Hummier was terrifying with a gloomy expression.

He was in another small villa of his own, holding two young girls who had just gotten started. He was about to gorge oneself. Forcibly interrupted.

He was of course furious at being interrupted at such a time.

But when he knew that the Gold Rose Clubhouse was actually attacked, he was more confused than angry.

It has been more than seven years since the Gold-Inlaid Rose Club was established. At first, some people with little eyes dared to make trouble, but since these guys were all thrown into the river to feed the fish, everyone knew about the inlaid gold. The backstage of the Rose Club is the famous Night Demon Brother Club, so no one dared to provoke it easily.

But now, another guy with short eyes jumped out!

But after being angry, Xiumier received the latest information from his subordinates, but he could no longer despise him.

It's actually Chu Nan!

Humil certainly knew Chu Nan.

Even before the Earth Federation overwhelming majority knew the name Chu Nan, he knew Chu Nan.

But he never imagined that Chu Nan, this kid, would have the guts to come to take the initiative to provoke, and even make things so big!

"Smelly brat, you didn't dare to provoke us last time. I thought you were very smart, but you're also a hopeless idiot!"

Smelly will never It is believed that Chu Nan is now a nonsense of the Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse, because he commands several excellent Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists, so he knows better than the overwhelming majority how difficult it is to become a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist.

With the innate talent that Chu Nan has already shown, he can believe that Chu Nan will become a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse in the future, but now?


"They haven't been in contact with No. 3 yet?" Humier turned to ask Delang, his closest subordinate.

"No." DeLong shook his head. "Since the afternoon, we have lost all contact with their entire group on the 3rd."

Speaking of this, Delang's face was a little worried.

"Boss, if I'm not mistaken, their operation should have failed, and it has been discovered by Chu Nan, so he will come to the door now."

"hmph, a bunch of useless trash, can't even catch a few ordinary persons, even if they die, they deserve it!" Xiumier coldly snorted, his expression remained unmoved. "Don't worry, what if Chu Nan knew we did it? Did he think he could compete with our great brother club by himself? That's a joke!"

slightly frowned by Derain , shook his head and said: "Boss, Chu Nan is not necessarily alone. According to the information, he has had contact with Marshal Chimekov and Mu Yutong's elder disciple Zheng Yuanlin during this period of time. I guess it should be It's the same purpose that Venerable aimed at Chu Nan this time. If Chu Nan has already reached some kind of agreement with them, then this time things will be difficult..."

Humil glanced at him : "Those great characters are left to solve their own affairs, we don't need to ask more, just do our own thing."

Delang hurriedly nodded: "Yes."

Xiumier pondered for a moment, and was about to speak, when he suddenly heard a harsh alarm sound in the low-altitude shuttle cabin they were riding in.

"How come back..."

Just now, the low-altitude shuttle suddenly vibrated violently, and the next moment turned into a cloud of powder. The huge low-altitude shuttle was just like that. Disappeared out of thin air!

Hummier and Delang suddenly lost their foil under their butts, and their bodies fell involuntarily from the sky.

Seeing that the two of them were about to fall directly to the ground and fall into meat sauce, one silhouette flew over, one in each hand, grabbed their collars respectively, and held them suspended in the air.

Xumier thought it was the Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist that he had brought, and he responded quickly and rescued the two of them. With the method of wearing a collar, when I was too incapable of doing things, I heard a somewhat familiar voice ringing in my ears, and the soul flew away and scattered in fright.

"You're Xiu Mier, right?"

Xu Mier and Tran froze at the same time, and after a while they turned their heads reluctantly, just in time to meet Chu Nan With a playful smile on the face.

"Chu Nan..." Xiumier panicked for a moment, but calmed down in an instant, said solemnly: "Let us go, or you will know the consequences."

"Oh , I see."

Chu Nan complied, the two of them fell down as soon as their hands were released.

Hummier and Trang were both shocked.

Although both of them are high-level officials of the Night Demon Brother Society, they are not people who are proficient in martial skills. If they fall from the height of more than 30 meters above the ground, they will definitely fall. into a mass of meat puree.

Fortunately, the three Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists belonging to the Night Demon Brother Society who came with them had arrived and rescued them in a thrilling manner before they were about to fall to the ground. down.

As soon as Xiumier landed on his feet, he saw the three Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists surrounding him, and suddenly became bold, looking up at Chu Nan who was slowly descending, coldly snorted, angrily shouted: "Boy. , don't think that you are a federal celebrity now, I dare not kill you! Tell you, no one who offends our Night Demon Brother Society will end well!"

Chu Nan grinned and looked the head .

"It's still such an uninspired line."

His eyes fell on the three people who surrounded Humier and hugged him, confirming that they should all be extremely powerful. Not weaker than Mark Xiu's Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, he didn't continue to talk nonsense with Xiumier. He raised his hand, and the crazy space energy rushed in.

The three Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists surrounding Humeer immediately complexion changed.

Just from Chu Nan's hand, it can be seen that his strength is definitely far beyond what some media say "at most third rank Voidbreak Grade".

Leaving a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist to continue to protect Humil and Trang, while the other two Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists attacked Chu Nan from the left and right sides.

Looking at the two of them, Chu Nan sneered in his heart.

Chu Nan already had the strength to defeat the third rank and third rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist when he was in contact with Sand Eagle, and now his strength is more advanced by leaps and bounds, completely incomparable, and now these two guys are just like Mark Xiu, they are not even the third rank Voidbreak Grade, how can they be regarded by him.

thoughts move, the huge space energy he condensed divided into two and rushed towards the two Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists. The other two immediately felt that their entire body was locked, and the swarming space energy terrifying It was even beyond their imagination, not to mention counterattack, they couldn't even resist.

“peng peng ——”

The two Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists didn’t even get close to Chu Nan’s body, they were forcibly smashed out by the powerful space energy, and they collided with each other. Entering the outer wall of a tall building at the rear, two clear silhouettes were smashed out on it.

This is still Chu Nan showing mercy to them, otherwise, with his current strength, he just needs to use the newly comprehended cultivation technique to kill these two Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists face to face with no difficulty.

However, even so, Xiumier and Tran opened their mouths in surprise and looked at Chu Nan in disbelief.

This kid... so terrifying?

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