The other end of the Transmission Gate happens to be connected to the sixth planet of the star system where Dong Fang and the others were attacked.

After the battleship No. 7 carrying Dong Fang and the others was sent by Chu Nan through the Transmission Gate, it meant that the rescue operation of Perfection was successful, Chu Nan's goal this time was achieved, but this That doesn't mean the whole thing is over.

Prior to this, the Chamber of Commerce, despite being vigilant and taking precautions against the invasion of the Orion Arm by the Elewana Military Treaty Alliance, at most only secretly gave the Orion Arm Some support in the countries outside the upper spiral arm, near the sapphire Star Domain.

Although in fact the sub-fleet of the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum has even directly exchanged fire with the military treaty alliance of Elewana, both sides have not completely cast aside all considerations for face on the surface , Nouentum Chamber of Commerce officials have always only expressed their high attention to the events on the Orion spiral arm, posing a posture that they do not intend to directly intervene.

However, after this incident, Chamber of Commerce directly issued an official announcement, saying that Chamber of Commerce had already signed a cooperation and mutual assistance agreement with Serres Security, and now Elle Warner The military treaty alliance actually attacked Serres Security Company, so because of the agreement signed by both parties, Nogentum Chamber of Commerce is obliged to protect the safety and interests of Serres Security Company, so it decided to formally submit a military treaty to Elewana The alliance issued a warning that it would not allow the Elewana Military Treaty Alliance to make any more threats to harm the Serres Security Company, and demanded that the Elevana Military Treaty Alliance compensate the Serres Security Company for its losses.

"The contract is my body, the credit is my life", no one expressed any doubts about the decision of the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum, but all Everyone knows that this statement from the Chamber of Commerce of Norantham has also made the situation on Orion's spiral arm even worse.

When the Declan Empire was in deep civil strife and had no time to take care of itself, the Two Great Influences of the galaxy, the Ellehuana Military Treaty Alliance and the Chamber of Commerce, were in the Orion Arm, the Declan Empire. There was a fierce competition in the back garden.

However, compared to the Erejuana Military Treaty Alliance, the Nogentum Chamber of Commerce has an Innate disadvantage, that is, it is far more difficult for them to enter the outer side of the Orion Arm than the Erejuana Military Pact Alliance. much more.

Different from the Perseus arm, which has a cross-arm stargate that can directly connect to the outer side of the Orion arm, I want to go from the Sagittarius arm controlled by the Chamber of Commerce to Orion. The outer side of the spiral arm, but only through the galactic center to enter the Orion spiral arm, and then to the outer side.

Take the example of arriving at the Earth Federation from the galaxy where the Chamber of Commerce headquarters is located in Norantham. This journey spans a distance of more than 70,000 light-years. Even if the journey does not stop at all, choose The most direct path also takes nearly two Earth months to arrive.

even more how this can't bypass the territory of the Declan Empire anyway, if it is in a stable state in the Declan Empire, that's all, now the Declan Empire is in civil strife, the sector that passes through the territory of the Declan Empire is bound to take precautions More accidents, the trip will of course be much slower.

Therefore, no matter how much the Chamber of Commerce warns and protests against the Erejuana Military Treaty Alliance, and supports the Seres Security Company and the Earth Federation behind it, it is difficult to give more actual support.

What's more, the Elewana Military Treaty Alliance has not been idle in the Silver Center. At the same time as they invaded the outer side of the Orion spiral arm, they deployed a large fleet to the depths of the Silver Center and attacked the Nogentum Chamber. of Commerce's control sector remains a constant threat.

In order to guard against them, it is naturally impossible that the Norantham Chamber of Commerce will put a lot of power so far outside Orion's spiral arm.

As if to counter the warnings given by the Chamber of Commerce in Nogentum, just five days after the statement from the Chamber of Commerce in Nogentum, the Ellewarna Military Treaty Alliance dispatched a large fleet from the Sapphire Star. Domain attacked outward, and the fleet was also mixed with a large number of Star Level Martial Artists. It took less than one Earth month to fully occupy the ancient enemy of the Earth Federation - the Kingdom of Xili, forcing the Kingdom of Xili. The king signed the formal surrender agreement.

This surrender agreement not only brought the Kingdom of Keshili fully under the control of the Erewana Military Treaty Alliance, but also brought the Earth Federation bordering the Kingdom of Keheli into the Erewana Military Treaty. under the direct threat of the Alliance.

And less than a week after the signing of the surrender agreement, the Alley Warna Military Treaty Alliance finally launched an attack on the Earth Federation.

In just three days, the frontier galaxy of the Earth Federation closest to the Kingdom of Keshili was declared to have fallen, and the 13th Fleet of the Federation Army stationed there was wiped out.

Then the Erehuana Military Treaty Alliance continued to advance to the Earth Federation, and thirteen days later, it launched an attack on the other border galaxy of the Federation, the Ziyun Galaxy, which is also close to the Keshili Kingdom sector.

Here, however, they encountered fierce resistance.

"Boom boom boom—"

The huge rumbling sound of the battleship explosion exploded in a circle of extremely obvious energy shock ripples in space, and passed into the atmosphere of the Ziyun star below. In the middle, the entire atmosphere was shaken violently, and the clouds in the air were shaken to the point of friction, and it immediately seemed like a burst of thunder sounded out of thin air.

Chu Nan gently took a deep breath, opened his eyes and looked up, smiled at Chu Zhongping and Yu Fang who were all concerned, and then uncle Mu Luo on the other side. With a look, sound transmission passed.

"If there is an accident later, try to take my parents out."

Mu Luo uncle nods to Chu Nan, expressing his understanding.

Get a response, Chu Nan thoughts move, disappear directly, next moment, he has appeared in the vast universe above Ziyun star.

At this time in the starry sky, there are three fleets engaged in fierce battles, one of which is of course the invasion fleet of the Elewana Military Treaty Alliance, and the other two are the Federation stationed in the Ziyun galaxy. The 17th Fleet, the 19th Fleet, and the Guard Fleet of the Nogentum Chamber of Commerce Earth Federation branch who arrived in advance for reinforcements.

At this time, the three parties were fighting fiercely. Particle beams and various physical antimatter artillery swayed and shuttled in space, setting off the starry sky outside the Ziyun star to be extraordinarily gorgeous, but also extraordinarily dangerous.

The battle has been going on for six full days, and the pressure on the EFF and the Nogentum Chamber of Commerce Guard Fleet has grown due to the ever-increasing force of the Erejuana Military Treaty Alliance, and now The situation is already a bit reluctant. If it weren't for the enormous pressure of Chu Nan and the two Star Level Martial Artists from the Federation who came to reinforce, especially Chu Nan's harassment of the enemy fleet almost non-stop, I am afraid that it would not be able to support it long ago.

Of course, harassment alone can't solve the fundamental problem. Chu Nan is only one person after all. To really repel the enemy, he needs additional battle strength support.

Chu Nan glanced at the grotesquely shaped battleships of the Erejuana Military Treaty Alliance in the distance, the body moved, had come to one of the battleships, patted it with a palm, and hit the Energy Shield outside the battleship .

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