"Kamer, why are you here?"

Chu Nan immediately recognized the man and several of his companions.

These guys were the group of people who were instigated to frame him that night, but they were all knocked down by him in the end.

After what happened that night, the leader named Kemer kept a relationship with Chu Nan because Chu Nan showed mercy to their men.

"Should I ask you this?" Kemer replied, walked over and waved at the two groups of people: "Okay, let's go, there is no result today, Let's talk about it next time."

"It won't work, Kemer, we've all played like this today, and we have to have an explanation." A voice in the crowd shouted.

"Yes, there must be an argument!"

"Aren't we fighting for nothing if we don't give an argument?"

"That's right, it's still troublesome. These two came to help us heal, if we fight again, who will help us heal?"


Hearing the excitement around, Kemer complexion sank.

"What? Do you guys think you're breaking the rules?"

Hearing this, the surrounding people immediately fell silent.

After a while, the two groups of people came to Chu Nan and Angel Beili respectively, thanked them for their kindness, and expressed their hope that they could be guests at their home.

After being politely rejected by the two of them, they didn't have much nostalgia, so they said goodbye and left.

After a while, the people in the square were already scattered, and even the little girl Sally said goodbye and left.

Chu Nan withdrew his gaze and turned his head towards Kemer.

"What? Can you explain to me what's going on here?"

Kamer laughed, looked towards Angelique beside him.

"This must be Miss Angelina? I'm so fortunate to be here with Chu Nan today, so let me invite the two of you to lunch?"

Chu Nan looked towards Angel Beili, asked her opinion with her eyes, Angel Beili shrugged and said it didn't matter.

"Okay." Chu Nan agreed immediately.

In a short while, under the leadership of Kemer, the two left the suburbs, returned to the bustling town center, and entered a small restaurant that looked ordinary.

"Sorry, I can't afford a big meal for the two of you, so I'll have it here, okay?" After taking a seat, Kemer said with an apologetic smile.

"It's nothing, I'm actually from a peasant family, not a child of a big family." Chu Nan waved his hand.

Angebelie smiled slightly: "When I used to run around with the Master, I ate everything."

"Oh? experience?" Kemer asked with interest.

"You seem to be familiar with Angelique?" Chu Nan couldn't help asking.

"Can easily treat serious injuries, and is so young and beautiful, there will be no one other than Miss Angelina." Kemer said with a smile. "As for Miss Angelberry's dísciple from Ovérie Venerable, it's a fact that everyone knows."

"Well...it seems that you know Nebula Academy well." Chu Nan nominates and said .

"Then, of course, me, and the people you saw just now, as well as so many people around here, all rely on the Nebula Academy to live, how could they be unfamiliar."

"Okay, now you can tell me what happened just now?" Chu Nan asked again.

Kemer pondered for a moment, then asked: "Chu Nan, have you tested Martial Artist?"

"This is the first time I heard." Chu Nan frowned. "What's going on? It doesn't sound like a good thing. What does this have to do with what happened just now?"

"The so-called test-tube Martial Artist is a Martial Artist specially used for experiments. These The job of a Martial Artist is to help other Martial Artists test new martial skills, and then select the Martial Artist who has cultivated this martial skill to the best, and let him hand over the experience of the martial skill of cultivation, thus in the shortest possible time. Get the best improvement plan for this martial skill within the time limit."

"This is inhuman." Angel Belle frowned and looked the head commented.

"Really?" Kemer laughed. "Maybe inhuman in your opinion, but in the eyes of these martial artists who are in the test tube, it's a very good opportunity. Because under normal circumstances, they simply don't have access to so many martial skills. If there is an opportunity to be exposed to For this martial skill cultivation success, let’s not talk about my own benefits, just the rewards given by the entrusting party are enough. So in fact, this is actually a very normal business.”

paused, Kemer pointed to himself and added.

"To tell you the truth, I used to be a test-tube Martial Artist."

Chu Nan pondered for a moment, frowned: "Let's not talk about inhuman, I don't think this is what it is. Good method. Although this allows more people to cultivate a martial skill, but each Martial Artist is different, even with the same martial skill and the same cultivation method, it is unlikely that the cultivation will reach the same level, the most important thing It depends on personal understanding. So I don't think it makes much sense to do so."

"As I said, it doesn't make sense for geniuses like you and Angelique, but for innate For a Martial Artist with average talent, it is very meaningful, because it can help him save a lot of time for his own cultivation and exploration."

Chu Nan thought about it, and didn't bother to dwell on this issue again. Asked: "So, the two groups of people just now were actually test-tube Martial Artists? Then why are they still fighting? Let's try this martial skill together."

"Any industry has Competition, it's not surprising." Kemer said with a smile. "Before this, in order to compete for the chance to participate in the experiment, some people would really die because of this. In comparison, it is very good to have a fight like this now."

Chu Nan Couldn't resist sighed.

He always thought that his martial arts environment was already very difficult, but now it seems that he is much stronger than these people.

"It seems that no matter how much the Federation promotes the martial skill, it is still far from meeting the demand."

"Actually, we should all thank you." Kemer suddenly said. "I didn't care much before. I only found out after I contacted you before that the reason why the Federal Parliament vigorously promoted the "Basic Martial Skill Promotion Act", Chu Nan, you played a great role. This allows us to contact this group of people now. It's all your credit for getting more martial skills."

"I'm just an introduction, not as big as you think." Chu Nan waved his hand. "By the way, can I ask, who is the person who provided these martial skills for experiments? Must be a very rich person?"

Kemer looked towards Chu Nan: "This is in Nebula. Around the Academy, don't you understand? Who else besides Nebula Academy can provide so many martial skills for experimentation?"

Chu Nan and Angelique were stunned at the same time.

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