Greller Venerable and Ottopher Venerable were surprised at the same time.

This kid actually has the ability to fight back!

But next moment, they were relieved at the same time.

Although the light from this kid's fingertips is strong, the energy fluctuations contained in it are not strong, which is enough to prove that he is an arrow at the end of its flight. The full strength attack of the beginner Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist is not up to the level, so how can it be a threat to the two Star Level Martial Artists.

However, the two still felt that the energy fluctuations in Chu Nan's fingertips seemed to be a little different. Because of this strangeness, Greiler Venerable hesitated for a while, and then started a little slower, while Ottopher Venerable hesitated. I hated Chu Nan so deeply in my heart that it was impossible to stop, and I dropped a palm and shot Chu Nan unceremoniously.

The absolute freezing cultivation technique was fully activated, and the powerful spatial energy waves poured into Chu Nan's body like a tidal wave, completely freezing his whole body in an instant, and then the Inner Breath surging in the palm of Ottofo's Venerable palm surged and exploded. , In less than a tenth of a second, Chu Nan's entire body has been shattered into countless pieces, and the next moment was completely destroyed by the more violent Inner Breath and energy fluctuations, turning it into powder.

Otopher Venerable was stunned for two seconds.

This this dead?

Perhaps it was because Chu Nan left him with a deep impression of being difficult to deal with, which made Ottofo Venerable always feel that this kid had the possibility to fight back. Now Chu Nan was slapped to death by him. It made him a little surprised, and even a little unbelievable.

Is it so easy to shoot to death?

After another second of sluggishness, Ottopher Venerable secretly put out a breath in his heart.

Yes, the kid is obviously dead.

No matter how unexpectedly strong and difficult he is, he is still a Heavenly Reign Grade guy, so what room does he have to resist in front of his Star Level Martial Artist?

What's more, his entire fleshy body has been completely destroyed, and there is no possibility of him surviving. Obviously, he cannot die any longer.

"Mar, finally or for you to take revenge. It's just... you are also impossible to come back to life..." Zhang's already slightly blurred face, a sadness swept through his heart, followed by a daze.

"Hey, Ottopher, you just kill it, why did you give me this kid's body and completely destroy it? How did you let me take his body to collect the bounty?"

Gerner Venerable's complaining voice entered Ottopher Venerable's ears, and he glanced at Greerer Venerable, ignoring him.

Just as he was about to turn away from the Transmission Gate and return to the Perseus spiral arm, he suddenly noticed the same thing.

As soon as he turned his head, he found that Greiler Venerable also moved slightly and frowned.

"It seems...something's wrong."

Greler's Venerable tone barely fell, and the two suddenly noticed that one after another abnormal energy fluctuation was suddenly born, which was weak at first, In an instant, it has become extremely ferocious.

The two turned their heads in awe, and at the same time looked towards the space where Chu Nan was photographed into powder by Ottofo Venerable, and they saw a dark green light in a milk-white. It was extremely splendid, and strips of extremely bright and complex rays of light emerged from the rays of light. In the blink of an eye, they had stretched out infinitely in this space, that is, at the same instant, they were filled with everything that the two of them could see and perceive. Space.


As powerful Star Level Martial Artists, the two of course sensed something was wrong, but just as the two were about to leave, the countless rays of light suddenly disappeared. As if they had been charged, Qi Qi burst out with more bright radiance, and the entire space was flooded with light at once, leaving only a blank patch in front of the two of them.

Of course, the obstruction of sight is not a problem, but what really shocked the two of them was that they clearly perceived that all around all the spaces, accompanied by the bright light, suddenly produced more terrifying energy fluctuations.

The pattern formed by the light began to shrink little by little, and the two of them could only sense that it was more ferocious, even several times more ferocious than the violent space energy in the different space... No, dozens of times or even hundreds of times the terrifying space energy shrinks at the same time.

The two were horrified, and they mobilized Inner Breath to put an Energy Shield all over their bodies. While defending against the impact of these terrifying space energy, they flew towards the exit of the Transmission Gate at the other end.

However, the exit seems to be not far in perception, but no matter how they fly, they can't get any distance at all.

The pattern formed by the light continued to shrink, and the impact of the space energy on the two of them was even more terrifying, even with their Star Level Martial Artist's powerful ability, they could not resist.

If they were in a different space, the two of them could use their powerful abilities to force open the wall of space and return to the positive space universe to avoid the impact, but this is another space after the Transmission Gate was opened. , is another space that is completely different from the other space. Even if the two are powerful Star Level Martial Artists, they have found that there is no way to escape from this space for a while.

More ferocious spatial energy fluctuations swarmed, increasing at a faster, even almost exponential, speed.

As if in the blink of an eye, the terrifying impact of the energy of the surrounding space was far beyond the limit of what the two Star Level Martial Artists could bear.

Greler Venerable and Ottopher Venerable barely glanced at each other, knowing that there was no possibility of any reservation at this time, they extended the hand to each other at the same time, and at the same time condensed all the Inner Breath And the energy of their own space, and at the same time the mind rotates, urging the final cultivation technique.

The powerful self-power led them to forcibly advance for a short period in this space that had become extremely violent and violent.

Although it was only a short paragraph, they finally managed to break through this space.

The two of them only felt the pressure on their bodies loosened, but they finally managed to get out of that terrifying space.

Looking back, in the endless Universe Starry Sky, the darkness that seemed to swallow everything shrank sharply, and disappeared completely after a while. The entire starry sky remained the same, as if nothing had happened.

However, both Greiler Venerable and Ottopher Venerable knew very well that in the space just now, how terrifying the space energy was condensed, even beyond the imagination of the two Star Level Martial Artists. break out.

Even now, they can still clearly feel the obvious remnants of spatial energy fluctuations in that space.

The two felt that they had avoided a catastrophe at the same time. They looked at each other and laughed bitterly at the same time.

The current Greiler Venerable's left arm has completely disappeared, his right leg has also been cut off, and a large piece of chest has been ripped open. His ribs are clearly visible, but he has suffered extremely terrifying injuries.

Ottopher Venerable is even worse. His arms and one right leg are completely missing, and a large piece is missing from his waist and abdomen. The whole person looks tattered and miserable.

If it wasn't for the strong fleshy body of Star Level Martial Artist, the two of them would never have survived with their current injuries.

Thinking of the thrill just now, Greiler Venerable couldn't help but shove the head and let out a long sigh.

"I didn't expect, just a kid in a trifling Heavenly Reign Grade, can make us both so miserable. Fortunately, he died, if not, how terrifying in the future. ."

Ottopher Venerable was silent.

Yeah, fortunately Chu Nan is dead.

Otherwise let this terrifying kid live, and I am afraid it will be him who will die in the future.

Ottofo Venerable looked deeply, the dark starry sky that disappeared completely and looked extremely calm, looked the head, body moved, disappeared.

Greler Venerable also glanced at that place, and the same figure flashed, and together with Ottofo Venerable, disappeared into the depths of the vast Universe Starry Sky through the different space.

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