Half an hour later, Chu Nan flew out of the Deidara Temple in disappointment, flew directly out of the atmosphere of the Fadila planet, and disappeared into the starry sky.

Did not get the answers he was looking for from Pope Fakkolge.

Although by virtue of his strength, Pope Fakarge gave him enough respect, but about the whereabouts of Saudo and the others, and the whereabouts of the three enterprise-class battleships, he most wanted to know , Pope Fakkolg failed to give a clear answer.

Pope Fakkolge just told Chu Nan that Saudo and the other prisoners of the Chamber of Commerce who were captured at the time were all taken with the three enterprise-class battleships two years ago. Transfer away, the exact destination is unknown.

From the beginning to the end, the Deidara Sect just cooperated with the request of the digital "Heavenly God", and there was not much action, and no more information was told.

With regard to the question raised by Chu Nan, Pope Fakarge bluntly stated that he was equally helpless.

The other party sent more than ten Star Level Martial Artists in one breath, but there is only one Star Level Martial Artist, Pope Faqalgar, on the entire Fadila planet, and he has no ability to confront at all. In the face of such a powerful power gap, he had no choice but to cooperate with the other party's requirements.

Although Chu Nan slandered in the heart Pope Fakarge's unexpected timidity, he had to rationally admit that there was nothing wrong with his actions.

Faced with the powerful forces from the Ellewarna Military Treaty Alliance, a trifling Fadilla planet and the Deidara cult are of course incapable of confrontation, just as the Ellehuana Military Treaty Alliance is now ravaging the entire Sapphire Star Domain, the people on the Fadilla planet still can only watch the fleets of the Erehuana Military Treaty Alliance and the Nogentum Chamber of Commerce battle over their heads, but can't do anything.

However, Pope Fakarge provided Chu Nan with some useful information.

First of all, it's about Saudo and the others.

Although Pope Fakarge didn't know where Saudo and the others were taken, but through the movements of the dozen or so "Heavenly God" and the conversations with those people It can be deduced that the other party should have brought the people from Saudo and the three enterprise-class battleships back to the Perseus spiral arm.

As for where it was brought to the Perseus spiral arm, and what to do when it was brought back, Pope Fakarge was unclear.

The second is about the current situation within the Sapphire Star Domain.

Although the fleet of the Erehuana Military Treaty Alliance has basically controlled the entire Sapphire Star Domain, the situation in the Sapphire Star Domain is already chaotic, and the Erehuana Military Treaty Alliance does not have the ability to control this area for the time being. All the planets in the Star Domain, the control power is basically concentrated on a few of them, and most of the power is distributed in the starry sky.

For example, the fleet of the Elewana Military Treaty Alliance that fought with the Nogentum Chamber of Commerce fleet before is actually a patrol they arranged in the nearby Sector, not directly stationed in Fadilla on planet.

This information is very important, it means that the Erehuana Military Treaty Alliance does not have enough control over the Sapphire Star Domain, which means that there are many loopholes that can be exploited, which is very conducive to countering them.

The last message is very important to Chu Nan personally.

Ottopher Venerable and Greiler Venerable are still alive!

Originally Chu Nan didn't think about this issue, but Pope Faqolge's inadvertent words reminded Chu Nan.

When describing the situation in those years, Pope Fakarge mentioned with a little doubt, saying that two of the "Heavenly God" seemed to have been severely injured, and even the fleshy body was obviously damaged, It is precisely because of this unexpected situation that those people left Fadila planet earlier than expected.

Through questioning, Chu Nan confirmed that they were Ottopher Venerable and Greiler Venerable from the description of the faces of the two "Heavenly God" by Pope Fakkolge.

The news surprised Chu Nan.

He thought that the space energy inside the "detonated" Transmission Gate was enough to kill the two of them and perish with them, but didn't expect him to underestimate the survivability of Star Level Martial Artist. Under such astonishing circumstances at the time, it still gave them the possibility to escape.

However, from the description of Pope Fakaerge, we can know that Ottofo Venerable and Greiler Venerable were seriously injured, and I am afraid that even if they go back to receive the best treatment to improve their fleshy body, they will not be able to. A full recovery of strength is unlikely.

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow for these two Star Level Martial Artists, and it can be regarded as a good breath of sigh of relief for Chu Nan.

And after hearing the news, Chu Nan was disappointed at first, but then happy again.

These two people are not dead, which means that he will have the possibility to seek revenge on them with his own hands in the future.

Compared to "detonating" the inner space of the Transmission Gate to perish together, it is undoubtedly more enjoyable to kill them yourself.

This news is Chu Nan's biggest gain from Pope Fakarge, so although he was disappointed that he could not get any specific information, this time he was not only able to fight with Pope Fakarge well. After getting one, it can be regarded as a few useful pieces of information, which is barely acceptable.

After flying out of the atmosphere, Chu Nan went straight to the location of the Transmission Gate, opened the Transmission Gate effortless, and entered the familiar inner space of the Transmission Gate.

While flying, Chu Nan felt the difference between this space and the ordinary different space.

Different from the endless, violent and disorderly space energy that can only be felt in the different space, the space energy that can be sensed in the Transmission Gate is extremely stable, and you can't feel any violent and unstable state at all. This also allows even the ordinary person to pass through this space, which is why the Transmission Gate who in the endless abyss can pass.

Chu Nan didn't pay much attention to these differences when he passed the Transmission Gate in the different space before, but later, after researching the Transmission Gate in collaboration with Declan Empire and the Chamber of Commerce, he was very interested in this issue. A little more in-depth understanding.

In the past two years, he has rebuilt the energy structure in his body through multiple physical rebirths and combined the deep structure of the domain power with the energy structure of Transmission Gate. , and now when passing through the Transmission Gate, the understanding of the surrounding space is naturally more profound.

The sensor pops up. After scanning the inner space of the Transmission Gate, you can easily detect that in the inner space of the Transmission Gate, all the space energy is constructed with a deeper energy structure. This space Although the space energy inside is more concentrated and highly condensed than the other space, but because of this structure, it will appear extremely stable and not strongly aggressive.

There is no doubt that such a space is much easier and more efficient to pass through than a different space, and it is no wonder that Chamber of Commerce has invested in this research project. Such a huge amount of human and material resources.

But unfortunately, the special energy structure in this space is very close to the unique domain power of Star Level Martial Artist, while Nogentum Chamber of Commerce has a very weak foundation in martial skill, even if they are highly paid More than two dozen Star Level Martial Artists were employed, but it was difficult to be decisive for the research.

Compared with them, Declan Empire undoubtedly has a strong advantage in martial skills, but Declan Empire is not enthusiastic about technological development, nor is it enthusiastic about Transmission Gate research, so there will be no Too much progress.

If it wasn't for the appearance of Chu Nan, which combines the dual characteristics of martial skill and technology, and coincidentally probed into the special energy space inside the Transmission Gate and obtained key data, their research on the Transmission Gate would still be inconclusive. What obvious development will be achieved.

And that's why Elcatel said to Chu Nan many times "I hope Chu Nan will soon break through Star Level Martial Artist", it is clear that the Chamber of Commerce of Norantham has long been aware of the internal transmission gate. The connection between space and the power of the field of Star Level Martial Artist hopes to bring a decisive breakthrough after Chu Nan breakthrough.

And now, Chu Nan has really broken through.

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