“Dong Fang? How are you?”

Chu Nan looked at Dong Fang appearing on the virtual screen in surprise and couldn’t understand why it was him .

"If it wasn't me, who do you think it was?" Dong Fang's expression was serious, not joking. "Chu Nan, stop, this is the end of the matter, it's good for you and Chu Uncle."

Chu Nan narrowed his eyes slightly after hearing the meaning of Dong Fang's words.

"What do you mean by that? Don't those guys ask you to come forward and warn me instead of coming forward?"

"This is not a warning, but an advice." Dong Fang Shaking his head slightly, sighed. "You made a lot of trouble this time, and I managed to win this opportunity for you to stop. Otherwise, the consequences will only be more serious. You must understand, don't be impatient."

Chu Nan's eyes narrowed even tighter, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Dong Fang's father is a high-level executive of the Seres Security Company. His background is not comparable to that of many people in the Earth Federation, but now she is saying such words, which shows the identity of the person who came forward. The status is only much higher than him or his father, so he has to be so scruples.

Such a character can be counted on one's fingers throughout the Earth Federation.

And such a great character would come forward to support the Brotherhood of the Night Demon. It seems that the Brotherhood of the Night Demon is much stronger than Chu Nan imagined.

“Who is it?” Chu Nan solemnly asked.

Dong Fang frowned and said sternly: "Chu Nan, I am warning you from the position of a friend! Stop it! The great character in the back is something you cannot afford to offend!"

"You can't even ask?"

Dong Fang was silent for a moment, then slowly shook his head: "It's better if you don't know, it's pointless to know."

"Tell me." Chu Nan looked firm. "Otherwise I'll fight one by one and ask myself."

Dong Fang bitterly laughed.

Having been roommates with Chu Nan for two years, he knows very well that Chu Nan has made up his mind now that no one can easily reverse his mind.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly asked: "Did you kill them?"

Chu Nan looked at Humil and Tran who were lying on the ground, and then looked at this The three Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists from the Brotherhood of Night Demons who barely climbed out of the tall building shook their heads and said, "I'm calm."

"It's weird to be calm." Dong Fang smiled wryly again , but my heart sighed in relief.

As long as Chu Nan hasn't killed anyone, that's fine.

I'm afraid that Chu Nan really loses his composure and starts killing people, then it will be difficult to restore the situation.

Now as long as no one is dead, everything has room for redemption.

"You find a way to get out of there first, I'll tell you." Dong Fang sighed.


Chu Nan simply agreed, without even looking at Humier, Trang and the others on the ground, just a little under his feet, he was already flying into the air .

The armed low-altitude shuttle of the Los Angeles police in the distance has been flying fast with the siren sounding, but it can't catch up with Chu Nan, and can only watch him disappear into the dark night sky as a shooting star .

The onlookers below looked up and watched Chu Nan disappear, with different expressions on their faces, but most of them were extremely excited.

Today I actually witnessed several expert battles of at least Voidbreak Grade, and one of them was Chu Nan, who recently became famous in the Commonwealth. It was extremely lucky.

Although the battle scene is not so intense, it is Chu Nan's unilateral hanging, but being able to see Chu Nan's shot in this way proves that Chu Nan's strength is far from the ordinary Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist can compare, it is enough to satisfy.

Before this, many people doubted Chu Nan's true strength, but after seeing it with his own eyes today, no one will continue to doubt it.

Countless onlookers opened their personal terminals one after another and posted what they saw tonight to the pan-galactic network. For a time, the pan-galactic network of the entire Earth Federation became extremely lively.


Chu Nan stopped outside Los Angeles.

He just hovered in the night sky, looking down at the personal terminal still open in his hand.

"Tell me, who made you so scruples?"

On the virtual screen, Dong Fang, who had been silent on the road, gave Chu Nan a deep look, sighed.

"You'll regret it when you know it. That's not a role you can afford to offend."

"Only when I say it, I know if I can offend it. If I don't say it, I will Go try."

Dong Fang could only smile bitterly.

He knows that Chu Nan is right, if he doesn't tell him the truth, maybe this guy will really hit the stronghold of the one by one Daredevil brother club, and finally provoked that he can't afford to offend the great character.

"Okay, listen up. The reason why so many people have scruples about the Night Demon's brother, even our company, is because there is only one reason, and that is their real leader behind the scenes."

"Who is it?" Chu Nan frowned.

Cerres Security Company is the largest security company in the Federation, and its own strength is superior. It is even famous in several countries outside the Orion Arm, which makes Seres Security Company fearful. , is it...

"You must have heard of this person's name, he is..." Speaking of which, Dong Fang took a deep breath, as if saying this name was a great difficulty . "...Alahuk Venerable."

Although he had been prepared, Chu Nan couldn't help but twitch his eyebrows and his eyes were full of shock when he heard the name.

"It turned out to be him!"

"Now you know why I want you to stop like this?"

Chu Nan fell silent.

Everyone in the Earth Federation knows that there are now a total of nineteen Star Level Martial Artists in the Federation.

Although compared to such huge monsters as Declan Empire, the nineteen Star Level Martial Artists of trifling are afraid that they are not even enough to plug their teeth.

But for a small border country on the outer side of Orion's spiral arm like the Earth Federation, these nineteen Star Level Martial Artists are the cornerstone of the Federation's foothold.

However, that doesn't mean the nineteen Star Level Martial Artists are all good people.

There are good and bad people, and Star Level Martial Artist is no exception.

Among the nineteen Star Level Martial Artists of the Federation, Marshal Chimekov directly joined the army and eventually became the Marshal of the Federation Army, dedicated to the powerhouse dedicated to the stability of the Federation, and others like Oville Venerable In this way, the idle cloud wild crane is normal, even a hermit who rarely shows up, and at the same time there is a presence like Mu Yutong who dominates one side, but is also willing to contribute to the Federation when necessary.

At the same time, there are of course the exact opposite of them, the Star Level Martial Artist that people mention more with fear than respect.

Alahuk Venerable is such a Star Level Martial Artist.

"If it was someone else, I might support you, or even do my best to help you." Dong Fang's face was still serious. "But this time...you may be directly facing a Star Level Martial Artist. So Chu Nan, that's it for now. I'll try to get in touch with the Night Demon Brother Society as much as possible to resolve the rift between you two. Misunderstanding. You haven't killed their main characters yet, and there is room for relief. But if you continue to make trouble, the consequences will be very serious."

"Cause?" Chu Nan sneered. "It was they who took the initiative to trouble me, and now it's me who made trouble?"

Dong Fang shook his head and let out a long sigh.

"Everyone is not a child, so don't say such things."

Chu Nan continued to be silent.

After a while, he let out a long breath.

"Okay, I understand."

Dong Fang suddenly sighed in relief, and just showed a relieved smile, but heard Chu Nan open his mouth again.

"Tell me where Alahuq Venerable is and I'll go see him."

Dong Fang stared at Chu Nan for a long time before opening his mouth in surprise.

"You're crazy!"

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