In the sky, the two fleets are spread out, and the various battleships of densely packed are distributed in a wide battlefield with a length of more than 40,000 kilometers. There are countless particle beams mixed with anti-matter missiles and other weapons. There are countless bright or dark lights swaying in the void, and occasionally there will be huge fires generated by the explosion of the battleship, as if another star has lit up over the planet Fadilla.

Chu Nan quietly penetrates the atmosphere and flies to the periphery of the battlefield.

He did not rush to join the battlefield immediately, but observed for a while.

Which battleships belong to the Ellewarna Military Treaty Alliance and which battleships belong to the Norantham Chamber of Commerce, this is actually a very easy question to distinguish.

Although the cosmic battleships among the various countries in the Milky Way have some differences due to their respective technological levels, the cosmic battleship styles of the Three Great Influences have more obvious differences.

The battleship of the Chamber of Commerce of Norantum will be more interesting in appearance and full of technology, while the cosmic battleship of Declan Empire will mostly adhere to the consistent style of the Declan Empire Imperial Family. Black, heavy, just outsiders give people a great oppression.

The Battleship style of this Two Great Influences is so obvious it's almost instantly recognizable.

The cosmic battleship of the Erejuana Military Treaty Alliance is slightly different. Because of the different organizational forms, the cosmic battleships of the Erejuana Military Pact Alliance have different styles, but they will be different due to the needs of the alliance. Adding a unified style to the battleship shape and some supporting facilities, this chaotic but forcibly unified style is easy to recognize, and it is also unique in the galaxy. Chu Nan will naturally not admit it wrong.

After distinguishing which forces the battleships in front of them belong to, Chu Nan calculated in his mind again, the body flashed, and he had already flown to a battleship with the obvious Elle Warner military treaty alliance style. Beside, punched out.


One after another densely packed milk-white light emerged from Chu Nan’s fist, instantly wrapping the entire battleship, covering the outside of this huge battleship. The Energy Shield instantly fades away like the sun is melting snow.

next moment, Chu Nan has already punched the body of that battleship again.

The super battleship with a length of more than ten kilometers made a huge roar. The huge sound wave accompanied by the space spewing out of the battleship not only sent the sound wave far away, but also the huge energy poured out in the starry sky. There was a clear and violent vibration ripple.

A top battleship in terms of the Elewana military treaty alliance was destroyed like this.

The situation on the battlefield was chaotic. From time to time, the shield of the battleship collapsed and was directly exploded by the attack. For a while, no one noticed the special feature of this battleship being destroyed, but after a few minutes, After Chu Nan destroyed three battleships in succession, both sides finally realized something was wrong.

The battleship of the Elle Warna military treaty alliance began to respond to the appearance of Chu Nan, but faced with Chu Nan, whose flight speed in the positive space universe alone has exceeded one tenth of the speed of sub-light For example, the ordinary battleship attack is impossible to lock his position, even more how now he doesn't even need to perform Space Jump through different space, just need to turn his mind, he can open the Transmission Gate and jump more quickly and easily. A wide range of spaces.

Compared to his fast and incomparably flexible way of moving, the cosmic battleship is too cumbersome.

It didn't take long for Chu Nan to destroy five more cosmic battleships of the Erejuana Military Treaty Alliance, and the situation on the battlefield obviously changed.

Before Chu Nan appeared, although the Battleship of Nogentum had stronger firepower and stronger shields, the number of them was too small, and they were at a clear disadvantage in the battlefield situation. As soon as Chu Nan appeared, he not only had the opportunity to approach ten battleships of the Erejuana Military Treaty Alliance, but more importantly, it attracted a lot of attention from the fleets of the Erehuana Military Treaty Alliance. of Commerce fleet pressure is greatly reduced.

After the two battleships were destroyed by Chu Nan, three silhouettes flew out of the Allied fleet in the military treaty of El Rejuana, each flashing with different colors of light and quickly approaching Chu Nan.

"Huh, Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist?" Chu Nan glanced at it and shook the head disdainfully.

With his current strength, he really doesn't look down on ordinary Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist.

He didn't wait for the three Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artists to approach, and flew over by himself.

Even with his strength before he failed to break through, he wouldn't take the trifling three ordinary Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist seriously. Now that he has achieved a major breakthrough and his strength has increased greatly, how could these three be possible? What a threat to him.

After easily eliminating the three Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artists, Chu Nan took advantage of the situation and blasted the nearest battleship, and the situation on the battlefield immediately began to show the most obvious change.

Always prevailing, almost completely overrunning the Nogentum Chamber of Commerce fleet, the Ellejuana Military Treaty Alliance fleet began to retreat.

They withdrew quickly, and Chu Nan didn't bother to chase.

After all, no matter how strong he is alone, it is difficult to kill all battleships with strength of oneself, not to mention he has more important things to do.

The fleets of the Chamber of Commerce in Norantham also did not seem to have expected the situation to change so quickly, and were not much prepared for the retreat of the Allied fleets of the Military Treaty of Ellehuan, also because of their own losses. It was equally severe, so there was no deep pursuit.

apart from this, and another very important reason is that Chu Nan stayed.

After driving off the fleets of the Ellewarna Military Treaty Alliance, Chu Nan flew straight to an enterprise-class battleship in the Chamber of Commerce fleet at Norantham.

There is only such an enterprise-class battleship in this fleet, which is very conspicuous in the fleet. In the battle just now, with its super firepower, the Noyantum Chamber of Commerce fleet was able to keep reluctantly. support it.

Chu Nan was sent three enterprise-class battleships by the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum, and is familiar with this kind of battleship, will know when you see it that this enterprise-class battleship should be the entire fleet flagship.

Sure enough, after Chu Nan flew over, neither the enterprise-class battleship nor the other Nogentum Chamber of Commerce battleship made any attack action, and when Chu Nan flew to the enterprise-class battleship When facing the battleship, a hatch was automatically opened on the side of the battleship, allowing Chu Nan to fly in.

Chu Nan just landed inside the enterprise-class battleship, and before he had time to look around, a group of people hurried over from the front corner.

Chu Nan glanced over, glanced in front of the group of people, and then very naturally landed on a person walking in the front center to the right, immediately widened his eyes, and his heart was full of incredulity. .

Is there such a coincidence?

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