Teaching a Star Level Martial Artist is a very lighthearted, straightforward affair.

Chu Nan just repeated the process of teaching Angela, and Ovely Venerable mastered this cultivation technique very easily, and even used it very skillfully in a very short period of time. Chu Nan is much worse.

This made Chu Nan feel very at ease, but at the same time very puzzled.

Olivier Venerable had been in the Rands for so long and had a lot of opportunities to get in touch with Goddess's hymn cultivation technique, but why didn't she learn it, but now she has to let Chu Nan come teach her?

Overy Venerable's explanation left Chu Nan speechless.

"The classics about Goddess's hymn cultivation technique in the Rands are vaguely recorded, it looks very mysterious, but in fact nothing is clearly stated, and I don't have contact with them since I was a child. It is not unusual to learn this cultivation technique. But you, Chu Nan, I am very curious about how you learned this cultivation technique so easily.”

Hearing this explanation, Chu Nan immediately thought of it. Like when Hugh taught him the hymn of Goddess.

At that time, Xiu was also confused. Although she did master this cultivation technique, in fact she was only able to master this cultivation technique because she was the so-called "child chosen by Heavenly God", in other words. In other words, her innate talent is very suitable for cultivation this cultivation technique, so she can learn it, but in fact, her understanding of this cultivation technique is only superficial.

But after Hugh taught this cultivation technique to Chu Nan, Chu Nan analyzed all the details of this cultivation technique with his powerful brain, and completely mastered it with a method similar to science. This cultivation technique is very thorough in analysis.

After that, every time Chu Nan used this cultivation technique, he would add his own understanding, and because after being slapped into the star gate by Greg, he obtained a more important breakthrough at the critical moment, So the Goddess's hymn cultivation technique he uses now is actually much stronger and better understood than what Hugh used at the time.

And when he came to teach Overi Venerable this cultivation technique, he taught it more thoroughly, almost equivalent to completely dissecting the whole set of cultivation technique before Overi Venerable.

With Ovérie's Venerable Star Level Martial Artist level comprehension ability, if you can't learn it, it's too much to say.

"That...I'm here because of this." Chu Nan pointed to his troubles. "I think you should have heard Angelina say that my brain is a little different from an ordinary person because of accidents. For me now, all cultivation techniques can be analyzed at the most basic level, so you will find When I explain this cultivation technique to you, my understanding is different from that of ordinary Martial Artists."

"Well, if I have to say it, you are more like teaching a physics class, which sounds very fresh. "Overy Venerable said with a smile.

"So the process of learning this cultivation technique is the same. I just learned from Hugh what this cultivation technique is about, and then I have to analyze and understand it all by myself. I really want to speak of which, I I'm not sure if this cultivation technique I'm using now is the real Goddess' hymn cultivation technique." Chu Nan said.

"It doesn't matter, as long as it's easy to use." Overi Venerable pondered for a moment, motioned to Chu Nan to extend the hand, then reached out to hold Chu Nan's hand, and put a ray of milk white radiance into Chu Nan's body . "Before I asked Angelique to bring you the advanced application of the flame of life cultivation technique. I wonder how you have mastered it?"

"It's okay." Chu Nan Honestly you're welcome. "I've basically learned it, so it shouldn't be a problem."

"Well, now I'll teach you all the cultivation techniques of the flame of life, pay attention."

Chu Nan Heart startled, he wanted to pull his hand away, but was firmly squeezed by Ovérie Venerable.

"Venerable, how can this be possible! I'm not your discipline, your cultivation techniques I..."

"Shut up!" Overy Venerable scolded rudely Live Chu Nan, grab his hand for a more intense white radiance. "This is a gift for you to teach Angelica and me the hymn cultivation technique of Goddess, you can take it with confidence. In addition, I would also like to see if the two cultivation arts, the flame of life cultivation technique and Goddess hymn cultivation technique, can fully Combined, you can be regarded as an experiment I did."

"Is it?"

Chu Nan is a little skeptical, but Olivier Venerable has begun to explain the cultivation technique directly, but It was because he didn't have time to continue to refute at all, he could only lift his spirits and listen.

Prior to this, Chu Nan has actually mastered most of the cultivation technique of the Flame of Life through Angelique, and now Overy Venerable personally teaches him other parts of the cultivation technique, which is naturally familiar and understandable. very fast.

Without even using it for three days, Chu Nan has already mastered all the rest of the cultivation technique, except that he did not actively secluded cultivation and experience the ultimate form of this cultivation technique like Angelina did. ——Besides the rebirth of the flesh, he can be said to have completely mastered this cultivation technique.

As for the special reaction of the two cultivation arts that Ovérie Venerable said about the fusion of the flame of life and the hymn of Goddess, he hasn't discovered it yet, but he can't be in a hurry.

Because of the additional part of learning the cultivation technique of the flame of life, Chu Nan stayed here for three more days, and there was not much vacation time left.

Chu Nan chose to say goodbye when Overy Venerable said he had mastered the cultivation technique completely.

In the past ten days before and after, Angel Beili's situation has also changed significantly.

After Chu Nan taught Angela the cultivation technique of Goddess's hymn through a very special communication method, the degree of transparency of Angelbe's fleshy body was obviously accelerated, according to Overy Venerable's explanation , that is, the progress of her physical rebirth has been greatly accelerated.

Before Chu Nan left, Angelique's body was almost completely transparent, and no specific flesh could be seen. It was extremely close to the 1st Step of flesh rebirth -- fleshy body complete Form Transformation Realm.

Overy Venerable said that this step is the first difficulty in the rebirth of the flesh. Originally, Angelique had to prepare for a long time before it was possible to break through, but because she mastered Goddess's hymn cultivation technique, in this With the help of cultivation technique, Angelina's understanding of the rebirth of the flesh has also improved, and this difficulty is no longer a problem.

Judging from the current progress, she may complete the entire flesh rebirth much earlier than the estimated time.

This is an answer that makes Chu Nan very happy.

This time he returned to Dark Abyss to continue to help Declan Empire and Chamber of Commerce to complete the research on Transmission Gate. It is estimated that it will take about half a year. When he returns, Angel Belle may be just right After completing the physical rebirth, I woke up at just the right time.

However, when he said goodbye to Ovérie Venerable and was about to leave for Ziyunxing to accompany his parents for two days before heading to the endless abyss, an unexpected news came, disrupting his schedule.

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