Chu Nan felt a little weird after confirming his guess.

If you really want to speak of which, he and Free Flower have known each other much longer than Elvie.

For nearly a year, he has been busy with various things, and his interest is not very big, so he has not logged into "Martial Spirit" a lot, but there are not many here. Several times, but because of the persistence of free stamens, the relationship between the two people has changed from unfamiliar to familiar, and now they can hardly talk about anything.

Perhaps because she felt that she had no chance to know each other in reality, in the message she sent to Chu Nan, in addition to small talk, she also talked about a lot of very private topics, including her aunt's house. All kinds of unpleasantness.

Chu Nan didn't care much about it at that time. Now that he confirmed that the free stamen was Elvie, he had a clearer understanding of Elvie's previous days at her aunt's house. know.

For example, Elvie didn't mention that she also had a Roddick cousin, but Free Flower complained about this Roddick watch in the message she sent to Chu Nan during that time. How annoying brother is...

Combining the information about her own stamens with Elvie, Chu Nan suddenly felt that she knew Elvie better.

Elvie always showed a sunny, optimistic and strong appearance in front of Chu Nan, even if she was captured by those guys on Aucma at the beginning, she was in a very dangerous situation , nor showed any weakness.

In the impression of Chu Nan, the free stamen is a bit coquettish and willful, but very persistent, deep in one's heart is actually very gentle, and will not play games every time in Chu Nan. Always showing concern.

Combining these two images, Chu Nan was quite emotional.

How would Elvie feel if she knew Virgin001 1 was him?

Thinking of this, Chu Nan is a little funny again.

If we talk about the relationship between each other, it is obvious that he and Elvie have a closer relationship now. Every time Elvie sees Chu Nan, she always shouts "Chu Nan big brother" write.

But Elvie seldom really reveals her inner breath to Chu Nan. From this point of view, it is the free stamens that give Chu Nan a more profound feeling.

As a result, these two guys are basically the same person now. If Elvie knew that she had revealed so many inner thoughts to Chu Nan 001 as a free stamen, she also included many very private ones. topic, that must feel very weird.

Just like how Chu Nan feels now...

After thinking about it, Chu Nan returned a message to Free Flower.

"Don't you have to take a bath when you sleep in the lab? In addition, I think it is more comfortable to lie down on the experimental bench than the game room, after all, the place where the pillow is placed is the latest type of nanofiber You told me last time that if you are tired from doing experiments and don’t want to go back to the dormitory, you will lie down on the experimental bench and take a nap.”

After sending the message, I thought of Ai When Erwei saw this message, Chu Nan laughed and officially entered the virtual game world of "Martial Spirit".

Compared with the real Martial Artist tournament, this virtual arena organized by the Star Martial Artist Forum is very different.

Because it is impossible to keep a bunch of people online at any time, the virtual ring competition system is relatively loose. It is not a knock-out competition, but a ring competition where you can flexibly select opponents.

The so-called ring competition means that someone defends the ring, and someone attacks the ring. As long as the ring leader can be defeated, the attacker will win, and thus receive a series of rewards such as corresponding contribution points.

On the contrary, if the attack fails, the leader will get an increase in the contribution value, and at the same time, depending on the level of the leader, different rewards will be given, and the attacking party will be punished by the contribution value.

Chu Nan carefully read the rules of the competition, and then roughly checked the current competition situation, and found that he must first win ten consecutive wins among the participating Martial Artists before he can qualify to challenge the champion.

It wasn't a problem for him.

After choosing to sign up for the ring competition first, the tournament system quickly assigned him a challenger who was also online like him.

Presumably because Chu Nan is a complete rookie, the challenger assigned to him currently has only one win streak.

However, unlike the "Martial Spirit" system, which will automatically match opponents with similar levels according to the player's winning rate, this virtual arena is organized by the forum itself, and impossible has the authority of the "Martial Spirit" system. The winning percentage of both sides automatically arranges the opponents, so the level of the opponents that are actually arranged is very inconsistent, especially in the case of Early-Stage, the outcome depends not only on strength, but also on luck.

The first opponent assigned to Chu Nan was a bit too weak, presumably the same as the entry-level Tyrant Body Grade, and Chu Nan eliminated him with one blow.

And the second opponent assigned to him, the level has been raised to around the third rank Inner Breath Grade.

While Chu Nan still managed to win easily, it took a little more effort than the first opponent.

But when Chu Nan was preparing to meet a stronger opponent, the strength of the third opponent was greatly reduced, at most it was about the third rank Tyrant Body Grade, and he encountered Chu, who was waiting for the battle. Nan, who couldn't even hold on to the first round, or even finished a pose, was hit by Chu Nan with a punch and disappeared as a white light.

The fourth opponent is also not strong, probably the appearance of the beginner Inner Breath Grade, and naturally it is not Chu Nan's opponent.

The fifth opponent...


Ten consecutive battles reminded Chu Nan of getting his first time in "Martial Spirit" 100-game winning streak.

However, compared to the system arrangement of the game "Martial Spirit", the strength of the opponents in these ten battles will not be step by step, gradually increasing, but fluctuating, and the lowest is only the first-level Tyrant Body Grade, the highest even has the strength of fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade.

Of course, this is no problem for Chu Nan now.

Although his current Inner Breath intensity is the same as the fourth rank Inner Breath Grade, with various powerful cultivation techniques and more powerful data capabilities, his strength is enough to allow him to defeat all fifths -rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist.

Speaking of not being arrogant at all, now he is simply invincible at the level of Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist!

Having the foundation of ten consecutive victories, not only means that Chu Nan is finally qualified to challenge the champion, but also allows him to obtain a basic reward of 100 contribution points.

However, if the attack fails, his 100 contribution points will be erased, which means he can only start over.

Of course, there are more than one champions in this virtual arena. After Chu Nan glanced at the current online champions, he quickly picked one out and sent him a challenge invitation.

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