The destination of the two is the "suburb" in the south-east direction of the Nebula Academy where they both visited last time.

After crossing the dirty little river ditch, the familiar dilapidated shanty towns and squares appeared in front of them.

At the top of the square, there were two groups of people facing each other, sparks flying in all directions, ready to fight at any time.

Suddenly seeing Chu Nan and Angelina wearing Nebula Academy uniforms, youngsters who obviously don't belong here came over, everyone was stunned.

Soon, many of them recognized them.

"It's Miss Angelina! And Chu Nan!"

"It's them! Very good!"

"Haha, here they come, We can start fighting with confidence in a while."

"Yes, yes, I was worried that if I was beaten too badly, I would have to pay for medical bills. Now that the two of them are here, That's very good!"


Seeing the two groups of people facing each other showing excitement and joy at the same time, even the hostility between them has subsided a lot, Chu Nan Only show an expression that didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Most of the two groups of people were the ones he and Angelique treated last time, that is, the "Test Tube Martial Artist" that Kemer told them last time.

Because of the relationship last time, and also because of Kemer's relationship, these people are now more familiar with Chu Nan and Angelique.

And this time they had a dispute again over a martial skill, and when they were going to settle the dispute according to traditional rules, the little girl named Sally informed An Qi in advance according to Angelina's instructions. Beili, and told Angel Beili when they were going to fight.

So Angelbely brought Chu Nan over before they started fighting, intending to treat them immediately after they finished fighting.

This idea is very good, but...

"Does it make sense to do this?" Chu Nan looked at the two groups and cheered excitedly, but shouted to start the fight immediately. The guy, smiled wryly and said to Angelique: "It's better to stop them from fighting now, rather than taking so much effort to heal them after they've been beaten with bruises and broken hands and feet."

"That's different." Angelique shook her head. "You should know that the purpose of their fight is to compete for a martial skill, and if they are not allowed to fight first, they will certainly not agree. As for us...especially you, have this opportunity to practice and help Wouldn't that be great for others to heal?"

Looking at Angelique whose eyes were shining with anticipation, Chu Nan could only roll the eyes silently.

This guy is really helpless in this regard.

Glancing at the two groups of people again, Chu Nan can only helplessly shake his head.

This is the way these people live, and he has no reason or qualifications to intervene.

"Okay, let's go to the show first."

Chu Nan found a place to sit on the side of the square, posing as if he were watching the show.

And Angelique found the little girl named Sally in the crowd, pulled her aside and muttered.

The two groups of people didn't talk too much, and after shouting at each other for a few words, they each swarmed up, and soon they were fighting together.

The last time they came here, they had already finished their fights, and they were all lying on the ground unable to move. Naturally, they couldn't see how their martial skills were.

Now Chu Nan remains calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, sitting on the sidelines and watching them start fighting. After watching them for a while, he couldn't help but split his mouth and almost laughed out loud.

These guys don't talk about the internal strength martial skill, they are just the external martial skill they show. If you use one word to evaluate it, it is - bad!

If the Martial Artist grade is used to evaluate, I am afraid that some of these guys are generally only at entry level, only a small part of them are considered as Inner Breath cultivation success, but at most they are at low level Tyrant Body Grade level.

If you want to compare, even Chu Nan before he acquired powerful data ability can be called an expert here...

Look at these guys You punched me and punched me, Chu Nan really had a sense of shame that he couldn't look directly at.

If the competitions between the Academy students that Chu Nan usually sees are considered relatively low-end, then these guys can be called chickens pecking each other now!

Such a lousy level, but also to fight for a martial skill to break the blood, cut off the hand, as for it!

However, the martial skill is rotten, and they are really ruthless.

In just such a short time, several people have been kicked and broken their legs, and they can only lie on the ground and hum, and most of the remaining people are also injured and look extremely tragic.

Chu Nan couldn't help sighing in his heart.

According to Kemer, these so-called test-tube Martial Artists not only don't get half a cent for the martial skill test, but sometimes even pay a sum of money in return.

However, they are still fighting so hard to get a chance to test a martial skill, which shows how strong their thirst for a martial skill is.

But thinking of this, Chu Nan felt strange again.

It stands to reason that although high level martial skills are very rare and impossible for ordinary persons to access, there are still many opportunities for relatively low-level martial skills to be accessed.

Not to mention the major dojos and Martial Artist Academy on every resident planet of the Federation, even if they just log in to the pan-galactic network, they can obtain some low-level martial skills that can make do.

even more how Chu Nan also participated in the Martial Artist Exchange Conference on Western Cloud Star before, where martial skills can be directly sold, as long as you have money, you can buy good martial skills.

Of course, these guys don't look like rich people living in such a shabby place, so they can't afford a good martial skill, and they can't get into the expensive dojo and Martial Artist Academy. strangeness.

But even if this is the case, it can make them almost desperate to get the opportunity to test these martial skills, which proves that the level of these martial skills should not be low.

Before Kemer told Chu Nan that these martial skills actually flowed out of the Nebula Academy, but Chu Nan didn't believe it.

Now that he thinks about it, he has to believe it if he doesn't believe it.

Because other than the Martial Artist branch of Nebula Academy, there is no second institution in the vicinity that can provide so many martial skills for human experimentation for a long time.

It's just... The Martial Artist branch strictly forbids the students to spread the martial skills in the database without authorization, but they handed out the martial skills to so many irrelevant people, and even sold them for money. Too unreasonable, right?

Or is there some other deeper reason?

Chu Nan frowned and looked at the people in the arena who were still having a good time, focusing on the martial skills they were using, trying to identify some traces from the Martial Artist branch's martial skill database .

This serious observation, he soon saw some clues.

For example, a young man not far in front of him threw a punch. If I read it correctly, it should be the 3rd move Sixth of "Dragon Boxing" that Chu Nan exchanged in the data before. Style - Overturned.

Although that guy failed to exert all the formidable power of this fist, it can be seen that he should have cultivated this fist for some time, and can be regarded as relatively proficient.

The man behind him, who was much older, at least over thirty years old, squatted down and swept over. It was clear that Chu Nan had just redeemed it from the database when he became an E-rank student. One of the first E-rank martial skill of "Leafing Legs".

The man who was his opponent jumped lightly to avoid this leg and stepped down, but it was clearly also the hurricane fall style in "Leafing Legs".

On the right side of them, another person shot out with a palm fluttering, but it caused the surrounding air to surge, and the dust danced under their feet, which clearly brought out the Inner Breath.

This palm is obviously the E-rank palm technique in the database - "Cloud Chasing Palm Technique".



Chu Nan looked over one by one, and suddenly his eyes fell on a thin young man in the crowd. Eyes narrowed.

This guy just slapped a palm, the palm looks normal, and he couldn't get the Inner Breath to cooperate, but his palm was obviously able to drive the strength of the whole body, and the strength of the palm is definitely not weak.

This is the only relatively complete external martial skill that Chu Nan has seen after seeing so many people, and this palm belongs to a set of palm techniques that Chu Nan is very familiar with.

March Divine Palm!

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