With the experience of traveling back and forth once before, Chu Nan took less time to pass through the Transmission Gate this time. It only took 3 minutes to successfully pass through the Transmission Gate. Come again. To the dark Star Domain.

Of course, the hard part is what to do after that.

From the star map, this dark Star Domain is not particularly large. It is roughly represented as an ellipsoid on the star map, and the longest point is less than one hundred light-years. The difference between the zenith and the nadir is even There are only 30 light-years of trifling, and only 48 light-years across the widest range, which is almost negligible in the extremely vast Star Domain of the Milky Way.

But for personal power, this area is too huge. It is absolutely impossible for Chu Nan to search the entire area by himself.

So Chu Nan never moved a person to search all the Star Domains completely. He had a simpler way to deal with it, that is to follow the traces of the domain power left after the Transmission Gate.

Although the battle took place 13 Earth days ago, those enemies and the three enterprise-class battleships they captured should have been far away by this time, but for reasons that have not yet been fully explored , the battle between Star Level Martial Artist and enterprise-level battleship not only left a Transmission Gate with such a large scope in the void, but also left traces of special energy fluctuations that have not been completely dissipated so far. Follow these traces to follow. In the past, even if they couldn't directly find where they are now, at least they could point the way.

As soon as he jumped out of the Transmission Gate, Chu Nan immediately sensed the full opening, and at the same time turned on the special signal band generator he got from Elcatel, leaving signal landmarks along the way.

Those faint traces of energy fluctuations are really not too unexpected, extending all the way towards the nearest star.

Chu Nan really flew along the traces at super-high speed in the positive space universe at first, but later found that the speed was too slow, so he simply used a short-distance Space Jump to hurry.

After jumping more than a hundred times and traveling a distance of more than seven light-years, Chu Nan finally entered the gravitational circle of the star and successfully entered the star system.

Although the traces of energy fluctuations are already extremely weak, they can barely be sensed, but after entering the gravitational circle of stars, these traces of energy subside more rapidly, and even Chu Nan cannot accurately perceive them. The direction in which the trace extends.

However, Chu Nan was not disappointed, because he had basically achieved his goal. Judging from the current investigation, those enemies captured the three enterprise-class battleships, and then opened the Transmission Gate unintentionally. After being transferred to this dark Star Domain, it really did not venture to the more distant unknown Star Domain, but went directly to this star system.

As long as it is confined to this star system, it will be much easier.

Chu Nan left a miniature detection satellite on the outermost planetary orbit. In addition to providing coordinate information and signal guidance to those sent by Elcatel, you can also explore this satellite by the way. conditions on the planet.

He then continued to make rapid progress through Space Jump in the direction of the star.

With the computing power provided by a lightbrain-like brain and some miniature detection devices from Elcatel, he quickly figured out the general situation of the star system.

This is a star system that is smaller than the solar system. There are only four satellites in total, and none of the satellites is a habitable planet suitable for life. With any mining value, it is no wonder that it is classified as a dark Star Domain.

But it didn't take long for Chu Nan to get the news that cheered him up through the satellite scans he left behind.

The information fed back by the microsatellites shows that on the surface of the planet the second closest to the star, there are traces of a primordial environment that is significantly different from the planet's surface.

After receiving this news, Chu Nan immediately set off for the second planet.

Under the guidance of the micro-satellite, he did not have much effort to accurately find the area around the surface where those special traces were located.

The images sent back by the microsatellites are not clear enough, so I can't tell what the traces are, but Chu Nan now ran over to take a look and immediately found that these remained on the surface, causing the microsatellites The traces of the detection reaction are undoubtedly traces left by humans.

Chu Nan squatted down slowly, staring at a slightly blurred footprint on the deserted surface of the planet, feeling a little strange in his heart.

It seems that the enemy is not a fully deployed Star Level Martial Artist to attack, this footprint is obviously left by the ordinary person, from the depth of the footprints on the surface combined with the planet's surface gravity and other data. According to calculations, the weight of the human body pressed on the dust and dust on the ground at least exceeded 300 kilograms, which was by no means the weight of a normal human being.

But if you add the weight of an ordinary person to a space suit, that's pretty normal.

In addition to this one footprint, Chu Nan soon found more footprints not far away, showing that many people once landed on the surface of the planet.

And after searching, Chu Nan even found an alloy fragment with slightly weathered clothing.

Chu Nan picked it up and pinched it, confirming that the texture of this alloy fragment is very strong, which shows that the craftsmanship is extraordinary.

"Could it be that the three spaceships fell off?"

Chu Nan frowned and felt that this guess was a little unreliable.

Those three spaceships are the highest enterprise-class battleships, how could they just drop debris out?

After searching for a while, Chu Nan suddenly caught a faint energy fluctuation, and his spirit was lifted.

These energy fluctuations are the same as the energy traces left in the realm, which proves that a special battle may have occurred here.

Following the traces of energy fluctuations, it didn't take long to catch up to a very deep great valley on the planet's surface.

There is no light in the great valley, but Chu Nan can clearly feel the energy fluctuations from the Transmission Gate that he passed through before.

He hesitated a little, left a signal beacon outside the great valley, and jumped down.

The depths of the great valley are extremely open, but judging from Chu Nan's senses, the Transmission Gate is almost covered with the entire great valley. When he fell halfway, he sensed that his entire body was submerged. Transmission Gate, the surrounding space changed instantly, and it was obvious that it had entered the space inside Transmission Gate.

"These guys actually opened another Transmission Gate, but they don't know where it leads."

Chu Nan was puzzled, but he became even more careful and followed The traces of energy emanating from Transmission Gate have been touched all the way.

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