Just because the fight did not last more than ten seconds, Chu Nan can already conclude that the Ottofo Venerable, who has had a brief encounter before, but did not actually fight in a real sense, is absolutely strong. More than simply surpassing Marr Venerable, judging from the ability he has shown now, I am afraid that it is no worse than Ovelli Venerable.

But he didn't plan to retire.

Not because I can't, but because I don't want to.

Since the fight with Quinn, he has gained a deeper understanding of the field, coupled with more than a year of cultivation, Chu Nan now has a strong ability to face the powerful Star Level Martial Artist. The power of battle, so he wanted to try.

Every time he fights with Star Level Martial Artist, he will gain more insights, improve his strength, and his understanding of the field will be greatly improved, so he does not want to miss any chance opportunity to take advantage.

This is not only because he has the confidence to fight against one another, but also because he has the last trump card, that is, when he can't beat it, he can directly teleport away by means of the inherent Transmission Gate. , even if the opponent is a Star Level Martial Artist, it may not be able to really catch up with him.

It is with such a life-saving method that Chu Nan dares to continue the fight against Ottofo Venerable.

Of course, this battle is very difficult.

The strength of Ottofo Venerable is not to say much stronger than Quinn, a just entered Star Level Martial Artist, but also stronger than Marr Venerable at the peak period, when facing him The pressure goes well beyond facing both Quinn and Marr Venerable.

Under the launch of the quicksand cultivation technique, the powerful attack with no difficulty brought by the field is equivalent to penetrating Chu Nan's Energy Shield, making him instantly understand that relying on the Energy Shield as a defense is simply unrealistic Things, because of the consumption he can't support at all.

If he follows this battle method, he will run out of Inner Breath within a few minutes, and he will lose without support.

So he simply ignored the "gravel" attack, and didn't even bother to open the Energy Shield, allowing the grit to directly attack the fleshy body.

Of course, although his fleshy body strength is already extremely amazing, not inferior to the general Star Level Martial Artist, but under such a terrifying cultivation technique attack, it is still impossible, and the fleshy body alone can hold it, so His fleshy body was quickly bruised by the "grit", and bone was almost visible in some places.

But at the same time, Chu Nan has a strong milky white radiance and a strong green scent, but it is the flame of life cultivation technique used together with Goddess's hymn cultivation technique, which quickly makes him feel better.

The damaged fleshy body is restored.

Although this will consume the Inner Breath, it is not a passive defense. It is also equivalent to Chu Nan mobilizing the Inner Breath and running the cultivation technique simultaneously. Only the life force brought by the cultivation technique in Goddess's hymn supplements the needs. Consumes part of the inherent space energy, but the consumption is much smaller than the consumption of supporting the Energy Shield to resist attacks.

even more how, so that you can fight back.

After quickly determining a balance threshold for maintaining the damage and recovery of the fleshy body through calculation, Chu Nan quickly adjusted the supply and distribution of Inner Breath to maintain the dynamic stability of the fleshy body, and then suddenly moved towards the void in front of him. Throw a punch.

The countless "gravel" condensed by the quicksand cultivation technique is still raging in the void in front of him, but after Chu Nan throws a punch, it suddenly generates a strip of milk-white lines, cutting the space into slices. Countless tiny squares, the "gravel" in each square instantly calmed down, and then quickly resolved due to the loss of external support, returning to the most original space energy.

Ottopher Venerable in the distance raised his eyelids and looked surprised.

He originally planned to use the quicksand cultivation technique to completely smooth out all of Chu Nan's resistance, consume the Inner Breath cleanly, peel off the fleshy body little by little, and torture him to death, thus dispelling the death of Marr Venerable. The strong hatred brought, but didn't expect Chu Nan just passively defended for a while at first, and now he can make such an effective response.

Ottofo Venerable has been famous for decades, and he has played against thousands of opponents, including Star Level powerhouses, but this is the first time I have seen someone respond to the attack of the quicksand cultivation technique like Chu Nan. .

"It seems that this kid is not bragging that he killed Marr himself."

As a Star Level Martial Artist, Ottopher Venerable can certainly sense Chu clearly. Nan's incomparably precise grasp of the space energy in the punch just now, more importantly, Chu Nan's punch actually involved a deeper domain power, throws a punch, making his domain lose to that piece of space in a short period of time In order to avoid direct interference, Chu Nan successfully disintegrated the quicksand cultivation technique.

"hmph, but do you think that there is a chance to escape?"

Ottopher Venerable coldly snorted, thoughts move, the field continued to strengthen, Chu Nan just constructed The successful small special space instantly collapsed under the strong pressure of the field, the "gravel" condensed again, and the madness raged.

Chu Nan didn't care about this, he didn't expect a punch to break through Ottopher's Venerable's domain like Quinn's domain, this fist was just an attempt.

After the special space created was disintegrated, Chu Nan quickly used his brain to perform more precise calculations, and then punched to the side.

This fist once again shook the realm, instantly disintegrating a larger area of the realm space, and disintegrating and assimilating all the "gravel" that was raging in it.

Ottopher Venerable couldn't help frowned.

Chu Nan's counterattack is obviously stronger than before. Could it be that this kid has made progress in such a short period of time?

If he didn't believe that Marr Venerable died at the hands of a trifling Heavenly Reign Grade like Chu Nan before, he now believes it more and more.

And his hatred for Chu Nan is getting stronger and stronger.

"Let's see how long you can jump."

Ottofo Venerable still continued to promote the quicksand cultivation technique, but it was a little heavier than before.

Chu Nan's pressure instantly exceeded the threshold he just calculated, and his fleshy body was instantly rubbed by the "gravel", causing his injuries to become even more terrifying. , extremely miserable.

However, Chu Nan adjusted very quickly, adjusted the calculation of the threshold in a very short time, and redistributed the distribution of Inner Breath.

But because he left more Inner Breath activating the flame of life cultivation technique and Goddess hymn cultivation technique to maintain the integrity of the fleshy body, the power he used to fight back naturally became much weaker. The shaking of Ottopher's Venerable field naturally becomes weaker.

Ottopher Venerable was still cold, and he made up his mind to torture Chu Nan and kill him, but Chu Nan could no longer bear such passive beatings, but he could not increase his confrontation. The situation of the domain experience, the mind changed, the Inner Breath surged again.

"Life burns, the second turn Inner Breath!"

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