among them, there are obviously many students from the Earth Federation who are coming to the United States of Meletta for the first time. After a spaceship, they are extremely excited, glanced around, and chirp chirp from time to time twitter twitter He talked in a low voice, and although he was restrained by the Academy teacher who led the team, it was difficult to settle down.

But if you pay attention, you will find that although these students are glanced around most of the time, they often turn their attention to a group of people in the middle of the crowd.

Although there was a lot of people, there was a clear boundary around this group of people, separated from the other students around them, as if they had some kind of barrier around them.

If it is a passenger from the Earth Federation, it can be easily seen from the signs on the group of people in the middle that the group of people who are automatically separated by other students are all from the Nebula Academy.

The first Federal Academy, which is naturally the best Academy among other Earth Federal Martial Artist Academy students in mind, was chosen as the representative from the Nebula Academy Martial Artist Branch to participate in this Orion Arm Martial Those of the Artist Academy Alliance tournament must also be well-known figures among young Martial Artists.

The eyes focused on several representative students of Nebula Academy, among which the overwhelming majority fell on one of the male students, and even many other female students of the Academy were staring at this. A male student with undisguised admiration in his eyes.

Because this male student is Chu Nan!

Chu Nan has had countless magical experiences in the year since his debut at the Western Cloud Star Martial Artist Tournament a year ago, most of which are unknown but only revealed, It was enough to make him the center of attention.

If nothing else, just because he appeared in public alive last month, it was already a miracle in the eyes of all Earth Federation people.

Because before him, there has never been anyone other than Star Level Martial Artist who has a fleshy body after entering the stargate but can survive. He can be said to have created a precedent.

Although Chu Nan has appeared in major federal media before, this is the first time he has casually appeared in front of the public since he returned alive, and to the other Earth Federation Academy students present. For the first time, many people saw his daoist with their own eyes.

A lot of girls looked at Chu Nan with bright eyes. In their opinion, Chu Nan, like them, is a young student of the Academy, but he has the ability to compete with the Heavenly Reign Grade students. The powerhouse is in a head-to-head battle, and it is rumored that it has a close relationship with several Star Level Martial Artists in the Federation, which is completely beyond their imagination.

In their minds, or in the minds of almost all the young Martial Artists in the Earth Federation, Chu Nan is already an idol.

A female student stared at Chu Nan for a while, then suddenly summoned up her courage, squeezed past the team of Nebula Academy, and came directly in front of Chu Nan.


Perhaps she was too nervous, the female student opened her mouth several times, her face flushed red, but she couldn't even say a complete sentence. Couldn't tell.

Chu Nan was listening to the teacher Gallostein, who was around him, exhorting some details that need to be paid attention to when participating in this conference, because Chu Nan participated in the Leppler galaxy trial last time. This matter, now Galostein pays special attention to him, almost from the moment he got on the spaceship, he has been holding him incessantly, making him helpless and upset, and now a female student finally appeared to interrupt Galo Stan, his eyes suddenly lit up, ignoring Gallo Stan and smiling at the female student.

"Hey, hello, I'm Chu Nan."

The female student became even more nervous when Chu Nan smiled like this. After hesitating for a while, she finally gathered up her courage. Speak again.

"I...I'm Momo...Chu Nan, I...I've seen the... that video of you in... Leppler's galaxy, I think... feel good about you Handsome!"

After dropping these words, the female student turned around and ran away, not giving Chu Nan any time to react.

Feeling the strange targets projected by the surrounding students, Chu Nan touched his face.

"So handsome? It seems that no girl has ever complimented me like this..."

The other Nebula Academy students on the side cast a glance at him, their faces full of contempt .

Perhaps it was because the female student named Momo made a start. After she ran away, more female students rushed over and squeezed to Chu Nan's side.

Compared to the shy Momo, these female students are much more daring. Staring at Chu Nan, as if the next moment was about to devour him alive.

Seeing such a lively scene, Chu Nan suddenly felt as if he had become a big star all of a sudden, and these female students turned into crazy groupies.

If he hadn't experienced the scene of being besieged by media reporters several times before, he would definitely be overwhelmed and overwhelmed by the extreme enthusiasm of these female students.

But even with some experience, he still finds it difficult to cope.

Just as he was hesitating whether to use the Inner Breath to push the female students closer and closer, some even trying to stick to him, a coldly snorted disdain suddenly snorted. It sounded behind the crowd.

"hmph, a group of country bumpkins from the Earth Federation, hurry up and make way for Young Master, don't get in the way!"

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