Thirty minutes later, Chu Nan, led by Ovérie Venerable, met Angel in a small valley 3,600 kilometers away from the planet's surface space station Southwest. Belle.

"What's going on here?"

Although I had heard Overi Venerable mention Angela's current situation before coming here, but now I see it with my own eyes, It still makes Chu Nan feel a little weird.

Just in front of Chu Nan, Angelique was floating in the air naked, without any support.

She exudes a faint white radiance from head to toe all over her body, which envelopes her whole body in a huge white light group, and at the same time makes her whole body look extraordinarily open. It looks like it's transparent.

No, it's not looking, it's really transparent.

Chu Nan's line of sight penetrated the white radiance surrounding her body, and you can see Angelique's entire body in the light, as if you can see through it at a glance, not only can you see her easily The blood is still flowing slowly under the crystal clear skin, and some internal organs can be clearly seen squirming slightly along with the flow of blood.

On Angelique's chest, her heart was beating at a certain frequency as always, but the frequency was far lower than that of an ordinary person, and it would only beating after a while.

Angie Belle now doesn't look like a real human being.

"Overall, it's actually a good sign," explained Ovely Venerable with a smile. "The more transparent her flesh body is, it proves that she has a deeper understanding of the cultivation technique of flesh body rebirth. When her flesh body completely dissipates, fuses together with the surrounding energy space, and then can be reorganized and restored, it means that Now that she has mastered the cultivation technique of flesh and blood rebirth, she has completely broken through the cultivation technique of high-level flame of life."

"Really?" Chu Nan's eyes fell on An Qi in the light group again. There was still a hint of worry on Beili's face. "Then, do you think she can successfully break through?"

When Chu Nan stayed in the endless abyss to assist Declan Empire and Chamber of Commerce in completing the Transmission Gate research, he returned early. Angel Belle, who arrived in the Earth Federation, was not idle.

When she learned that Chu Nan was going to stay in the endless abyss for a very long time, suddenly one day, she told Chu Nan that she was going to start a retreat for the same length of time and would be in the endless abyss. The feeling of fighting side by side with Chu Nan is integrated into the cultivation technique, striving to obtain a key breakthrough in the cultivation technique of the flame of life, and laying the foundation for the future breakthrough of the Great Dao of Stars.

Chu Nan thought that Angelique was just like many Martial Artists. The so-called retreat is to focus on cultivation martial skills every day, but didn't expect her retreat to be completely different. dead end.

According to the explanation that Chu Nan got from Oveli Venerable later, Angelique wanted to fully comprehend the high level cultivation technique of the flame of life cultivation technique during this period, and completely master the flesh*weight. Because of this skill, her retreat process is equivalent to the process of recasting the fleshy body by herself without external interference.

This is completely different from Chu Nan helping Angelique in recasting the fleshy body. The whole process is just completed by Angelique herself on the basis of the flame of life cultivation technique.

If she can successfully succeed, it means that she thoroughly comprehended the true meaning of the cultivation technique of the flame of life. In the future, she can not only maintain a perfect state through the rebirth of flesh continuously like Overi Venerable, but also through every Rebirth of the flesh makes the cultivation technique a great advance.

On this basis, as long as her Inner Breath cultivation is strong enough to reach a certain realm, she will naturally break through the Great Dao of Stars and become a powerful Star Level Martial Artist.

But if it doesn't go well...

"Of course it will go well." Olivier Venerable nods, her face proud. "She's the recipe I'm looking for, how could she fail to break through. Boy, to be honest, if you didn't strengthen your brain because of that accident, your martial arts innate talent is actually much worse than Angelique. If Let you two people be cultivated under the same conditions, I can be sure that she is countless times stronger than you."

Chu Nan laughed and did not refute.

Because Overy Venerable is telling the truth, in terms of martial arts innate talent, Angelique is obviously much stronger than him.

The same Cultivation Technique, Angelababy comprehends much faster than him.

Chu Nan's only advantage is that he can use his lightbrain-like strong brain to complete countless repeated experiments in a short period of time, and then calculate the most suitable cultivation technique from it, so that he looks good His innate talent is just as strong.

"Well, I believe Angela will be able to do it." Chu Nanp nods

, and then asks Overie Venerable: "How long will she be in this state?

"I don't know." Olivier Venerable shrugged the head. "The rebirth of the flesh is a very long process. Based on her current progress, it can be estimated that it will take two years, and it may take three years or more if it is slow. Why, you can't wait?" Veri Venerable's eyes were full of playfulness, and Chu Nan's face flushed.

"What can't I wait for. It's just that Angelique has always been like this, Ovérie senior, will you always be here for her?"

"Of course, I'm not watching, are you coming?" asked Olivier Venerable.

"I'll come, I'll come..." Chu Nan almost blurted out a sentence, but he was discouraged when he thought that he had to go back to continue to assist Declan Empire and Nogentum Chamber of Commerce in the study of Transmission Gate. down.

In order to get rid of the threat posed by the Two Great Influences, now Chu Nan is of course as free as ever.

"Okay, the reason why Angelique chose at this time secluded cultivation is because you are not by her side. If she knew you were back, she would definitely not be so honest. speaking of which also I want to thank you. I thought that your presence would distract her, and her martial skill growth would be greatly affected in the future, but didn't expect her to be stimulated by being by your side and watching your soaring strength. She is more willing to devote more energy to cultivation martial skill than before. Before that, she would never choose secluded cultivation, and I would not agree with her doing it at this time." Oville Venerable patted Chu Nan comforted.

Chu Nan's mind suddenly flashed Elvie's face that was obviously much more mature than a year ago.

If it wasn't for him, Elvie, a young lady from Great Clans, wouldn't have put so much energy into cultivation martial skills, and she was even willing to endure the amazing pain to let Chu Nan help her finish the fleshy several times. Body recast, this can be considered a major change brought by the appearance of Chu Nan.

It's just that she is obviously inferior to Angelique in terms of innate talent, investment in cultivation martial skill, and foundation, and it may be difficult for her to catch up with Angelique in her future achievements.

"Elvie actually understands this herself, but she just doesn't want to admit it."

Chu Nan sighed in his heart, looking towards breast white radiance again, still closed. Angele, who had apparently lost all sense of the outside world with her eyes, thought for a while, and said to Ovieri Venerable: "Although I can't accompany her all the time, in the past few days before I left Earth Federation, Just let me stay with her."

"No problem." Ovieri Venerable smiled nodded. "If Angelique knew, she would be very happy. But remember, you can't disturb her, or it will affect her retreat, understand?"

"I understand."

"I understand."


Chu Nan nodded in agreement, glanced at Angelina again, and sat cross-legged next to Angelina.

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