Faced with the siege of Alahuk's Venerable's realm, Chu Nan's moves are simple.

He just punched seemingly very casually.

throws a punch, but Alahuq Venerable immediately feels something is wrong.

Chu Nan this fist did not cause too strong spatial energy fluctuations, but after throwing a punch, Alahuk Venerable immediately felt that a piece of his field became significantly weaker, and even It kind of made him feel out of his control.

Alahuk Venerable frowned and was puzzled, but as a veteran Star Level Martial Artist for many years, he made him react immediately, the Inner Breath flowed straight down, and the space energy surged past, continue Strengthened the control of that space.

Chu Nan hits another punch.

This throws a punch, the realm once again seems to be forcibly bitten off by something, which has little effect on the whole realm, but makes Chu Nan's influence by the realm even weaker.

After repeating this a few times, Alahuq's Venerable complexion sank, although still puzzled in his heart, is also very clear that he will not be able to easily take care of Chu Nan by relying on the field alone. When the field is fully open, attack Chu Nan directly.

But in the face of Alahuk's Venerable's attack, Chu Nan is still able to deal with it well. Although it often looks very thrilling, he can always knock it out every time, even if it is hit by accident. , and can always recover in a very short period of time, still maintaining the state of Perfection.

After fighting like this, Alahuq Venerable became impatient, thought move, decided not to keep his hand, raised hand, a pool of strong scarlet wafted from him, instantly soaking the whole body. The realm, covering the large space centered on him, the next moment has expanded to the entire oasis, dyeing the entire oasis completely scarlet.

Under the scarlet field full of strong stench, the original green trees in the oasis dried up in an instant, and even the lake water turned into a pool of blood, boiling frantically.

The naked men and women who were playing and having sex by the small lake before had already avoided far away when the two fought, but at this time, with the full power of Alahuk's Venerable cultivation technique, they could not avoid it. .

Seeing that hundreds of men and women were about to be swallowed by the blood cloud, a milky white radiance suddenly appeared and turned into a light shield, blocking them in front of them, just to resist the erosion of the blood cloud.

Alahuq Venerable froze for a moment, stopped the cultivation technique, and burst into laughter.

"Ha, boy, looking at your performance just now, you had hoped to have two moves with the old man, but you are still trying to save the lives of these guys under the old man, which is too arrogant. !"

As soon as the voice fell, Alahuq Venerable unceremoniously urged the cultivation technique with all his strength and continued to attack.

Under the milk-white light shield, Chu Nan's face flushed with flushes.

Just now he was able to rely on his perception of the realm for more than a year and his super-sensitive induction of space energy to deal with the attack, but now in order to protect these people, he is confronting Alahuk Venerable head-on. , his disadvantage in absolute strength was immediately apparent.

He glanced at the hundreds of men and women who were hugging and shiver coldly behind him, sighed in his heart, turned to Alahuq Venerable and said, "Venerable, how about we make another deal?"

"oh?" Alahuk Venerable slowed his attack, showing a hint of interest. "You have already handed over the S-Rank cultivation technique that you finally got, what can you do with me?"

"The S-Rank cultivation technique was discussed with Venerable before. Trading, of course, does not count, now Junior wants to do another business with you. Junior has also mastered another S-Rank cultivation technique here. If you are willing to let these people go, then Junior will also offer this cultivation technique. To you."

Alahuq Venerable sneered: "Exchange an S-Rank cultivation technique for the lives of these slaves? Is it that in your eyes, the S-Rank cultivation technique is so worthless? Is it?"

Chu Nan shook his head: "In Junior's eyes, they are all living people, but there is no distinction between high and low."

"hmph! As far as old man knows, A lot of people have died in the hands of you brat in the past few years, and now it's ridiculous to pretend to be a Holy Mother in front of an old man!"

"Junior won't kill unless necessary." Chu Nan loudly said. "Senior, you don't need to worry about whether Junior is Holy Mother or not, you just need to consider whether this transaction is willing to do it." .

"Alright, let's talk about it first, what kind of S-Rank cultivation technique are you going to hand in?"

Chu Nan put away the energy light that protected the hundreds of men and women. Shield, put out a breath, then hold your breath, Inner Breath circulates, a golden light pierces out, and the whole person suddenly becomes golden light and solemn appearance.

Alahuq Venerable looked at him at a glance, and even with the depth of his city, he couldn't help but move slightly, showing surprise on his face.

"It's actually the golden body of Arhat Tyrant Body! Boy, this is clearly the secret cultivation technique of Nebula Academy. You have already learned it, and you dare to trade it to an old man in private?"

Chu Nan grinned: "Since the senior can recognize this cultivation technique, it saves Junior from explaining it too much. That's right, what Junior wants to trade is this Arhat Tyrant Body cultivation technique, presumably senior should know. It is indeed an S-Rank cultivation technique."

Alahuq Venerable frowned slightly, seeming a little disbelieving.

“You really dare to trade this cultivation technique to me? Don’t you worry about the trouble of Nebula Academy finding you?”

Chu Nan laughed: “Junior even stealthily learns the Obliteration Core Technique It's all out, why don't you dare?"

Alahuq Venerable couldn't help but nod gracefully.

What happened in the Declan Empire by Chu Nan spread throughout the galaxy through the pan-galactic network, even Alahuq Venerable knew this very well, and of course knew that this kid in front of him was daring, even if it was a face. He dared to confront the most powerful Declan Imperial Family in the galaxy, and there was nothing he dared to do.

"Since you are willing to trade, let the old man see your sincerity first." Alahuq Venerable said again.

"It's easy to say."

Chu Nan flew straight to Alahuq Venerable, opened the personal terminal, and displayed a cultivation technique on the virtual screen, it was Arhat Tyrant Body Golden body cultivation technique First Layer.

Alahuk Venerable is a Star Level Martial Artist, and his understanding of martial skills is naturally far from that of ordinary Martial Artists. Just after reading it once, he already understands the point of this First Layer cultivation technique, in The heart calculated silently for a moment, and when the mind turned, the Inner Breath was activated, and a pale-gold light suddenly appeared in the body, but he had already mastered this First Layer Arhat Tyrant Body cultivation technique.

“Yes, this cultivation technique is worthy of the S-Rank cultivation technique, but the First Layer is so effective.” Alahuk Venerable expressed his appreciation.

"Then Venerable you mean..."

Alahuq Venerable waved his hand, reaching out and pointing at the hundreds of men and women who were still shiver coldly.

"Hand in the rest of the cultivation technique and these guys are yours."


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