Sneak into the Leppler planet secretly, get in touch with the people of the Rand, and get the idea of the cultivation technique of high-level Goddess hymn, just turned around in Chu Nan's head and was thrown by him out.

Although the Elevana Military Treaty Alliance fleet was repelled by them, it was only temporary. The general situation outside the Orion Arm is still completely crushed by the Elevana Military Treaty Alliance, even if the Earth Federation temporarily Withstood the offensive this time, but sooner or later they will be able to fix other places, and then concentrate their forces to continue to attack the Earth Federation.

Ziyun Galaxy is the front line of the Federation's resistance to the Elle Warner military treaty alliance, and it is also the second most important defense line of the Federation. If it falls, the fate of the Federation as a whole will be worrying.

And this is Chu Nan's hometown, Chu Nan does not want it to fall easily.

As one of the only twenty Star Level Martial Artists in the Earth Federation, Chu Nan is not only one of the highest battle strengths on Ziyun Star, but more importantly, he will stay in the Continue to cooperate with Nogentum's Chamber of Commerce to carry out related research. He is indispensable. Of course, he is impossible at this time to leave these things aside, and go to the Leppler planet alone to take an adventure - not to mention Angelique. .

So Chu Nan can only temporarily suppress the proposal of Overy Venerable. As for the other proposal - to do a mating experiment in front of Overi Venerable and Elvie, then more impossible.

Anyway, this kind of thing is not so urgent. After all, he and Angelique are still young. There will be plenty of time to solve this problem in the future, so there is no need to rush it for a while.

And Chu Nan also has his own way of coping.

After discussing Angela's situation with Ovérie Venerable, Chu Nan often took Angela to do research on cultivation techniques.

Both he and Angelababy used Goddess's hymn cultivation technique to regenerate their bodies with the flesh rebirth cultivation technique. Angelababy's body has the current problem, and Chu Nan should obviously be the most Know and speak.

So he and Angelina discussed in detail the details of the two people's physical rebirth process, exchanged experiences, and planned to solve Angelica through data collection and calculation derivation in this area. Li's problem.

It's just that life force this thing is too mysterious. It's not the same thing as Inner Breath and space energy, something that Chu Nan can easily sense. The discussion between the two can be said to be very fruitful. The two people's understanding of the fusion of two cultivation arts has been raised to a new level, and the strength of the two has also been greatly improved, but it still doesn't help much in solving Angela's problems.

Chu Nan felt helpless about this situation.

It seems that the best way to solve this problem is to find a way to find a higher-order cultivation technique of Goddess's hymn cultivation technique, and change this problem from the cultivation technique itself.

It's just a matter of repulsing the Elewana Military Pact Alliance from the Sapphire Star Domain in the first place.

In other words, no matter from which point of view, the invasion of the Ellejuana Military Treaty Alliance must be dealt with first to solve the problem.

So Chu Nan can only devote more energy to cooperating with the research of the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum, and in this regard, the results obtained are much more obvious.

The first is the Transmission Gate. With the cooperation of Chu Nan, the Chamber of Commerce has even successfully established a space between the outer orbit of the Purple Cloud Star and the orbit of the outermost planet in the galaxy. Small Transmission Gate spanning 97 light-minute spatial distances.

Because of the short distance through space, the actual time to pass through this Transmission Gate is only seven seconds at the fastest.

With such an ultra-short transit time, it means that the federal forces on Ziyun Star can be deployed to the outer layer of the galaxy at any time, and successfully control the previous military treaty alliance forcibly opened in the outer layer of the galaxy. That stargate.

Because the opening of the stargate requires extremely harsh conditions, there are many times in a star system even only a nearby planet can open the stargate conditionally, and the currently known stargate opening point of the Ziyun galaxy is only These two places, so controlling these two places, means that the Earth Federation has successfully controlled all the routes that jumped into the Ziyun Galaxy from the outside world, so that it can carry out a more rigorous defense of the Ziyun Galaxy and effectively prevent the military The treaty alliance once again broke through the defense line as easily as before, and invaded.

Although this Transmission Gate is not big, it can barely allow a large battleship to pass, but because of the extremely short transit time, a large number of battleships can be dispatched to pass through in a very short time.

The most important thing is that the successful creation and stability of this Transmission Gate means that the Transmission Gate technology jointly researched by Chu Nan and the Chamber of Commerce of Norantham has finally achieved decisive results.

As long as this achievement continues to be carried forward, and a super-large Transmission Gate that can span galaxies, tens or even hundreds or even thousands of light-years is finally created, this technology will hopefully replace the star gate and become the Milky Way. A new generation of space traffic standards.

Because of the successful creation of this Transmission Gate, not only the research members of the Chamber of Commerce headed by Chu Nan and Rogar were cheering excitedly, but also the Chamber of Commerce I am also excited about this. For this reason, I highly appreciate and reward Chu Nan who has played a great role in the research. Then, at the request of Chu Nan, he provided a larger amount of resources to the Earth Federation, especially the Ziyun Galaxy. assistance.

Under the joint efforts of the Earth Federation and the Chamber of Commerce, the Purple Cloud Galaxy has even been built into a fully armed frontline bunker.

Although the Ellejuana military treaty alliance still launched several attacks after that retreat, it was easily resisted by the coalition forces on both sides.

After paying a heavy price, especially after the battleship was severely damaged, the Alley Warner Military Treaty Alliance finally gave up the offensive against the Ziyun Galaxy temporarily and began to concentrate more troops on the Orion Rotation. Other countries outside the arm are under attack.

For a while, the Earth Federation in the center ushered in a rare period of peace.

Taking advantage of this time, Chu Nan not only cooperated with Ai Erwei in the research of Venerable and Ai Erwei, but also cooperated with Nogentum Chamber of Commerce to continue the transmission gate and target The research of the battleship Energy Shield, constantly grasping every little bit of time to improve the strength of oneself and Ziyun Star, the effect is remarkable.

Only outside the Earth Federation, the overall situation on the outer side of Orion's spiral arm inevitably deteriorated a little bit.

Under the strong offensive of the Ellehuana Military Treaty Alliance, many small countries on the outside of the spiral arm have almost no resistance because they do not have the strong support from the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum like the Earth Federation. There are more and more occupied countries, and almost every day there will be a small country that Chu Nan has heard of or has not heard of the name to announce their surrender.

At the same time, the civil strife in the Declan Empire also intensified. The new emperors supported by the nobles fought fiercely with the imperial government army represented by the newly enthroned Laikas Your Majesty, and the war spread throughout Declan. More than half of Empire's sectors span tens of thousands of light-years.

In this case, of course, the Declan Empire cannot be expected to have the energy to free up its hands to deal with the invasion of the Orion Arms by the Elevana Military Treaty Alliance, which will also make the Elevana Military Treaty Alliance's invasion change. More and more violent, more and more reckless.

As the situation worsened, Chu Nan suddenly welcomed a group of guests.

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